Football Should Be Played Like Me

Chapter 127: Diamond 1 Generation

"It's a perfect match! It's also Lu Yang's perfect performance!"

"This is another Sanremo connection! This is a victory for the Italian National Youth Team and a victory for Sanremo!"

"Goalkeeper Treola is precise."

"Versage put so much pressure on Chaloba that Chaloba didn't have enough strength to return the header."

"Sogel took the risk of being kicked in the head, ordered the football ahead of time, and completed the steal and interception!"

"Kanyes drives the ball forward, no one can stop it! His transfer of the ball can't be better!"

"Lu Yang knocked back, and Morich hit the wall!"

"You can't believe how happy San Remo is at this moment with these players!"

The narrator found another bright spot!

To win this victory, every Italian national youth team player who was present today has contributed a lot.

But you have to admit that Sanremo is really a no-brainer.

For a while, people were a little confused.

Did the youth storm of Italian football start from the National Youth Team or from Sanremo?

England players were stunned.

Rahim ran from the front to the midfield. Halfway through the run, he suddenly realized that Italy had scored a goal. He instantly relaxed and knelt on the ground, covering his face.

He knew they were done!

The England National Youth Team's European Youth Tournament is over.

They have four points and Italy, who beat them, have six points, and they are unlikely to qualify anyway.

Although there may be a minute or two left in the game.

But it doesn't make sense anymore.

It's also hard to get out of the line.

Similarly, Mancini lost his head with the jersey.

He didn't know what to say.

Blame teammates?

Yes, today his teammates were turned into sieves by Lu Yangxiu.

But in today's state of Lu Yang, who can guarantee not to be Lu Yangxiu?

Those stopping and passing the ball, if you are a normal person, you will never think of it, that is the performance of the king.

Didn't Mancini just get numb from Lu Yang's back pass?

Perhaps, if he continued to exert his strength before the team was equalized 2-2, the result would have been different.

Mancini was speechless.

He knows that no matter how impressive his stats are in this game, he will never be successful.

Because true success is comparing yourself with yourself.

In this game, he obviously hasn't done his best yet.

Soon, England returned to serve.

But the referee did not give them any more time, and blew the whistle three times to end the game.

At this moment, the Italian National Youth Team's substitute players, coaching staff, Cortino and others all rushed into the stadium and started the most frenzied celebration.

A few minutes ago they were celebrating a goal, now they are celebrating a victory!

They keep the chance of qualifying!

At the same time, on another stadium next door, Spain did not leave the game immediately after playing Poland.

After a simple celebration, they gathered around the pitch, looking at the tablet in the coach's hand.

The England vs Italy match is being broadcast live above.

When Sogel cleared the ball to Kanyes' feet, all the Spanish players turned into Kanyes fans, applauding Kanyes' dribbling.

But when Kanyes made a long pass, they fell into depression.

Because Mancini has caught up with Lu Yang who is ready to catch the ball.

But then, they knelt collectively.

Back pass!

This is definitely artist football!

Finally, when Lu Yang stepped on the bicycle in front of the England goalkeeper, they had already been captured by Lu Yang.


After the referee finished the game, the Spanish fans took off collectively and celebrated enthusiastically.

Italy wins!

England have only four points!

Six points for Italy!

Spain is also six points!

But according to the outcome of the relationship, Spain ranked first in Group A!

They became the first team to advance to the semi-finals of the European Youth Championship!

They were sent to the semi-finals by Italy!


The Spanish players chanted Lu Yang's name!

And this became one of the headlines in the Spanish football press the next day, no less than the news that Henriquez led the team to victory with two goals and one assist.

"The Armada reaches the semi-finals, the Spanish National Youth Team has four goal difference in three games and is invincible! 》

"Four goals and two assists in three games! Enriquez perfectly interprets the core word! 》

"The Lone Hero! Enriquez liberated his nature and led the team to upgrade with thirteen hits in the audience! 》

"The strongest opponent is out! The odds of the Spanish national team winning the championship have skyrocketed! 》

"Genius stop! The Italian teenager picked the ball with his heel, and passing the opponent was like crossing the road in the early morning! 》

"The best goal of the European Youth Championship has appeared! The top three are all LU! 》

"What is the sacredness of LU, which made Spanish players worship collectively after the game? Forty-three goals and twenty-three assists! The editor will start the legendary career of "Oriental Land" for you! 》

"Sixty goals and thirty-three assists in a single season, what kind of monster is England facing! 》

"Make 93 goals directly in the season! Almost broke 100! Even if you care about C, this is invincible data! 》

"Overturning England has long been a sign, teenager Lu Yang once led his team to fight against AC Milan! 》

"Giant Killer! Team nemesis! This teenager deserves the attention of all fans! 》

"Italian Youth Storm Winds in Sanremo! All six San Remo players did well against England! 》

All kinds of media swarmed.

But a day later, they totally exploded.

Because the competition between Group B and Group C has also completely ended.

