Football Kung Fu Player

[274] Inseparable

Seeing the situation, Wang Xing wondered if he should continue to take that taxi? Seeing Wang Xing’s hesitation, Manager Pang smiled and said, “Let’s not worry about it now, we’ll talk about it when they’re done.”

Wang Xing nodded, and then used his sniper mirror to watch the two groups fighting fiercely. Soon, both sides suffered casualties. In the end, only one person from each group survived the fight.

Knowing that his time had come again, Wang Xing raised his sniper rifle, aimed at the survivor in the walking team, and shot him.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the man's head accurately, and another enemy was burned in front of him. Seeing that there was only one person left, Wang Xing wanted to stand up and chase the one behind the car, but suddenly found that Manager Pang kept shaking his head , So Wang Xing asked Manager Pang if he did something wrong in "207".

"They haven't found you yet, and you're in a good position, why do you have to fight him?" Manager Pang said patiently.

Wang Xing said yes in his heart, so he was a little embarrassed to say that he was too eager for quick success and didn't think of this level, but since he had already stood up, he couldn't stand stupidly, because the person behind the car had already He found himself hit by a shuttle bullet at his feet.

Wang Xing had no choice but to shrink towards the low wall on the side, and then raised his M4 to shoot at that person. Gradually, Wang Xing felt the opponent's strength, because he had a good grasp of the rhythm, and every time Wang Xing wanted to hit him When Wang Xing was about to retract, he would shoot Wang Xing with a few bullets. Just going back and forth a few times, Wang Xing was hit by a few bullets. It's about to die.

Seeing this, Manager Pang patted Wang Xing's arm, and then motioned him to watch his operation aside. Wang Xing got up from his seat in a daze, and then Manager Pang's fat body sat down on the chair. I drank the blood-enriching thing, and then started to run back, while running, while shooting in the direction of that person, as if to say that I am about to run, won't you come after me?

That person was really fooled, and immediately followed Manager Pang's track. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Manager Pang started throwing grenades at his feet, and then dodged aside.

That person chased very closely, almost with both feet, and came to the place where Manager Pang was standing just now. The person thought that Manager Pang was nearby, so he was about to shoot, but Manager Pang had already run to the place. Elsewhere, just wait for the grenade to explode.

One advantage of the game is that there will never be a grenade that will explode, unless the safety valve is not released.

"Boom!" That person happened to be near the grenade, very, very close. If he was hit by the grenade, he probably had no chance of surviving.

That's it. Manager Pang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Wang Xing: "Hide if you can, and don't go desperate with others. Of course, there is a certain time to desperately. This is really not good. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Wang Xing nodded, after playing this time, Wang Xing has learned a lot of routines, and he found that these should be very useful in forming a team with Leng Xiaodao

After thinking about it, he thought it best not to bother Manager Pang, so he said to Manager Pang: "I'm going to check the building.

Manager Pang looked at the time, and said to Wang Xing: "Go, come down when you arrive at the restaurant, let's have dinner together." He replied, "Are you still in charge of the meal?"

Manager Pang pointed to Wang Xing with his finger and said, "No matter what kind of hotel it is called, okay, you go, I have to finish this game." Wang Xing said happily: "Okay." went upstairs.

Besides, Leng Xiaodao, at this time he is playing this game in the Internet cafe, but other people in the Internet cafe look at him from time to time, why? Because there are two strong men standing behind him, although Leng Xiaodao had already sold tickets to these two door gods, but they still rejected them. Because of this, Leng Xiaodao was very embarrassed, so he called Wu Yu and asked him to persuade the two bodyguards. Who knew that Wu Yu smiled Tell Leng Xiaodao that it's okay, this is what they usually look like, don't worry about them.

Hearing what Wu Yu said, Leng Xiaodao felt better, so he bought them drinks and put them beside them, while he started the game.

But as soon as the camera is turned on, there will be two strong men behind Leng Xiaodao immediately, which makes Leng Xiaodao's fans a little crazy and leave messages for Xiaodao to explain this matter clearly

"Oh, this matter is very complicated, but you must not think wrongly, this is a matter of no shadow at all.

"Xiaodao, you say, love me or say, you say. (T_T)"

"Little big brother did such a thing when he was not around. I think Xiaodao is too hardworking. I want to give a bad review."

"I'm still a little big brother, he already has a young lady, maybe Xiaodao just can't stand the unfeeling of the little big brother, so he has those two handsome men behind him.

Leng Xiaodao put his hands on his forehead, he was speechless to what they said, so he explained: "Don't say that, they are here to protect me.

The fans were still discussing with each other, but Leng Xiaodao saw that he had already boarded the plane, so he told the fans that the plane was coming, so let's not talk about it, and then switched the screen to the game E.

Zhou Yu is even weirder than Leng Xiaodao in the hospital at the moment, because no matter where Zhou Yu goes, the bodyguards sent by Wu Yu will follow behind her, which makes Zhou Yu extremely uncomfortable. He deeply understands the benefits of Wang Xing not needing bodyguards, that is Liberty, after no one, the two bodyguards could smile at the patient, and the patient would smile back at her.

But now, the patient just wants to smile with Zhou Yu, but when he sees the two serious men behind him, he can't laugh immediately. It's not 0.8, and his colleagues will ask themselves, who are these two people? Why do you always follow me, I have to explain it over and over again, especially the head nurse, after seeing those two men, she stopped losing her temper with Zhou Yu, but watched those two men by Zhou Yu's side all day , Ask people questions if you have anything to do.

Zhou Yu saw what the head nurse was thinking, but she was too embarrassed to tell the truth, after all, she was not wrong. It's just that I don't have any time to steal some free time, which is not good.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu got to know Wang Xing's phone number during the conversation with Wu Yu in the morning, so she sent Wang Xing a few text messages while she was going to the bathroom. It's just complaining that the bodyguards are too close to him. .

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