Football Kung Fu Player

[268] His Good Marksmanship

"Come on!" Leng Xiaodao laughed loudly, then marked the location on the small map, and then said to several people: "Let's go to this place and wait for the rabbit, there is a big discipline there is the location of the last circle. "

Wang Xing suddenly said: "What if it is not?"

"Then beat him up." Leng Xiaodao said nonchalantly, and then said loudly to several people: "This time, I must eat chicken, it is a must, after so many days, I haven't eaten yet, They all fell on the way to eat chicken. Now, let's see how many people are there. The four of us account for one-third of the remaining people. Suspicion has a high winning rate, but there is one thing, that is, everyone must pay attention to preserving themselves. Only if you survive, can your teammates survive."

"Okay!" "Got it!" "Hurry up." ~ Wang Xing and the three couldn't wait.

At this time, Leng Xiaodao did not forget to interact with the fans, and said to them with a smile on his face: "Did you see it? The desire to fight is so strong, please give them support and encouragement."

"I want to dedicate myself to... um no, dedicate my gift to my tall, rich and handsome little big brother. Let him know my heart, by the way, when will the knife show me-his photo. 11

"Miss, Miss. Oh, come on."

"I've been keeping a low profile so I'm successful. To that little big brother, I want to say that you are mine.

Seeing this Leng Xiaodao laughed and replied: "You have no chance, there are people here."

"Hearing this news, I felt desperate, so I decided to compete with that stinky woman before for the tall, rich, handsome little big brother."

Leng Xiaodao turned back speechlessly: "Damn, don't you think about me?"

"Who are you? It's impossible for my knife to like girls. Haha..."

Leng Xiaodaoxin said that he was too sad, and cut back to the game, and then said to several people: "Let's find a big car that can carry four people, and go forward together.

A few people agreed to come down, and while running in a small circle together, they looked around to see if there were any cars around. The surname Wang looked at the positions of the four people and said, "Isn't our goal too big?"

"Ah? No? I think it's okay," Zhou Yu looked around, and felt that they were all here, and the number of people was so small that few people should be able to find them.

Just as Wu Yu wanted to say that I think Wang Xing's little big brother was right, he saw someone sneaking in a room on the left of him, and immediately said: "Attention everyone, the enemy is found in this room." Wu Yu said in the small room. The location is marked on the map.

Leng Xiaodao looked at the location of the knife, thought for a while, and then said to them: "It's better to be in a team of two, you two in a team, and Wu Yu and I in a team. After the encirclement, you two should find a place first. Hit the black gun, Wu Yu and I rushed in."

Wang Xing asked Leng Xiaodao worriedly: "Are you going in with Wu Yu?"

Wu Yu smiled and said to Wang Xing: "Don't worry little big brother, I'll do it, I already killed several of you on the way just now."

Wang Xing touched his head in embarrassment and said, "Oh..."

"Puchi!" Zhou Yu laughed. Seeing Wang Xing's embarrassment, she knew that he must think that his game skills were not as strong as Wu Yuqiang, so she comforted Wang Xing and said, "You will be ahead of me in a while. I am timid. I need someone to embolden me."

Wang Xing understood what Zhou Yu meant, and smiled at her, eye to eye, as if they could see each other's feelings.

"Oh, show your affection again, hurry up, get ready." After Leng Xiaodao finished speaking, he greeted Wu Yu, and the two went around the house from the left, while Wang Xing and Zhou Yu went around from the right.

When they arrived outside the small room, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu also quietly distanced themselves a bit, and then the two hid in a place that was difficult to find, raised the gun with a scope, and watched the mountains in the small room come and fan them. Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu stood up, opened the door, and ran inside.

Everyone raised their hearts, especially Wang Xing and Zhou Yu, the scope kept aiming at possible targets, as long as you stay there for a short time. They will shoot without hesitation.

Leng Xiaodao yelled, then opened the door, and shot at the people in the room for a while. Wu Yu was the second to go in, and after entering, he also remembered the gunshots.

At this time, Zhou Yu's scope suddenly appeared an opponent, she clicked the trigger very quickly, and then heard her say angrily: "Miss, really

……ask for flowers…

There was a slight smile on the corner of Wang Xing's mouth at the end, and then he shot a short stop shot, and saw that the remaining number of people in the upper right corner of the screen was one less.

"Yo, that's pretty cool." Zhou Yu looked at Wang Xing in surprise. You must know that his grab is just a quadruple mirror, and hitting such a distant target should require some faith.

"It's just a crooked attack." Wang Xing said modestly.

And Leng Xiaodao in the room roared and said: "Fuck, who hit this shuttle, it's so timely. When I just changed the bullet, this guy suddenly appeared. I thought I was done, but I didn't expect to be shot!" Someone got called, tell me, is it the little sister or the little big brother?"

"Of course it's Miss Sister. My gun can't reach it." Wang Xing credited Zhou Yu with the credit, which made Zhou Yu happy.


"That's right, young lady is great, the people here have been wiped out, Wu Yu's assault ability is stronger than the little big brother, but the little big brother has to work hard." Leng Xiaodao drummed one by one.

"Okay. Wang Xing smiled and agreed.

Then several people entered the house, searched for the things in the packages of those guys, divided them up, and continued to run forward.

Because there are not many people in Yijing, so there are more good things in the packages of these people, and now the four people have another one, so who should give this sniper rifle?

"Give it to Wang Xing, I think his is very accurate." Zhou Yu suggested.

Leng Xiaodao just wanted to hold it, but when he heard Zhou Yu's words, he put it down, and then said with a smile: "It's true that the family doesn't come into the house, and now I start to think about others

Wang Xing didn't pick up the sniper rifle, but gave it to Leng Xiaodao, and said to Zhou Yu, "No, I'll be fine with the M4."

"Hey, then I won't be polite." Leng Xiaodao happily picked it up, then put on the 8x mirror, and looked outside the room. Don't say it, just look at it like this. Immediately saw a group of people also arrived nearby.

"Brothers, I saw the prey again." Leng Xiaodao happily told everyone the location, and everyone looked out together, and sure enough, two off-road vehicles, carrying four people, drove over to the house near them. . .

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