In Group B, the host German team did not live up to the arrangement of their own Football Association. Facing three weak opponents, they won three consecutive victories.

They are also the only team to remain victorious so far in the European Youth Championship.

Germany came out on top with nine points.

The other teams in Group B are interesting. Serbia and Austria drew with each other, which was their only point.

Denmark has two wins and one loss, and has six points like next-door Italy, but they have only one goal difference in both wins, and in the one they lost to Germany, although they scored two, they were filled with seven!

It is not unreasonable for German football to have no friends. Denmark has also lost three goals in goal difference, and has been directly squeezed behind by Italy, which has zero goal difference.

In Group C, Romania has one win and two losses and the bottom three points.

Portugal and Belgium are tied with one win, one loss and one draw.

France, with two wins and one loss, topped the table with six points and successfully qualified.

So far, the four teams in the semi-finals have been freshly released.

They are the Armada Spain, the host Germany, the French black team and... the blue melancholy Italy under the leadership of Dongfang Lu!

Italian Miracle Survives!

In the first game three to zero, he also completed the promotion in the death group, which is jaw-dropping.

Because the same group of teams cannot continue to be in the same group, Italy's semi-final opponent will only be Germany or France.

Germany's points are higher than France's, so they have a group advantage, and they and the "weaker" Italy will compete in the semi-finals.

Spain will fight France.

For a time, the German media and the Italian media were elated.

The Italian media was excited because the Italian National Youth Team advanced to the semi-finals with the second best result in the group. This is an absolute surprise for Italy.

Beating England has already made the whole Italian football world recognized that Manello has completed the task.

Even if there is no competition in the future, everyone will not feel that this European Youth Championship is a failure.

Because they beat the number one champion seed!

Italy, although out, has proved itself.

It's a good change, and that's enough.

But I never expected that Italy finally made it to the final!

This is the same as Denmark and Wales who qualified for the European Cup group stage, and the same as Russia and Croatia who qualified for the World Cup group stage. Every step in the future will be a surprise and reward!

Therefore, the Italian media began to brag about Manello and the players participating in this European Youth Championship.

Among them, Lu Yang, who came back "injured", is the top priority.

"Two games, three shots and three passes! It only takes two games for him to lead Italy out of the group stage! 》

"Second in the scorer list, first in the assists list! Lu Yang's efficiency is against the sky, and he is expected to compete for the golden boots of the European Youth Championship! 》

"Men's Promise! Cortino: Lu Yang told me that he would not let Italy out in such a bad way! 》

"Tearful Moment! Lu Yang signaled the fans to applaud Cortino, his charisma became the key to Italy's comeback! 》

"The more difficult, the stronger! The toughest man in Italy is not talking about Lu's fist, but his determination to pursue victory! 》

"Such a land, how can you not love! The revival of Italian football is inseparable from this oriental teenager! 》

Likewise, like the Italian media, the German media celebrated the national celebration.

Because compared with Spain, which is known as the Armada, the stumbling Italy is obviously an easier opponent to deal with.

In fact, even in Spain, the German national youth team is not afraid at all.

They are the only winners of the tournament so far.


This has undoubtedly proven their dominance.

Although no player in the German national youth team has scored more than two goals, there are as many as eight players in their team!

What is this concept?

This means they have the absolute ability to bloom at multiple points.

According to authoritative media predictions and voting, the current probability of the German national youth team winning the championship is second only to Spain, and the gap between the two is not large.

Of course, compared with the enthusiastic celebration of the qualifying teams, the England National Youth Team has fallen into an extremely embarrassing situation this time.

They were clearly the number one seed, but they slumped in the group stage.

Earlier, the English media said that Lu Yang would appear at the Brit Awards on his birthday.

Now Lu Yang has missed the appointment.

Because there is still a game for the Italian team, Lu Yang can't come out at this time.

But the response that Lu Yang asked Sophia to issue before came true.

England's national youth team is back home, and theoretically they have plenty of time to engage in various recreational activities or business invitations.

And England was kicked home by Lu Yang himself.

If it were the media of any country, I am afraid it would not continue to develop this matter at this time.

At least, they will not invite the members of the National Youth Team who have just encountered Waterloo to attend the All England concert.

This is a corpse.

But the English media did.

They actually invited the players of the National Youth Team to attend the All England concert.

This is simply entertainment to death.

Perhaps in the news effect, they succeeded.

Even though the All England Concert is one of the most authoritative music festivals in Europe, this year's All England Concert has gained more popularity and more traffic.

What's even scarier is that most of the players in the England National Youth Team accepted the invitation and actually appeared at this concert.

Mancini, Raheem, these players who thought they performed well are gone.

But Chaloba, a player who did not perform well in this European Youth Championship, also went.

They laughed so brightly in front of the camera, they looked so happy, they were so engaged when they sang with top singers, you didn't feel the pain of being out on them.

This actually reflects the problem quite well.

