Football Modifier

Chapter 16 This is a legendary road

At 19:00 pm Spanish time, the game officially started. The referee Rodriguez blew the whistle and the visiting team Osasuna kicked off first!

The starting lineup sent by Li Tongfan in this game was goalkeeper Casillas, and the defenders from left to right were Roberto Carlos, Joel Luca, Cannavaro, Ramos, midfielder Mohamed Diarra, two wings Beckham, Robinho, front midfielder Guti, and forwards Raul and Van Nistelrooy.

The unlucky Ronaldo was out for a month due to a patellar fracture and is receiving expert treatment!

Because it was a warm-up match, Li Tongfan did not use the FM2007 game simulation save in advance, on the one hand to avoid consuming character points, on the other hand, it was in an extremely bad taste idea-

Didn’t everyone say that I can’t lead the team well? Let’s deliberately lose a few warm-up matches to make you jump more happily. When the league officially starts, I will slap you hard and let all the doubters pick up and swallow their words word by word!

Therefore, although the tactics were strictly arranged according to Li Tongfan's 4-12-1-2 formation, the starting list was made by assistant coach Grede. According to him, it was determined according to the recent training status!

From the beginning of the game, Real Madrid played very actively. Except for the two central defenders, everyone else pressed into the opponent's half. In the first 20 minutes, even Roberto Carlos and Ramos, the two full-backs, were offside once.

Because Li Tongfan gave the players a high degree of tactical freedom in normal training, the Real Madrid superstars played a series of dazzling cooperation. Except for the final kick, the others were perfect!

Some people say that Real Madrid fans are the ones who understand football the most, and some people say that Real Madrid fans are the ones who don't understand football the most. This sentence is vividly reflected at this moment.

The huge advantage on the scene has never been converted into goals, which makes the Real Madrid fans who understand football begin to be dissatisfied. The South Stand of the stadium, which gathers the most hardcore and radical fans, began to hear fragmentary boos!

Lee Tong-Bum, wearing a black windbreaker (he admitted that he was blindly imitating the Magic Bird), stood beside the coaching bench, staring at the court, unmoved!

To ​​some extent, he had no pressure at all!

It was just a warm-up match, no need to play for real!

At the end of the first half, Real Madrid had an astonishing 80% possession ratio, but did not score a goal. Amid the increasingly loud boos from the fans and the proud and contemptuous smile of Osasuna coach José Chiganda, Lee Tong-Bum was the first to walk back to the locker room!

Fifteen minutes later, Lee Tong-Bum did not make any substitutions. Real Madrid still held high the banner of attack, which was even more than in the first half. Even the central defenders Caraballo and Joel Luca would occasionally go in to harass the opponent's defense!

Osasuna strictly implemented the tactical arrangement of head coach Jose Chiganda, and launched a dense defense like an iron wall. The midfielders did not hesitate to commit fouls and frantically steal the ball. As soon as they got the ball, they immediately made a long pass to the powerful striker Milosevic who was at the front.

Unfortunately, although Chiganda's tactics were very clear, the Real Madrid players today seemed to be taking drugs and Viagra collectively. The frontcourt runs were cool and erratic, and the more they played, the more excited they became. Although Osasuna players kept making tackles, they still rarely got the ball.

Amid the increasingly loud boos from Real Madrid fans, Lee Tong-Bum's first goal after coaching finally came late.

In the 57th minute of the second half, Ramos sent a sideline ball to Real Madrid. Beckham received the ball and made a long pass from the right side of the court. The ball landed accurately at the feet of Roberto Carlos on the right side. Carlos faked and shook off Osasuna right back Iquieldo who came to press. He made a low pass with his right foot. Raul, the captain of Real Madrid, half leaned against the opponent's central defender Flanno and lifted the ball lightly. The ball jumped behind him like an obedient baby. Raul turned and shot. The opponent's goalkeeper couldn't block it in time. The ball bounced into the lower left corner of the goal...

"Carlos stopped the ball very well... passed the ball to the penalty area with a low pass, Raul... Raul... beautiful pass, Raul turned and shot... GOOOOOOOOOOAL... The ball went in!!! Real Madrid took the lead!!! It was Madrid's hero Raul who opened the door to victory for the team!!!!"

The Bernabeu Stadium erupted in cheers like a tsunami!

The team took the lead, and the goal was scored by Raul, the flagship of Real Madrid. This is the scene that all fans like to see the most!

After scoring, Raul habitually kissed the ring, and his teammates gathered around to celebrate...

The camera deliberately focused on Li Tongfan standing on the sidelines, and was surprised to find that the young coach who was under "huge pressure" did not express anything, and did not even show a trace of happiness...

