The four of them entered the Internet cafe, the fat boss greeted them enthusiastically, Leng Xiaodao found the most ideal seat, and there happened to be four empty seats there, so he found one and sat down

Leng Xiaodao opened the game, and then interacted with the fans. Everyone was already used to his charming demeanor, so they didn't feel anything. The four of them were familiar with the road, and soon they all joined the game, and then added ID groups to each other team, I heard Leng Xiaodao say to his fans; "Today is very lively. My family has invited my favorite little big brother, and Gao Fushuai is adding the young lady that everyone will never forget. So this live broadcast will definitely be Let everyone be particularly memorable, and I hope everyone will give you gifts.

Surrounded by the atmosphere of the cold knife, the fans' messages are also coming out:

"The little big brother who succeeded in breaking Master Dao completely, he is thoughtful and thoughtful, and he can be seen as a good seedling with a promising future. I am optimistic about him, and this wave of gifts will be given to him."

"Wow, Gao Fu is handsome? How handsome is he? Do you have a photo of Xiao Dao Dao? Send it quickly to see, I want to give birth to a monkey for him."


Leng Xiaodao read the message and was speechless immediately, so he replied to the fans: You don’t miss me, do you?

When the fans saw Leng Xiaodao like this, they began to comfort Leng Xiaodao again. They swiped their screens one after another to make Leng Xiaodao stand up, and also hoped that Xiaodao could post photos of the other three for appreciation.

Leng Xiaodao held his forehead, thinking that these guys, after making such a detour, still want to see the three of them, and he has become a neglected person.

Dozens of seconds passed while waiting, and then the screen changed, and everyone came to the plane, Leng Xiaodao exclaimed: "It's a desert map, everyone, look at my sign "Ready to skydive~"

Everyone said yes in unison, then chose a suitable square for themselves, and pressed the skydive button.

Falling down rapidly in the air, feeling dizzy, Zhou Yu quietly said to Wang Xing: "What should I do if I'm afraid?"

At this time, Wang Xing didn't think about anything else, so he replied: "Don't be afraid, this is just a game. When you get to the ground, follow me closely. Although I don't have experience with small knives, I can still deal with one or two enemies."

Zhou Yu was taken aback when he heard what Wang Xing said, and replied awkwardly: "Oh." Then he shrank his head back.

Wang Xing smiled bewilderedly, and then looked at Zhou Yu quietly, only to find that Zhou Yu was pouted at this time, as if there was some resentment.

There was no other way, Wang Xing twisted her arm lightly, assuming he knew it, Zhou Yu laughed.

Leng Xiaodao jumped onto the ground first, the sun was shining brightly, his eyes dazzled, and he hurriedly flashed the camera to let himself look around. Soon, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu also jumped down, but Wu Yu did not fall around .

Wang Xing looked at Wu Yu's icon and found that this guy didn't know whether he jumped too early or something, but he was actually behind them. He didn't feel a headache secretly, but as the leader of the team, some responsibility is inevitable.

"The two of you are building fortifications in the small house in front, and I'll go to the back and search while bringing Wu Yu here." Leng Xiaodao left Wu Yu's direction and walked after completing the task.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu naturally knew who Leng Xiaodao was talking about. They looked at each other, and then ran to the house in front together. The desert map is very empty, so the gunshots can travel far. Wang Xing and Zhou Yu While running, I heard the sound of shotguns constantly coming from around, and the number of people kept decreasing in the upper right corner of the screen.

Wang Xing in the front opened the door first, and then saw a UMP45 and some bullets. Wang Xing was not polite, equipped himself, and then searched another room. Zhou Yu knew these routines. After entering the room, Instead of closely following Wang Xing step by step, she walked to another room. Soon, she found a mid-level helmet and a pistol. The two searched the nearby houses. Then I found that there is no particularly good equipment, no matter how powerful it is, it is an AK.

Wang Xing gave the AK to Zhou Yu and gave her a quadruple mirror, telling her that she could shoot in bursts. Zhou Yu said with a smile: "I understand, you can rest assured Qing."

According to Leng Xiaodao's instructions, the two chose a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, as a place to wait for Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu. Wang Xing was in charge of looking out from the room, while Zhou Yu was upstairs observing distant targets.

Leng Xiaodao is more difficult, he has to go through many places where there may be people. This is very different from his usual kind of siege for aid. This is too passive, because he bites to find Wu Yu, so there are some places he knows he can't go, but he has no choice but to go, which greatly increases his chance of injury.

Wu Yu couldn't bear to trouble Leng Xiaodao, so he said to Leng Xiaodao: "Why don't I go over, and we can get closer.

For a rookie like Wu Yu, Leng Xiaodao naturally said no, he directly crossed those dangerous areas, wouldn't that be jumping into the fire pit by himself, so he said to him: "Stay honest, and hide when you see people." Leng Xiaodao crossed a warehouse, I was about to walk into a small house built by wave tiles. At this time, I heard a burst of gunshots, and then there were several bullet holes in the small house in front of me.

Leng Xiaodao had no intention of getting entangled with them, so he used ecstasy to avoid the blows of these people. However, after being hit by a bullet, Leng Xiaodao's violent temper came up again. He felt that if he didn't kill that person, he would He might be killed by him, so he looked at the trajectory of the bullet in the digital core (Li Zhao) and saw a man lying on his stomach shooting himself on another slope.

"I'm really looking for death. Using this posture in such an empty place is an insult to my IQ, but maybe this is a newcomer." Leng Xiaodao raised the SCAR in his hand and aimed at the person, followed by a few short After stopping firing, the man might regret shooting in this posture, so he wanted to get up, but it was too late, the cold knife was very accurate, and soon he saw a green light emitting from the guy's body, indicating that he already dead.

Leng Xiaodao shook his head, didn't even lick the bag, and continued on his journey to find Wu Yu.

But Wu Yu was also having a hard time. He had just escaped the search of two groups of people, and one of them was only ten shots away from him.

"Hold on, I'm coming." Leng Xiaodao also saw the two groups of people, and thought that they didn't find Wu Yu. .

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