Football Kung Fu Player

【264】Two More Teeth Lost

Zhou Yu also took a sip and thought it was strange, so she looked at Wang Xing, but seeing that he was drinking as if nothing had happened, she gritted her teeth and took a few more sips.

When everyone put down their cups, Wu Yu yelled loudly: "Serve!" Immediately, many people walked in from outside, wearing many bright and strange clothes, but they were very pleasing to the eye, and they all held a plate in their hands. Walking to the front and back of the table, he put down the plate, and then walked out the door, looking at the long line of waiters, Leng Xiaodao said: "My God, there are so many dishes, how can I finish them all?"

Wu Yu and Hu Luoluo laughed. He hurriedly replied: "It's okay, everyone just let go and eat.

So a few people started to eat, everyone was chatting and laughing, saying happy things, making fun of Wu Yu and Hu Luo's "673" from time to time, and then making fun of Wang Xing and Zhou Yu, Leng Xiaodao joked: "Looking at it this way, I'm the only single dog."

Wu Yu smiled and said, "Nurse Xiao Yuan is pretty good." Leng Xiaodao, who was drinking, almost choked.

A few people chatted and laughed, and the party soon ended. Hu Luoluo and Wu Yu sent the hot you back home one by one. I made a living in the small dormitory of the hospital.

The next morning, Wang Xing was the first to get up. He looked at the time and found that it was almost the same time as ijide's working hours, so he hurriedly got up, washed up, and ran downstairs to the hospital, passing by the entrance of the hospital. At that time, I happened to see Zhou Yu holding breakfast, and saw Wang Xing's anxious look, so he handed him a breakfast in his hand.

Wang Xing took it with a smile, said thank you, and then ran away. Zhou Yu looked at Wang Xing and smiled foolishly.

When the fortune came, Wang Xing realized that he came a bit early, because Su Qiuqiu and Xia Moli hadn't come yet. After thinking about it, Wang Xing went straight to the third floor. He expected that Manager Pang should have gotten up too, and came to Manager Pang At the door of the small dormitory, just about to open the door, I heard Manager Pang's voice from inside the door: "It's Wang Xing, it's really early enough."

Wang Xing wondered if it's possible that these guys didn't go to work until after working hours. After thinking for a while, he said, "No, I just came here."

Manager Pang was looking around inside, and he probably should be getting dressed. Wang Xing waited for a while before seeing Manager Pang's face. At this moment, he has two dark circles under his eyes, his hair is messy, and he doesn't look tidy at all. , Wang Xing couldn't help but secretly laugh.

Seeing Wang Xing's appearance, Manager Pang also showed a slightly tired smile, and then said to Wang Xing: "Go down and watch, the workers are coming one after another, if you need help, please help."

"Understood." Wang Xing, who received the task, nodded and agreed to go to another floor. As soon as the door opened, the workers came in, and then they went upstairs. No one asked Wang until the last worker came in. Xing helped, Wang Xing clapped his hands bored, sat on the chair at the front desk, and waited for the two young ladies to come.

At the same time, Wu Yu's opponent, Boss Zhou, is currently brewing a plan to deal with Wu Yu, and this morning, listen to those strong men who were beaten by Wang Xing talk about what happened that day.

"Why did you come to tell me so late? It's already the third day." Sitting on the leather sofa, Boss Zhou asked while drinking the breakfast his men had just bought, looking at Hu San who had just been beaten by his own men on the ground.

Hu San went to see a doctor the day before yesterday. Didn’t he just put those two teeth knocked out by Wang Xing into place? He hasn’t warmed them up yet. He was beaten up again by his boss this morning and knocked out his teeth again. Yes, moreover, he was punched in both eyes, and now he answered the boss's words seriously with two dark circles under his eyes.

"Yes, boss. On the third day, I went to fill my teeth yesterday because of the severe pain." Hu San said truthfully.

"Did I say that you have to report something in advance. You, you are breaking my rules." Boss Zhou swallowed a mouthful of porridge, and then grinned at Husan.

Seeing the ferocious look of the boss, Hu San immediately knelt down in fright, and hurriedly said: "Boss, I was wrong, give me a chance."

Boss Zhou threw a look at a person standing beside him, the person nodded, then walked up to Hu San, without saying a word, he punched Hu San in the mouth again... .....

Hu San was so painful that he only dared to cover his mouth and groan, but he didn't dare to do other actions, and soon the blood in his mouth was left from the cracks in his fingers.

"Oh, it's unlucky to see blood in the early morning, so be gentle with you." Boss Zhou rolled his eyes at the subordinate, but he could see that he didn't mean to blame him, and then said to Hu San: "Forget it this time." , You can’t make this kind of mistake again in the future, you know.” After speaking, he pointed to the door with his toe to signal for him to leave.

Hu Sanru was pardoned, nodded, covered his mouth, and walked outside. In the corridor, his brothers heard the sound of fighting in the room, so scared that they didn't even dare to breathe. When they saw their boss coming out, they wanted to ask What happened in his house, Hu San showed them his blood-stained mouth, all of them gasped, not knowing what to say. Hu San gestured to his brother to leave here quickly, and after a while, Boss Zhou saw them and beat them up again.

Just now, Boss Zhou has told Hu San about the new task and told him to keep watching Wu Yu and his friends, and report any news immediately. Hu San asked if there would be any news worth reporting. Boss Zhou explained, because You have already told the matter, then the Wu family will definitely be on guard. Therefore, we must be optimistic about who those boys will contact with, and also look at Boss Wu's movements.

It was only then that Hu San realized that the boy he threatened in 1.5 had a very strong background. Maybe it's as tough as your own boss. I actually accepted such an errand. If I don't do it well, my boss won't make me feel better. If I do it well, maybe the people in the Wu family will resent me. I don't like both sides, but they are very powerful. Big, how can this be good.

"Boss, what should we do?" one of Hu San's younger brothers asked him.

Hu San was very anxious, when he heard the younger brother's question, he kicked him angrily, and said: "Where are you going, of course you should see a doctor first, I lost two teeth again, and eating is now a problem.

The kicked person rubbed the kicked part, and said to the others with a smile on his face: "Got it, got it, brothers, drive to the hospital and see the boss."

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