Football is round and no one can win all the time, so it's a good thing for players to learn how to deal with the pain after losing.

But if you blindly invest in specific ways to relieve pain, and eventually forget that winning is the root cause of all this, then the player's state and mentality will be in danger.

Yes, the national football team!

The worst thing about English football now is that there are many players in this dangerous state, whether it is the national youth team or the real adult national team!

When failure no longer makes you feel pain, why do you persevere in the pursuit of victory?

It doesn't make sense.

An All England concert is a grand festival for musicians from all over Europe and the glory of English music, but it has also become the scar of English football.

At least football practitioners in other countries cannot tolerate such a thing in their own country.


"Ding! You lead the team to qualify for the European Youth Championship and get two basic points and a random gift package."

"Ding! You used a random gift pack and gained player-level skills, Marseille roundabout!"

Dribbling 82-83

Possession 82-83

radians 74-76-78

The Marseille maneuver has improved Lu Yang's control. The appearance of this skill may be related to the frequent use of Marseille maneuver by players in the previous game.

In the future, Lu Yang will also be able to show off his hand, and he will no longer have to hold a semi-finished Bengbu slalom player.

Cough cough!

The Great Emperor sneezed, expressing his anger!

I used to be called Britney, but now you call me Madame Niu after the Marseille roundabout?

Real Nima dog!

And Lu Yang then put the basic point into the arc.

Because of the star barrier, some of Lu Yang's data is likely to hit the ceiling next season. But at the same time, it also gave him a quick opportunity to check for leaks.

Those returned basic points can be used to make up for Lu Yang's current data deficiencies, making him a hexagonal player even in high-level competitions.

At that time, it was really arrogant.

If nothing else, Lu Yang will make up for his shortcomings in the order of offense, physicality, and defense.

The reason for the last defense is that although his position in the team is still a core defensive player, what he needs is not his strong defensive ability, but a strong running ability and willingness.

Otherwise, Rahim, whose defensive ability is far weaker than Lu Yang's, would not play the same role as Lu Yang in their team.

"Lu, will this be better?" Sophia's voice interrupted Lu Yang's thinking.

Although it is resting in the hotel reserved by the team, it is not surprising that Sofia can enter this hotel.

After all, Lu Yang had just recovered from a serious illness, and Sophia was still somewhat worried that his old injury would recur.

So he brought some physiotherapy equipment to Lu Yang's room to wait for him.

Including but not limited to any massage instrument, massage bang, vibration belt, massage oil, etc.

Cough cough!

Don't say, this set of equipment, if you have a little idea, it seems to be able to do some other things.

So, Lu Yang could only lie on the sofa, at the mercy of Sophia.

Sophia was tying a large piece of vibrating belt to Lu Yang's right thigh.

In order to facilitate the operation, she squatted between Lu Yang's legs, because she would tie one to the thigh of her left leg later.

When she looked up at Lu Yang, Lu Yang admitted that he thought of some other pictures.

It is difficult for a man to resist a woman's head-up kill.

Just as it is difficult for a woman to resist a man's wall.

This is also the reason why many waitresses in high-end luxury stores always squat enthusiastically and without shyness to help male customers adjust trousers or shoelaces, not just to let male customers see their looming chest ravines.

It is a fatal blow to men psychologically!

At that moment, men often have a special feeling, which is essentially the same as heartbeat, electric shock, etc.

Therefore, many men will mistake this feeling and have a good impression of the woman.

As for buying things, that's a very easy thing to do.

Heading up to kill is already a killer move.

What's more, Sophia's position is so sensitive.

Her mouth was almost flush with Lu Yang's abdomen, which made it hard not to think of something.

"It's alright, it's alright." Lu Yang said again and again, he hoped that Sophia would leave quickly, otherwise he felt that he might fail to press the gun.

"Are you sure? Would this be too tight? I mean, this..." Sophia said, burying her head in adjusting the tension of the straps.

Luckily, the door was pushed open at this time.

Morich held the phone and said, "Lu, Coach Manello asked us to go to a meeting. It's about..."

The next moment, everything in front of him made Morich's mind instantly stunned.

From this angle, he could just see Sophia's back who was half blocked by the coffee table.

In his field of vision, Sophia was squatting beside the coffee table, between Lu Yang's legs, bowing her head to Lu Yang... During this period, Sophia would make some sound of exertion.

This is……

"Huh?" Sophia turned her head.

I don't know why, maybe because I have been talking to Lu Yang just now, so my mouth is a little dry.

By the way, Sophia wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her snow-white hand, as if there was something in the corner of her mouth, but there was nothing.

This scene...

"Lu? Lu? Where is the person?" Morich turned around calmly, as if he didn't see anything, and didn't come back to his senses until he closed the door.

His hands were trembling, and he was shivering coldly.

He just saw... Sophia... is giving Lu Yang... hesitating?

Morridge's world is falling apart.

The mouth of the top goddess of Europa will also turn into the shape of a boyfriend?


in the room.

