Football Kung Fu Player

[273] Manager Pang's Tactics

Manager Pang knew that Wang Xing had also played this game, so he said to Wang Xing: "Let's play alone for a while, anyway, there is nothing too busy right now, what do you think?"

Wang Xing said with a smile: "Manager Pang says what he says, I'll listen to you."

Manager Pang pointed to Wang Xing, then opened the game, and quickly entered the game. Since Manager Pang often plays alone, his skills are very good. Manager Pang took it away, and as time went by, Manager Pang's equipment began to get better, but at this time, Manager Pang stepped aside to let Wang Xing come.

Wang Xing did not shirk, sat on the chair and continued the fight of Manager Pang. Because he played alone, Wang Xing had no experience, so when confronted with someone, Wang Xing would always choose to run away passively. , or simply do not want to meet the enemy. Seeing Wang Xing's situation, Manager Pang said to Wang Xing: "Dodging is useless. Only by having confidence in yourself, responding quickly, and shooting accurately can you gain the greatest living space."

Wang Xing nodded when he heard Manager Pang's words, and then began to try to find someone and confront them with guns. I have to say that Wang Xing's marksmanship is still good, and his reaction speed is also top-notch. He can basically handle any enemy he encounters. Manager Pang appreciates killing him when facing the gun, but is Wang Xing okay when he meets a convoy of three or four people?

Soon, Wang Xing encountered such a situation. In front of Wang Xing, there was a four-person convoy waiting for the supply box that was about to come down from the sky. Seeing that the supply box was about to fall, Wang Xing naturally thought very much. If he wanted, he hurried over there, who would have been waiting there a long time ago, waiting for the supply box in the sky to fall on his second year.

Wang Xing thought about it, and wanted to bypass the supply box. Unexpectedly, he wanted to move this idea. Manager Pang behind him immediately said, why not bravely give it a go?

Can I fight alone?" Wang was a little doubtful.

"Come on, if you die, you will die, what are you afraid of?" Manager Pang encouraged Wang Xing. Wang Xing nodded, and found a place suitable for his ambush, then lay down there and shot at the group below~.

A shuttle went down, and two people were killed immediately, the remaining two people didn't realize who hit it for a while, they were a little dazed, Wang Xing changed the bullet, and then shot another shuttle, this time, directly killed one Hmm got a headshot, the other got hurt too, but don't know - where it went.

Manager Pang patted Wang Xing on the shoulder and said: "Look, there were only four people in the family and you only had one, but now, their advantage in numbers has disappeared, even worse than yours, so what are you waiting for?" , Hurry up and eliminate him, and then go and see what's in the supply box."

Wang Xing said: "Got it." From this battle, Wang Xing already knew that although a large number of people is beneficial, it is not without loopholes. He knows that he should shrink when it is time to protect himself, and be bolder when it is time to rush. bad.

Therefore, Wang Xing followed the man's track and chased into the house. After a few shots, the team was completely wiped out, and the supply box had just fallen to the ground.

I searched the contents of the supply box, Wang Xing now has a sniper rifle in his hand, playing games these days, Wang Xing rarely has a sniper rifle in his hand, so this time, Wang Xing decided to use a sniper rifle Try the effect and see why Leng Xiaodao loves this gun so much.

Manager Pang analyzed it, saw the gun in Wang Xing's hand, and told him, go to that low place over there, and I'll tell you why you went there after you passed.

When Wang Xing heard this, he thought it was wrong. Only by standing tall can you see far. Why do you have to go to such a low place with a sniper rifle? Who can you hit? But Wang Xing still listens to Manager Pang Suggestion, throw it in the low bushes.

When Wang Xing got there, he looked around and realized that this place is really a second. Although it is true that the vision has been affected, it can attack and defend, and it is not allowed to be discovered. The most important thing is that it can guard several important places. Dao, I just don’t know if anyone is coming or not.

"Stay here for a while, and someone will come in a while." Manager Pang said confidently.

...asking for flowers...

As soon as Manager Pang finished speaking, he saw two groups of people coming together in the direction of Wang Xing. One of them was driving a car, and the other was walking. They presumably chose to run after seeing the supply box.

"Here we come." Wang Xing widened his eyes, looked at the two groups of people in two directions, and wondered which ten to fight.

Manager Pang pointed to the car on the left and said to Wang Xing: "Shoot the big driver, don't use the sniper rifle first, use the M4 to shoot a few bursts.

"Okay." Wang Xing released the raised sniper rifle, then switched to an M4 and fired a few shots in the direction of the driver of the car, and then saw green smoke glowing from the driver's place .


I fired a few more shots and found that the car had stopped. I looked at the upper right corner of the screen and found that I had killed the driver. I felt a little excited. Then Manager Pang continued: "It's time to change, whoever gets out of the car and shoots the driver?" Who."

Wang Xing switched to a sniper rifle as he said, and then aimed at the person who had just got off the co-pilot, and fired a shot. The first shot missed because he was not familiar with the ballistic trajectory. He raised it up a bit, but Manager Pang said that it wasn't the falling of the bullet, but the inaccurate aim, so Wang Xing took a few deep breaths, controlled the sight accurately, and a coffee rang the trigger.

"Bang!" A shot carried the man's head, directly showing the headshot. Wang Xing laughed. Manager Pang looked at the people in the car and hid behind the car, and then said to Wang Xing that they are hiding now, so you can’t hit them, but don’t be afraid, you can hit the head of that car , let the car blow up, if those people dare to continue to hide, let them blow up to death

Shoot them with a sniper gun if they dare to come out.

Wang Xing was amazed at Manager Pang's idea, it was very orderly and one person could stop a convoy, which was much better than Leng Xiaodao's tactics.

According to Wang Xing, he started shooting at the car with the M4, and soon the car started to smoke. Wang Xing wanted to continue shooting, but before the car exploded, another group of people had already seen the car The people behind, so the two groups of them opened the door again. .

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