"It seems that our Mr. Glutton has been so happy that he has gone crazy... Come to think of it, under such great pressure, even if it is replaced by the iron coach Capello, he will suffer from depression..." The commentator on the scene took the initiative to analyze Li Tongfan's unexpected behavior and expressed sympathy for him!

In fact, the commentator was not wrong. At this moment, Li Tongfan was completely in an inexplicable shock, but not because of the goal, but because of the fanatical scene like a volcanic eruption on the scene...

This is football!

This is real professional football! ! !

Li Tongfan stood on the sidelines with his arms raised high, closed his eyes, and silently said to himself over and over again in his heart: This is life, the life I want!

Who has not been young and frivolous, who has not hoped to be outstanding, who does not want to be the most special one among the billions of living beings on this planet?

After repeatedly hitting a wall at work, the farmer parents who wanted their son to succeed were still dragging their aging bodies under the scorching sun and on the hot black soil to shed their sweat and... their lives, but Li Tongfan, who was laid off at home, could not help at all! The pressure of life made Li Tongfan bury his childhood dream deep in his heart. He tossed and turned in sleep for many nights. Was he going to be a humble and obedient clerk for the rest of his life, muddled through?

What about the house? What about the car? ... What about the ideal?

Yes, I am still young and have plenty of time to wait, but what about my aging parents? Can they wait for four years after another before they can get their son's return? If the situation occurs that the son wants to support his parents but they are no longer there, it will be a disaster...

I dare not imagine it!


But now, the opportunity has come!

The opportunity that countless people dream of has fortunately favored me. If I miss it again, I will regret it for the rest of my life!

It seemed as if a door suddenly opened up in front of him. If Li Tongfan was still shrinking and at a loss because of this sudden and huge change, then from this moment on, Li Tongfan's thoughts were slowly changing!

Yes, looking at the crazy shouts of the fans in the stands, listening to the tide of applause coming from his ears, the crackling flashes like *, and the white light shining on people's eyes, Li Tongfan felt in a trance that he had stood at the center of the world, everything was based on me, everything was up to me!

I have just started...

This will be a brand new road!

The road to legend!



At this time, the fans on the scene suddenly burst into an uproar!

When the game was temporarily suspended after an out-of-bounds ball, the players of the Real Madrid team actually walked slowly off the court one by one...

What's going on, strike?

The camera was pointed at the bench of Real Madrid on the sidelines, and people were surprised to find that the players sitting on the bench had already dressed neatly and were eager to try...

It turned out that after the team took the lead, Li Tongfan replaced all the players on the field except Casillas and Van Nistelrooy in one go. Higuain, Gago, Marcelo and others who had just joined the team finally had the opportunity to play...

At this time, the game was just in the 60th minute. Real Madrid's substitution lasted for 5 minutes before it ended, and Osasuna's players stood there waiting for 5 minutes!

"This substitution is really... well... it is... different..."

The commentary of the Madrid Sports Channel wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that such a substitution was completely feasible in terms of the rules. After hesitating for a long time, he threw out a sentence "different"!

After that, the game continued!

The new players obviously wanted to leave a good impression on the new boss, and they fought more fiercely than Osasuna!

In the 71st minute, Reyes made a cross after a breakthrough, but the ball was headed out of the penalty area by an Osasuna defender. The young player Gago, who was lying in wait outside the penalty area, immediately controlled the ball and made a clever through pass. Van Nistelrooy, who was still in the penalty area, understood what he meant and pushed the ball gently. The ball passed under the armpit of Osasuna goalkeeper Juan Elia and went into the goal...

He is worthy of being the king of the small penalty area!!

"...GOOOOAL, Van Nistelrooy scored the second goal of Real Madrid in this game, and also his first goal after joining the team..."

The cheers of the fans rang out again...

Real Madrid secured the victory!

After the game, a Real Madrid player who did not want to be named (the media always writes this way) revealed in an interview that head coach Lee Tong-Bum said in the midfield locker room: "Play freely, don't care about the results, today we are just playing..."

It is said that after Osasuna head coach Jose Chiganda read the newspaper the next day, he trained his players hard for a whole week with a gloomy face...

ps: There is a problem with the rhythm of this book. Yesterday, a great god came to give me some personal guidance. Theory combined with practice, Xiaodao suddenly realized... Now I am revising the few manuscripts in stock, and making a few changes in the outline. I may be a little stubborn.

In addition, the signing contract has been basically completed. Welcome everyone to join the book friends group, 6159252, the number of people is still a little small. To be honest, I talked with the book friends several times and helped Xiaodao find a lot of mistakes. Thank you!

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