Lu Yang was a little embarrassed: "He seems to have misunderstood something."

Sophia looked at Lu Yang, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips: "What did you misunderstand?"

"Uh... He thought you were giving it to me..." Lu Yang couldn't say anything, he suspected Sophia was fishing for law enforcement.

"Then... let's not let him misunderstand?" Sophia put one hand on Lu Yang's thigh and slowly crawled towards Lu Yang, preparing for something to happen.

At this moment, Sophia's hand brought Lu Yang's thigh a numb tremor, which was far stronger than the so-called sports rehabilitation equipment.

Beep beep!

At a critical moment, Lu Yang's cell phone rang, and it was Manello.

Sophia glanced at the phone angrily, and cursed Morich inwardly.

If it wasn't for Morich who just came in and said that Manello was going to have a meeting with everyone, Sofia would have been able to suppress the call and have something to do with Lu Yang.

Lu Yang is an adult.

First time in a hotel, it's not perfect, but isn't that the case with most boys and girls?


Knowing that Manello was looking for everyone to prepare for a meeting, Sophia couldn't make an irrational move that would keep Lu Yang from going.

She's not a little girl who can't tell her priorities.

She knew that with Italy reaching the semi-finals of the European Youth Championship, the competition was the first priority in Lu Yang's eyes.

His "rude" request, not to mention whether Lu Yang would agree or not, would at least make his impression in Lu Yang's heart worse.

A smart "girlfriend", never try to make your "boyfriend" choose between you and other important things.

Even if he chose you, you are not far from losing him.

"Go, they must be waiting for you." Sophia's face was flushed, and for some reason, a mist of grievance appeared in her eyes.

While talking, Sophia climbed off Lu Yang and started to pack up.

She knew that there was no chance to have close contact with Lu Yang today. After all, there will be competitions in the next day or two. Whether or not abstinence is one of the keys to the performance of the player competition.

The reason why I came was really just to help Lu Yang recover, but the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

After Sophia packed her things, Lu Yang suddenly hugged her.

"Anyway, I want to thank you, Sophia." After Lu Yang finished speaking, he kissed Sophia's forehead lightly.

Sophia trembled all over, and almost called out a word.

"Thank you for the rehabilitation equipment you brought. I just tried it out, and I feel my thighs relax a lot." Lu Yang thanked him sincerely, and then walked out of the house.



Sophia reacted for a long time, and then threw a teacup at Lu Yang with her backhand.

Unfortunately, Lu Yang just closed the door.

The teacup smashed into the door and shattered.

The old lady can even accept "help you with a bite" for you, but in the end, because love is restraint rather than presumptuous and endure it, you told the old lady that you are thankful for these non-ballistic rehabilitation equipment?

I'll go to your uncle!

Dead straight man!

Carved Note Orphan!


Ten minutes later, when Lu Yang came to the conference room, he found that Morich looked at him full of envy and contempt.

It's weird.

"Just a few minutes?" Morich shrugged.

"A few minutes is enough. If it takes more than ten minutes, the body will not be able to take it." Lu Yang felt that Morich's contempt was inexplicable.

This high-intensity leg massager may cause muscle damage if used for more than ten minutes.

A few minutes, a small amount and many times, is the most reasonable way to use it.

"I can do it for half an hour!" Morich patted his chest.

Lu Yang frowned. He thought that Morich bought a pirated and inferior product, and asked, "Then who gave you that one? Mine was given to me by Sophia."

Morich suddenly lost his voice.

Sophia is amazing!

Yes, I admit that the "adult ceremony" I found for 300 euros is not of high quality and can't compare with Sofia at all, but who in the whole of Europe is more beautiful than Sofia?

Who else has such a bliss as you, who can be seen by Sophia?

Show Nima!

"Okay, I shouldn't question this." Lu Yang felt that he had made a blunder. Whether it was the massager that Morich bought himself or someone else gave it, he shouldn't question whether it was a pirated copy, which would make Moriche. Very shameless, "I didn't mean that, things are definitely fine."

"But are you sure you didn't misread the time? I think three minutes is more suitable for your body. If you don't get used to it, it's possible that you can't stand it for one minute, right?"

The next moment, Morich's face was pale.


How did Lugou know?

Could it be that the woman was not trustworthy and told her privacy?

For a time, Morich's whole body trembled, and he no longer had any energy.

He's done!

His one minute thing, it is very likely that it has spread throughout the football circle!

Damn peripheral girl!

It is simply unrealistic to expect them to be tight-lipped!

The sealing fee of 1,000 euros is simply for nothing!

It's all Najib's fault, saying that the other party is very reliable and so on, reliable ass!

Morich made up his mind.

After the European Youth Championship this time, he must go to Sanremo to find that girl and get back the 1,000 euros for the hush money!

Of course, the 300 O'Moritch won't come back, that's what it should be given.

Business is business, agreement is agreement.

It's normal to have a breach of contract, not to lose money, but at least to get a refund.

