Football Kung Fu Player

[370] The Knife Made A Mistake

I didn't expect that the goal that originally belonged to me disappeared in front of my eyes like this. This is a pity, but compared to two heads, it is more worthwhile to hide it quickly to prevent others from beating me to death. some.

Wang Xing and Wu Yu soon came to Leng Xiaodao's side, and they were relieved to see that Leng Xiaodao was replenishing blood, but no one appeared to attack grandiosely around him.

"Where did you shoot?" Wu Yu asked Leng Xiaodao.

"On your left rear side, the person who hit me seemed to use 98K, and almost killed me." Leng Xiaodao stood up again after replenishing his blood.

Wang Xing and Wu Yu searched with a scope, but they couldn't find the so-called black gun guy.

"There's no one else, he should have run away." Wang Xing turned his head and said to Leng Xiaodao.

"Oh, that's fine, let's move on." Leng Xiaodaoxin said that the shot was for nothing.

The three people returned to the room between the two small buildings on the 25th, where the tricycle was not affected, so the three people were able to have transportation.

"Brothers, do you think I will still have a chance to meet the guy who beat me just now? To be honest, I'm very upset if I don't take revenge." Leng Xiaodao spoke suddenly, as if to There was some resentment for that shot.

"It's natural to meet each other by fate. If there is no fate, it is probably the head of the family." Wu Yu said.

"The head is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to survive first." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaokou while driving the three-wheeler.

Fans saw Leng Xiaodao's expression and sent messages one after another to express their comfort to him:

"Come on Xiaodaodao, this setback is nothing, just kill him when we see him again."

"Xiao Dao Shen, you are the best, I will always believe in you."

"Oh my god, Xiao Dao Dao actually has a female ticket, how can this be tolerated?"

"What? Where did you get the news?"

"Didn't you go to the competition area? They have a petite female friend."

"Is this true? This fact is too cruel, I can't bear it!"

The three people drove a tricycle onto the road from the wasteland, because they found that this road was the closest to the small white circle, and in this case, there was a great possibility of meeting other players.

"I have enlarged my eyes, there must be many people waiting around, we can't fall short at this time." Leng Xiaodao said.

"Just don't worry about this, you can't go wrong." Haoyu replied.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" As soon as Wu Yu finished speaking, he saw white smoke suddenly rising from the highway in front of him. Wang Xing looked at it and thought that something was wrong. Isn't this just a smoke bomb? The smoke bomb exploded in front of him, someone must have done it on purpose.

"Get off, get off." Wang Xing said to the two.

After Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu heard this, they immediately got off the tricycle, and then began to hide around.

Everything was completed in an instant, and before the smoke from the smoke bomb was exhausted, Sonny was already ready to fight.

When the smoke cleared, Wang Xing immediately forgot to look ahead of the road. He found that there was no sign of danger in front of him, nor did he look like someone. Wang Xing was puzzled

Who would have thrown the smoke?

"A false alarm? That would be too boring." Leng Xiaodao wanted to stand up, so as to conclude that it was indeed a prank.

"Don't stand up. Be careful." Wu Yu hurriedly stopped Leng Xiaodao, trying to prevent him from standing up.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry..." "Swoosh!"

Before Leng Xiaodao could finish his sentence, he was immediately hit in the head by a sniper rifle bullet. This shot had to be said to be a symbol of stability and ruthlessness, because Leng Xiaodao was only wearing a low-level helmet, and there was no way to resist it. Leng Xiaodao was killed by this shot.

"Fuck! This, this, this..." Leng Xiaodao felt regretful in his heart, he was beaten to death because of carelessness, how can he face his fans with such achievements?

Wang Xing patted Leng Xiaodao on the shoulder to express comfort, while Wu Yu said: "It's okay, Xiaodao, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, no matter how powerful a master is, there are times when mistakes are made, so don't worry about it, we will make mistakes in the next game." It’s time to find the venue.”

"I know, I know, it's up to you two. I'll go and see what the three girls are playing." Although Leng Xiaodao said it was rather regretful, and it was caused by his own carelessness and underestimation of the enemy, but after all, it was like speechless In fact, this kind of game is like this, even if you hide it too well, you may not be able to win, because every game will have luck in it.

Wang Xing and Wu Yu who lost Leng Xiaodao, although the team is relatively thin, but in general there are not many people left, so it cannot be said that there is no way to eat chicken.

"Where will the guy who killed the knife be?" Wang Xing looked at the situation in front of him with the 8x mirror on the VSS, and muttered in his mouth.

"I didn't see it either, where would it be?" Wu Yu didn't see it either, but because of Leng Xiaodao's lessons learned, he didn't dare to show his face.

"Huh? Are you two going to nest here? If the knife is killed, you won't dare to go up to 387." Although Zhou Yu said that he was playing the game, his eyes were also paying attention to the game, so when he saw the cold Xiaodao was beaten to death, but Wang Xing and Wu Yu could only stay in the grass and dare not move, so they said.

"Ahem...Actually, things are not what Zhou Yu thought at all. We just want to be more safe, right Wang Xing." Wu Yu said.

"That's right, after all, surviving is the most important thing, and I really have such an idea in doing this." Wang Xing said in agreement.

"Cowards, hum, I'm too lazy to talk to you, Xiaodao, come or not, this game is very interesting, come and form a couple with Xiaoyi to play the task of Novice Village." Zhou Yu said to Leng Xiaodao.

"Ah? Is there still such an operation?" Leng Xiaodao was already moved when he heard what Zhou Yu said, and hurriedly looked over to Wen Xiaoyi, but after only one glance, his heart was ashamed. It turned out that she was releasing the in-game It's the announcement of the friends seeking immortals.

"Xiaoyi, what are you doing?" Leng Xiaodao hung his head on Wen Xiaoyi's seat, and said while staring at the screen.

"Ah? Don't watch, I'm watching..... Let's watch them chat." Wen Xiaoyi blocked Leng Xiaodao's head with a guilty conscience.

"If you don't let me watch it, I won't watch it." Leng Xiaodao immediately returned to his original seat. .

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