Football Kung Fu Player

【369】Come And Support

Almost at the same time, the three of Wang Xing and the others started to move. The three of them rushed towards the small house from three directions at the same time, each holding a rifle, and then poured water on the people inside from a place suitable for attack and defense. bullet.

In just a few seconds, the team on the opposite side was wiped out by Wang Xing and the three of them, and then the three went into the house, picked up their boxes and searched the contents.

‘Yo, Wang Xing, you have a VSS, do you want it?’ said Leng Xiaodao, checking a box.

"You don't need to ask, give it to me quickly." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao.

"Hey!" Leng Xiaodao threw the VSS to the ground, and said with a smile: "Anyway, I don't need it, and it still occupies a space."

Wang Xing picked up the VSS on the ground and replaced it with bullets, then stood up and said "037" and said; 'It's time to move on, we don't have enough equipment

"I'm also short of SCAR." Wu Yu continued.

The three continued to walk forward for a while, Leng Xiaodao felt that walking like this was really boring, so he wanted to buy a car.

"Go, we are waiting for you." Wang Xing said.

"Okay, you guys wait in the second-floor building in front. I know there is a tricycle coming nearby." Leng Xiaodao has a good memory, and he remembers the location of the vehicles on the map very clearly.

"Okay." Wang Xing nodded to Wu Yu.

Leng Xiaodao left the team, and then started to run to the place where the car was refreshed. Judging from the surrounding environment and the number of people at this time, there should be no one driving around here.

Leng Xiaodao went up a small slope, looked around by the height, and found that two groups of people were searching not far away, because they were relatively concealed, so they didn't realize that they were here.

He thought in his heart that if it wasn't for getting a car, it would definitely wipe them out.

If you think about it, let’s get the car first. In this way, you will not be able to leave the area quickly because you got the car in an emergency because of the heat of the other party.

However, what Leng Xiaodao didn't expect was that there were still two groups of people searching for people near the three-wheeled car. They all wanted to leave in three-wheeled vehicles without exception.

"There are two groups of people?" Leng Xiaodao looked at the two houses near the tricycle with the scope, and he found that although the two groups of people on the opposite side were close, they could be seen as not the same group.

Leng Xiaodao thought about it, and decided to get rid of the two groups of people on the opposite side by himself.

First of all, he went up a hill, aimed at a window with the 98K in his hand, and waited for a head to stay on the window for a few seconds.

The opportunity came soon, just when Leng Xiaodao was about to give up and aimed his sight elsewhere, he suddenly found a green helmet appeared on the window.

Knowing that the opportunity must be missed, Leng Xiaodao quickly aimed the cross at the helmet, and then clicked the trigger.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the green helmet precisely, and the upper right corner showed that the person had been killed.

"Huh? Xiaodao? Are you fighting? Someone is in front of you?" Wang Xing asked Leng Xiaodao.

"Well, there are two groups of people, each of them is in their own building, and they haven't found each other yet." Leng Xiaodao replied.

"Then Wu Yu and I will go to support you immediately." Wang Xing said.

"No, it's okay, you don't need to come here. I'll try to see if I can wipe out their two teams alone." Leng Xiaodao said.

Wu Yu and Wang Xing glanced at each other, wondering if Xiao Dao is telling the truth? He really wants to deal with the two teams alone?

"Okay then, give it a try. If it doesn't work, tell me in advance that we will help you together." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao reassuringly.

"Okay." Leng Xiaodao nodded while aiming the cross star at another upstairs window.

"Come out, come out, let me see if your helmet is harder, or my bullets are faster."

"Bang!" The bullets sounded again, Leng Xiaodao seemed to be a calm killer, and killed the guy in front of the window who just flashed in front of him with one shot

As a result, the people in the two small buildings were all shocked, and they turned their attention from the materials in front of them to the outside, and when they looked outside the window, they immediately saw the small building not far from them. people.

So the two groups started to shoot at each other, at first they were upstairs, but then maybe they felt that being in the building was a waste of time, so they ran out of the building, wanting to directly attack each other's small building.. …

Naturally, the two sides refused to give each other a chance, so the fight was in full swing, very fierce, and Leng Xiaodao looked at it with a scope, which made him happy, and he kept yelling and cheering.

Wang Xing and Wu Yu were puzzled by Leng Xiaodao's happy look at this time, and asked what happened to Leng Xiaodao,

"See, I've already made the other two groups fight. As long as the two groups are able to fight, I'll go and reap the benefits." Leng Xiaoli's proud joke Wang Xing and the others said.

"Good job, Xiaodao." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao appreciatively, not to mention that this method is really good, although there is an element of luck, it should be praised.

"They're almost done fighting, and one team is running towards you, so you can fight that team, and leave the other team to me." Leng Xiaodao said.

"No problem, pay attention to safety," the three said, and immediately split into two groups. Wang Xing and Wu Yu began to hide in the grass on one side, waiting for the group of guys who threw themselves into the trap, while Leng Xiaodao took a shortcut Start to go in the direction of the other team.

Before Leng Xiaodao ran within range, there was a gunshot behind him, and then he heard the laughter of Wang Xing and Wu Yu: "It's just two people, I thought there would be three, or half blood, it's not at all. There is no resistance."

1.1 Leng Xiaodaoxin said shit, you still dislike giving you two targets for nothing, do you have to have two people with full health and full equipment to be satisfied?

Just as he was thinking, Leng Xiaodao chased those two people to a satisfactory shooting range.

"Hey! It's time for me." Leng Xiaodao stopped immediately, then raised his rifle and aimed at the two people running ahead. Just as he was about to click the trigger, he heard a sharp gunshot coming from another direction. , hit himself directly.

"Fuck? Who did this?" Leng Xiaodao hurriedly got down on the ground. Although the heads of the two people who got it were gone, life-saving is the most important thing, so there is no regret.

"Wang Xing, someone beat me, come and support me." Leng Xiaodao shouted.

"Okay, come right away." Wang Zheng immediately ran with Wu Yu after hearing Leng Xiaoli's plea for help. .

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