He Morich doesn't defraud others of a penny, but others don't want to defraud him of a penny.

This is called professional ethics and principles!

"What three minutes and a half hours?" Manello walked in at this time, and he patted Morich on the shoulder and said, "Morich, I need you to give the team 90 minutes of efficient operation, you can't give up. chain."

Morich had an MMP look on his face.

You know the hammer!

"Okay, everyone is here, right?" Manello motioned for everyone to find a place to do it, then turned on the computer and projector, and started today's meeting.

Generally speaking, the players of the team also take some technical video lessons and tactical lessons to improve the tacit understanding with the coach's tactics.

This part, for some players with low education level, is actually difficult.

They can execute tactics that are clearly defined by the head coach, but do not necessarily understand the meaning and change of their position.

From this point of view, it has to be admitted that players who have read some books have an advantage.

Learning may not have a substantial impact on their future life and work, but it has exercised their ability to accept new knowledge. People with problems in this regard cannot go to the later stage in traditional teaching.

Of course, there are a lot of smart people and even smarter people in the uneducated population.

So this is not a generalization, just talking about statistics and probability.

"Germany's youth training is the most successful country in the past few years." Manello said, "and because of the special nature of the Bundesliga, they are one of the few players that can seamlessly connect the youth training, club and national team. Team."

"German youth training players emphasize discipline and tactics, which is similar to the Italian youth training in the past period. But the difference is that the teams in the German league are willing to give their youth training room to develop."

"The Italian league, mainly Serie A, has been in the No. 1 league in the world for a long time in the past. There are the best stars, the best teams, and the competition is fierce, so it is difficult for young people to gain a foothold."

"In the long run, the Italian youth academy has lost the opportunity to play in Serie A, and can only go to the lower leagues or other leagues to work hard, which affects their growth."

"In addition, the German senior national team has vigorously used the clubs of this league or simply requisitioned a large number of Bayern Munich players, which makes their players more compatible in terms of tacit understanding."

"They only need to follow Bayern's traditional 4231 formation to be able to seamlessly connect, so that the players of the national team can play a high level of combat effectiveness just like in the club without running in."

This is something that the national teams of other countries cannot do.

Even in Spain and England, in the era of star emergence, although players in all positions are very good, most of them also play in La Liga or the Premier League, but I have to admit that the teams in these two leagues have different styles.

The players you call up from clubs of different styles obviously don't fit together as easily.

And people in Germany almost summoned players from the same club, and they asked other countries how to play!

If it is said that there is still the influence of superstars in the senior team, which can appropriately weaken the dominance of the German team, then the advantage of the German team on the youth team is even more obvious.

Because the star players who are also young people obviously have not reached the level of superstars, it is difficult to change the result of the game by themselves.

Therefore, although there are no superstars in this German team, it is actually very difficult to deal with.

In theory, this German team is what the Italian National Youth Team had ideally looked like in the past few years.

If the Italian national youth team meets all the conditions, then the team produced is similar to the German team.

However, most of them play in the Bundesliga alone, and they have already killed the Italian national youth team in seconds.

There are not many people who can play in Serie A.

"4231 is a very strong formation both offensively and defensively. The presence of five players in the midfield allows them to handle the ball with ease." Manello clicked on the specific picture of the German National Youth Team, "Their tacit understanding can make They have the lowest turnover rate! Next game, no doubt they will lead us by a wide margin in possession."

"But this lineup also has their problems. This lineup has high requirements for the two full-backs, both offensive and defensive. The two full-backs of the German team can only be considered balanced at best."

"Cerballos, Pompetti, you two wingers have a very important task in the next game, that is to watch their full-backs in the opponent's half and don't let them go forward easily."

"Lu Yang, you and Welsach, what you have to do is to stop their full-backs from entering the attack as soon as possible. Don't let them participate in the running of the attacking third area."

"If this happens, you and our two full-backs must have a clear division of labor. Who guards the bottom and who guards the inside!"

"When it comes to cutting inside, that's the second shortcoming in their attack. Both of their full-backs are pretty good, and they both cut in and shoot well, but in my opinion their full-back lacks the most. The important thing...the impact!"

"Inward cuts and bottoms without impact are not enough to create a real threat. As long as our back line is ready, it is difficult for their full-backs to perform well."

"Lu Yang! It's still you. If their wing midfielders frequently try to cut inside, you have to temporarily return to the midfielder position and complete the steals again and again. They are giving you the ball, you know!"

Lu Yang nodded.

I thank you, Mr. Manello, do you want to claim the ball yourself?

It sounds like it's really easy.

But the fact is the same. The two full-backs of the German team are at best an enhanced version of Fernandes, far inferior to top players like Ceballos and Pompetti.

"The German national youth team does not have super talent, but it is only compared with supernovas like Mancini and Enriquez. In fact, the No. 8 Angelo Melkan in their team is also regarded as Germany's top talent star. Now." Manello began to focus on the core players of the German team. "He is a midfielder with outstanding abilities in all aspects. Like Lu, he is a true hexagonal fighter."

