Football Kung Fu Player

[267] Sub-Equipment

"Okay." Wu Yu hid in the corner, because he heard the noisy footsteps outside again, and if he heard correctly, another group of people came.

"Be careful, Xiaodao, there are still people here." Just as Wu Yu finished saying this, a female character outside the wall spotted Wu Yu, and immediately there was a burst of gunfire.

As soon as Leng Xiaodao heard the gunshot, he immediately became alert, picked up the SCAR in his hand and walked slowly towards the silent small house not far ahead.

The gunfire continued, but there was no speechless death mark, indicating that Wu Yu could hold on for a while. Leng Xiaodao looked around and found that the two pairs of people who had left before had not returned, so he was relieved. Others are waiting outside to make dumplings, and you can kill all the people in the room.

"Hide it well, I'm coming right now." Leng Xiaodao took a deep breath, drank a few cans of energy drinks, and then started running forward. Leng Xiaodao was most worried about the short open road in the middle, but Fortunately, no one found him, so he ran over smoothly.

As soon as he ran over, Wu Yu's life progress bar turned red, which meant that Wuyu had been shot and fell to the ground. If he didn't go to rescue him at this time, he might be killed. How could this be possible? He rushed to the vicinity of Wu Yu, and happened to appear behind the person who was about to beat him to death.

That person seemed to have heard a voice coming from behind him, and just turned around for a while to make sure, when he saw Leng Xiaodao's gun spouting fire.

Leng Xiaodao's speed was extremely fast, it didn't even take a second to realize that the humane opened fire, and before that person could react, he was beaten to death by Leng Xiaodao.

After beating him to death, Leng Xiaodao began to heal Wu Yu's wounds. After Wu Yu stood up, Leng Xiaodao threw him a lot of blood-replenishing things. Wu Yu was not polite, he accepted all of them, and used them all. When the life progress bar turned white again, Leng Xiaodao looked at the form of the small map, and then said to Wu Yu: "It's still too late to go to those couples. But be quick, and don’t even love to fight on the road, run as long as you can, and let’s talk if you can’t run.”

Wu Yu nodded, and said to Leng Xiaodao; "Brother Dao can do whatever he says."

Leng Xiaodao smiled at Wu Yu in satisfaction, and then said: "Go up." After Wang Xing heard this, he also shook his head with a smile.

Then, Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu ran towards Wang Xing. According to Leng Xiaodao's experience, there were no cars on this road, so he didn't count this matter as time, and counted it as the movement of the hoop. In the rest of the time, however, when they were halfway through the run, they actually saw a small off-road vehicle there.

'Ah, I can't believe it, there is a car here. ’ Both Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu saw it, but Leng Xiaodao was still calm. He felt that the matter was not that simple, but Wu Yu had little experience, so he ran towards the car.

"Don't go there, I think someone is there." Leng Xiaodao stopped Wu Yu, then took out a grenade and threw it into the small room in front of him.

The "Boom" grenade exploded, and Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu lay down on the side of the low slope, and then quietly looked at the situation around the car.

Sure enough, I saw two people coming out of the door, and then walked over to the car.

"Kill them, the car will be ours." Leng Xiaodao said with a smile.

"I thought you were going to say you gave up." Wu Yu said to Leng Xiaodao with a smile, and then continued to ask Leng Xiaodao: "Tell me, what should I do."

"I'll be the prey, let them fight, you go around and finish them off. That's it, time waits for no one." After speaking, Leng Xiaodao ran out, and while running, he shot at the two people .

The two people who wanted to get in the car soon saw Leng Xiaodao, and together they raised their guns and shot at Leng Xiaodao. Wu Yu knew that he had a block too, so he walked around the house (cffb) from the left, and crossed a short section Wall, come directly behind those two guys, and then press the left mouse button.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the two guys didn't respond at all, and they were directly killed by Wu Yu. Seeing that there were no bullets flying towards him, Leng Xiaodao knew that Wu Yu had already killed the two guys, and walked towards the off-road vehicle while talking beautifully. direction to run.

"Hurry up, time is running out. With this car, I might have a chance." Leng Xiaodao drove in front, Wu Yu sat in the back, the car turned around, and then found a wider road to Wang Xing's place rush to.

Wu Yu looked at the small map behind the car, and kept urging Wu Yu to hurry up, the basket was about to catch up. Leng Xiaodaoxin said that I am in a hurry than you, but because Wang Xing's location is not in the center of the circle, some distances are relatively redundant. "Okay, okay, stop." Wu Yu looked at the prompt on the small map. He found that the hoop had stopped, and he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief. This time, he didn't have to worry about it, because he heard Leng Xiaodao say, Xiaodao There are not many healing supplies on him, and they were basically used up when he rescued Wu Yu, so if he was trapped in the hoop and couldn't get out in time, he would be harassed by poisonous gas, and he would slowly fall to the ground after being poisoned. Healing things, so it is waiting for death.

It's all right now, the hoop has stopped, and Poison Gas can't find him for the time being, and the two of them can drive slowly to chase Wang Xing.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu have been waiting in the small room for a long time. Seeing the number of people in the upper right corner gradually decrease, they are gradually worried, whether they can eat chicken this time.

"They are back." Zhou Yu saw them upstairs and said to the Lord.

"We're coming!" Wu Yu yelled loudly, causing other people in the Internet cafe to look sideways. Naturally, Wu Yu didn't care about other people's gazes. When the car stopped, he hurried to Wang Xing's room, and then searched for Wang Xing. The good things were thrown on the ground, and they said to Wang Xing, "Just pick up whatever you like, but do you have bandages or something?"

Looking at the equipment on the ground, Wang Xing thought to himself that there were quite a few guys. But he was surprised that since all the good guns were available, why didn't he search for other things.

Perhaps seeing what Wang Xing meant, Leng Xiaodao replied: "In order to hurry, we didn't lick the bag carefully, we found a few guns and rushed back.

Zhou Yu picked up the sniper rifle and was delighted to find that there was an 8x mirror on it, and said, "This is the one."

Wang Xing picked up an M4. He thinks this gun has better recoil and is more suitable for him. The red dot is suitable for both distances and nears. , Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu brought some energy drinks for running. .

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