Football Kung Fu Player

【265】With Bodyguard

Coincidentally, the place where Hu San and the others went turned out to be a cold hospital. Coincidentally, in the corridor of the hospital, Leng Xiaodao, who just woke up and was still looking for a place to eat, saw these strong men.

"Huh?" Leng Xiaodao looked at these people suspiciously at first, feeling a little familiar, but later remembered that these people were beaten by Wang Xing the day before yesterday, and couldn't help becoming a little vigilant, but when he saw the blood on the corner of the leader's mouth still Only then did Leng Xiaodao realize that these guys didn't come looking for them, they probably came to see a doctor.

Thinking of this, Leng Xiaodao didn't bother to cause trouble, he said haha, and walked around them. Leng Xiaodao passed here, but one of the strong men over there saw Leng Xiaodao with sharp eyes. Then he quietly said to Hu San who was covering his mouth: "Boss, the young man who just passed by seems to be an accomplice of the guy who beat you the day before yesterday."

When Hu San heard this, his eyes opened immediately, and he thought that he had become what he is now, and he had something to do with that kid anyway, so he followed the hand of 25 and looked at Leng Xiaodao. After watching for a while, It seemed that his mouth hurt too much, so he hurriedly urged his subordinates to find a doctor.

Leng Xiaodao was also puzzled, he was thinking who would beat him up again, but he couldn't think of it, so he simply didn't think about it, seeing that guy was beaten up, he was still very happy, even if it was Take it out on yourself.

Passing by the front desk of the nurse, Leng Xiaodao said hello to Zhou Yu. Just as he was about to leave, Zhou Yu stopped him and asked him, "Are you going to play games with Wang Xing tonight?"

Leng Xiaodao nodded and replied: "Yeah, what's the matter?" "Then, remember to call me, I'm going to play too." Zhou Yu said to Leng Xiaodao with a smile.

"Cut, playing games is fake, sitting with others is real." Leng Xiaodao pretended to sigh, and said sadly: "It seems that I am a bit redundant as a single dog.

"It's not redundant. Tonight, I will ask you about the operation of the game." Zhou Yu replied.

Leng Xiaodao curled his lips and said: "Humph, Wang Xing is here, ask me what I'm doing, I'm going to eat, see you tonight." After finishing speaking, he forgot to walk outside the hospital.

Wang Xing waited for a while at the top of the fortune, and the two young ladies came. Wang Xing was surprised that they came together, so he wanted to ask, but felt a little abrupt, so he held back. The three of them met, and they inevitably greeted each other. , Wang Xing smiled at them, and the three exchanged a few words of greeting. Manager Pang also came down at this time, and it was nothing more than a very brief meeting. schedule.

One day passed like this. After Wang Xing got off work, he asked Manager Pang if he could find a room for him, so that he could have a place to sleep. Manager Pang replied that it was too simple. The whole hotel can be chosen randomly. Which one to live in, but it is only during the renovation period. After the renovation is completed, even Manager Pang has to find a way to find another place to live.

Wang Xing nodded to show that he understood. He estimated that after the renovation was completed, his salary would be paid, and he would be able to rent a house at that time. After this matter was settled, Wang Xing's worry was resolved, and he would feel happier. up.

In the evening, Wang Xing walked out of the fortune, and happened to meet Wu Yu, Wu Yu actually gave Wang Xing a hug, and then asked Wang Xing if he was used to working here.

Wang Xing nodded and said it was good, and then asked him why he didn't come with Hu Luoluo, Wu Yu said that she had gone home, and she might be busy with school recently, Wang Xing nodded, Wu Yu took Wang Xing to the restaurant first After a meal, Wu Yu said to Wang Xing: "Leng Xiaodao said, go to the Internet cafe tonight, I agreed, and said that I will hold you.

"Eh? Why did Leng Xiaodao tell you this?" Wang Xing was a little strange.

"Stupid, what do you think, go, today not only the three of us, but also Zhou Yu." Wu Yu said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it, you can go and have fun." Wang Xing laughed, and Wu Yu followed with a smile that I understood.

After leaving the restaurant, Wu Yu drove to the gate of the hospital, and called Leng Xiaodao. Leng Xiaodao said on the phone that he would come out soon. It is estimated that Zhou Yu had already left the gate of the hospital, so let him watch.

Wu Yu said he got it, and as soon as he hung up the phone, Zhou Yu came out. Wu Yu pushed Wang Xing, and then deliberately stood far away to wait for Leng Xiaodao.

After waiting for a few minutes, Leng Xiaodao also came out, and everyone got into the car one after another, heading for the nearest Internet cafe, at this moment "Leng Xiaoli said that he hadn't seen Humu in the hospital so far.

Wang Xing thought for a while, and expressed his opinion: "I think these guys must have something to do when they reappear, so we need to be more careful. In addition, Zhou Yu, don't stay with us these days Together, after all, they haven't found out that you know me."

As soon as Zhou Yu heard what Wang Xing said, he immediately lost his temper: "Why, you are worried about me, then why don't you protect me, why don't you separate the relationship."

Wang Xing felt very embarrassed when he heard it, but he was also very happy to know Zhou Yu's thoughts, so he told her what happened before, and then explained to her that this was not only for her own good, but also so that they would not have any worries. 527

After Zhou Yu was coaxed, the others remained silent, knowing that being targeted by someone might not feel good. In order to let everyone not be so pessimistic, and because these things happened because of himself, Wu Yu said to everyone: "It's okay, tomorrow I will ask my dad to find a few more people to protect you."

Leng Xiaodao shook his head and said: "What are you afraid of, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken, who is afraid of whom, and I think they should not be so bold.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu looked at each other, and they both saw the anxiety in each other's eyes. In the end, Wang Xing said: "It's okay, this is just a guess, and in this day and age, they don't dare to do anything too big." Something out of the ordinary, so everyone should be happy.

"That's right, it's such a big deal. Tomorrow you will have two bodyguards, and the nurse will have three. I don't believe that Mr. Zhou can be so awesome..." Wu Yu just wanted to say that word Thinking that there was still a girl in the car, I stopped.

Seeing Wu Yu's flushed face, everyone laughed, and the depression just now dissipated.

The car arrived at the Internet cafe very quickly. The fat owner of the Internet cafe must have been bored, so he walked outside the Internet cafe to catch his breath. Seeing Wu Yu's car coming, he nodded immediately, then walked into the Internet cafe, and turned on the car for Wang Xing and the others. .

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