"He is in the youth training of Bayern. He has played more than 30 games for Bayern last season. He is the main rotation member of Bayern. This year, he is 21 years old, 1.88 meters tall, and has a strong figure."

"His current worth is as high as 25 million. Of course, this is not unrelated to the fact that the worth editing media is the German media. His threatening long **** and long shots from outside the penalty area are his good skills to help the team."

"So...our central defenders, you must pay attention to their center and attacking midfielder, and don't give them any chance to run single-handedly. Their center and attacking midfielder are not strong, and this is the third key point in their formation. !"

In theory, the soul of 4231 lies in the front waist.

The center's ability to hold the ball and score the ball in the frontcourt is also the key to the offense.

But the two players of the German National Youth Team are not outstanding in this regard.

Not weak, but not strong either.

At least, if the fulcrum function alone, the other party can't do better than Sogel.

And their front waist is definitely not as comprehensive as Lu Yang, not as smart as Ceballos, and not as smart as Morich.

Their engine is not the attacking midfielder, but the midfielder Melkan!

Lu Yang and others began to digest Manello's explanation today, and had some tactical ideas on how to play Germany.

In the afternoon, everyone went to the training ground and did some targeted training.

Tang Yuqin led the recording team to record all this silently.

The cameraman next to him was very excited.

I can stay in Germany for a few more days, which is really cool.

The documentary team of Football World News next door has parted ways with the England National Youth Team.

The England National Youth Team went back to England, and the documentary team over there went back home.

As far as the content of the three games is concerned, I don't know what they can cut into.

It's impossible to have two training sessions before the game and one session for the game, right?

That would be too low.

In contrast, his own "Super Football" bet on the Italian National Youth Team is simply a textbook-level competition bought in reverse, with the villa by the sea.

"This game against Germany is of great significance to Italy." Tang Yuqin muttered to himself.

She was right.

This battle is even more concerned in Italy than in the Italian war in England.

Because when Italy VS England, it is almost certain to be out, and many people choose not to watch this game that will definitely lose.

The war between Italy and Germany.

In fact, it is equivalent to Italy fighting against itself.

That is Manello's Italy VS Calafi's Italy!

The former is an Italy that allows the shortcomings and the advantages to be equally prominent, aiming to find and develop talented players.

The latter is Italy, which aims to polish a team with no shortcomings.

The competition between Jianzong and Qizong will reveal the answer in this game.

Soon, the game between Spain and France was one step ahead.

The French black team was extremely fast, and Spain could not stand it at the beginning of the game, allowing France to steal a one-to-zero.

But Spain's ability to adjust is very strong, and their transfer control has stabilized the situation.

In chasing football, France seem to have forgotten that a supernova like Henriquez needs to be treated.

So Enriquez punished them.

In the last five minutes of the first half, Enriquez opened the show time again. He passed three French defenders in a row and scored a wonderful shot from a small angle in the penalty area.

In the second half, Enriquez scored two goals in the 59th minute and 72nd minute respectively, completing a hat-trick.

He also jumped to the number of goals scored in this European Youth Championship to seven goals, ranking first in the scorer list!

At the last moment, the French team played a counterattack, chasing the score to three to two, but it didn't help.

The European Youth Championship tour of the French black team has come to an end.

Spain became the first team to reach the final.

The second branch will be produced between Germany and Italy.


"Hello everyone, this is the Italian national TV station, you are watching the match between Italy and Germany in the European Youth Championship semi-finals, and sitting next to me is Juventus' leading scorer and superstar Zebra Prince - Ancarelli! "

The narrator solemnly introduced Ancarelli next to him.

Juventus last year grew old and strong in the last moments, withstood the pressure and regained the top spot of the league, which allowed them to complete the great achievement of three consecutive Serie A titles.

As such, they will also have an Italian Super Cup game to play against Coppa Italia champions San Remo before the start of this year's season.

But Ancarelli is said to not be attending because his injury has not yet healed.

In fact, Ancarelli is still present at this invitation with crutches today.

"Ancarelli, we were surprised to be able to invite you. At first we just had a try. After all, your injury..." The host spoke cautiously.

Ancarelli smiled: "Yes, if it wasn't for my doctor's advice to me to exercise properly, I really wouldn't go out. My state is recovering well, and I may only miss one or two games in the new season to be able to play for the ball. The team worked."

"I have high expectations for the new season."

"Of course, the reason why I accepted your invitation has a lot to do with my attention to the Italian national youth team."

Juventus are trying something new based on existing stars who want to compete for the Champions League at the end of their careers.

It is rumoured that Juventus had previously asked for Ceballos.

"Which player do you like the most?" the host asked a tricky question.

"Of course it's Lu!" Ancarelli didn't even hesitate, and then he added quickly, "Of course, Ceballos and Kanyes are also very good, but you asked about the favorite... no Which Italian fan doesn't like Lu, doesn't he?"

"As far as I am concerned, the diamond generation of Italian football has emerged. These young people are very good. I can see the shadow of our playing in them, which was not found in the previous batch of young people... "

The host did not continue to embarrass Ancarelli, because Ancarelli's answer did reveal the hidden message that Juventus was interested in Ceballos.

The game starts soon.

From the very beginning, the German national team showed the maturity and discipline that young players should not have.

Their play can be said to be rigid, but extremely skilled.

This keeps football under their control almost all the time.

The higher the ball control rate, the more opportunities will naturally be available.

About 20 minutes into the first half, the German team played a perfect teamwork.

Seventeen foot passes, zero mistakes!

In the end, the left midfielder passed back to Melkan in the midfield. Melkan dribbled sideways for two steps and then suddenly kicked the pass from the left rib to the frontcourt.

The German team's left midfielder, center, and attacking midfielder move in a series, true and false.

Finally, the center and left midfielder both play a pulling role.

With the front midfielder and the back rushing to attack the goal, Ram's position swayed to his goalkeeper Areola, so that the latter made a misjudgment and was not fully prepared.

Football enters the net.

Germany leads 1-0!

But Italy's military heart has not dissipated.

To put it horribly, they haven't been ahead much since the qualifying round.

It's as if they don't know how to play without conceding a ball first.

The next 25 minutes, the Italian team's performance is very stable.

After getting familiar with the characteristics of the opponent's players, they can better implement Manello's defensive arrangement.

Morich will focus on harassing Melkan.

Not to mention that the three sneak attacks were successful once, it also gave Melkan a sense of crisis and no longer dared to dribble sideways to find opportunities.

In fact, any player who likes to dribble laterally has a good passing imagination and will have no less assists.

Because sideways dribbling itself is a good way to find opportunities.

Manchester United's Pogba, Real Madrid's Modric, Barcelona's Iniesta, Messi, not to mention the core of dribbling, almost every midfield master also likes to dribble sideways to find opportunities.

But in midfield, not everyone is qualified to dribble sideways.

You have to have that ability.

For example, a team with a weak midfield such as Juventus, it is really difficult to find a midfielder who can dribble sideways.

You mean Bernardeschi?

Yes, he likes all things dribbling, including lateral dribbling, but lateral dribbling without passing threats is the hallmark of a lone wolf player.

Closer to home, Germany's offense dropped at least a notch after losing Melkan's lateral dribbling pass.

During the halftime break, Manello made some targeted adjustments based on the performance of the German National Youth Team in the first half.

Less than five minutes into the second half, the Italian National Youth team scored.

The right winger Pompetti participated in the defense all the way, preventing the opponent's left back from plugging in.

The opponent's left back passed the ball to the left midfielder, but was intercepted by Kanyes, who was also in a high position.

Kanyes made a long pass over the top and transferred the football directly to Moric's side.

Immediately after receiving the ball, Morich drove from the left to the right, hitting the gap left by the German left-back.

Because Italy gave the impression that it was going to attack on the right, the German left back did not return to his position for the first time, but relied on the middle to recover.

He thinks well, because when the opponent shifts the offensive line, the player on the weak side is supposed to move to the other side.

However, no one expected Morich's second transfer to come so quickly.

Pompetti is out of position, far from football.

However, the Italian right front midfielder Lu Yang ran directly to Pompetti's position and received the football.

Germany lunged at the left back, trying to put pressure on Lu Yang.

As a result, Lu Yang flicked his left foot, and the whole person also killed the opponent at the same time.

Cut in with the ball!

Robben area!

In frontal defense, once it is wiped by the opponent and fails to break the football, there is basically no possibility of defending others.

When Lu Yang met on a narrow road, the brave one was victorious. On the way to Lu Yang's inward cut, a fried ball increased the distance of his lateral movement and passed the German left back.

The German central defender jumped up immediately.

Lu Yang directly raised his left foot high.

The central defender raised his foot, intending to block the block.

However, Lu Yang faked a real shot and cut the ball inward to the left again.

Easily passed the central defender.

The German goalkeeper and central defender shuddered.

After dragging the center back to Lu Yang, it was too late.

Lu Yang caught up with the football and volleyed with his left foot, hitting the lower right corner of the goal.

The ball was not adjusted in the slightest, and played in the opposite direction.

Neither the goalkeeper nor the central defender had time to block.

The football goes straight into the net!

Italy equalized the score one-to-one!

"Lu, I think your dribbling and dribbling are already at a high level. There are a lot of chances to hold the ball on the wing in this game, and you can try to play as an inside striker. If Pompetti helps you cover, you will probably have fewer chances. face one person."

"Moric, you too, when the time is right, you can switch positions with Ceballos on the left."

This is Manello's transformation of the Italian national youth team's offense.

And soon, the two attacking midfielders made contributions.

Seventy-first minute.

Lu Yang repeated his old tricks, and with the help of Pompetti's side, he made another successful cut inside.

But this time there are more people in the opponent's penalty area.

Melkan sat back.

Seeing that there was no shooting path, Lu Yang allocated the football to Moric, who had just switched positions with Ceballos and then returned.

Morich ran to the position, did not look at the penalty area at all, directly kicked his right foot, and kept the ball on the ground.

The football miraculously rolled into the penalty area without being touched by the German defenders.

Sogel is on the football path!

But with a centre-back up front and Melkan on the flank, Sogel struggled to turn around with his back on the ball to create a shot.

At the same time, Sogel and Morich looked at each other, and he understood Morich's eyes.

Sauger slipped the ball over his legs with one leg.

Melkan, who wanted to defend Soger, was taken aback by the German central defender.

The football rolls forward and left in the penalty area.

There, Ceballos, who had just finished changing positions with Morich, should have been standing on the flank to create a threat, but he took two steps to the outside and then cut inwards around the baseline.

He silently came behind the German team's defense line, like a shadow assassin!


Same location!

The same unmarked!

In this European Youth Championship, Ceballos has already scored two goals in this position!

And now, this is the third one!

Familiar position allows Ceballos to shoot steadily.

Italy took the lead 2-1.

The German National Youth Team was instantly anxious.

Their core Melkan finally couldn't hold back his offensive desire and took the initiative to violate the strategy formulated by the coach.

Melkan began to pursue more direct through-ball assists, which was somewhat different from the coach's arrangement.

Moreover, because the players in the center and attacking midfielder did not call with Melkan, the movement was not strange enough, and the imagination was not rich enough, so the Italian central defender resolved several of the most threatening strikes passed by Melkan.

Welsach still has many deficiencies in the defensive midfield position, and his positional sense and defensive ability are much lower than Cortino.

However, the rigidity of the German team's tactics was especially evident in the backward situation, so the flaws revealed by Versage were not caught by the German team except Melkan.

In the 80th minute, after Melkan dribbled past Moric and Versage, he hit the goal when everyone thought he was going to try a through ball and pass.

Outer instep volley!

The football route is weird!

This kind of world wave fairy ball, even if Areola judged the right direction, it is impossible to save it.

Two to two!

Germany equalized the score!

Melkan warmly celebrates, with superstar brilliance!

This is exactly what the German national youth team, including the adult national team, lacks!

But in the same way, the Italian double front midfielder also played a real fire at this time.

In the 85th minute, although Morich was a little weak in defense, he was also the master who could dribble and lead at critical moments.

He also gave Melkan a dribble, and also volleyed from the outside of the instep from the outside of the penalty area.

Don't say, Morich's outer instep is actually quite reliable.

But the goalkeeper of the German team also opened the door and even saved the shot.

The German central defender made a clearance, and the football was high but not far, and fell to the feet of Lu Yang, who was also swept outside the penalty area.

Just as Lu Yang was about to shoot, he was brought down by Melkan next to him.

Melkan gets a yellow card in anger.

He did everything he could.

Morich's long-range shot is fine.

If Lu Yang was allowed to stand up, this position would be too much of a threat.

What's more, the penalty area was very messy just now, and there were many shooting paths.

The most powerful thing about Lu Yang's long-range shots is not his footwork, or even his domineering power, but that he can always find a shooting path that makes defenders puzzled!

His vision is so terrifying!

Soon, the German team erected its own free-kick wall. In order to prevent sticking to the ground, they also arranged for a player to lie behind the wall.

This distance is a little too close. If you take a free kick, it is not very good to shoot directly.

At the very least, Lu Yang's elevator ball had no room to play, and it was estimated that the ball had already flown out of the bottom line before it fell.

So this ball is taken by Moric.

He gave Lu Yang a wink.

Lu Yang knew that Morich, an enterprising guy, wanted to play again.

Coincidentally, he thought too!

This may be the difference between big-hearted players such as Lu Yang and Morich, and those in England who seem to have big hearts.

The real big heart player, the more critical, the more ideas.

Fake big-hearted players are usually crazy, but they don't dare to show off at a critical moment!

So Lu Yang went to the vicinity of the human wall.


Morich kicked the ball and cut it on the ground!

Although the German players jumped high, they breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the football kicked on the player of the German team who was lying on the ground, and refraction occurred. The ball was a backspin, bounced on the opponent's thigh, and flew halfway up.

And it happened to bounce in the direction of Lu Yang.

Although not so decent.

But Lu Yang still used his mind to calculate without hesitation, jumped up, and stabbed the football out before the goalkeeper attacked.

Between the lights and flint, the German goalkeeper did not respond.

The football falls into the net.

Italy three to two!

Take the lead again!

In the next few the German team gave up all play and wanted to hit the goal with a cross.

But the recovered Italy did not give them a chance, and even nearly fought back.

In the end, at the whistle of the referee, the German National Youth Team fell into the semifinals.

They failed to reach the final of the European Youth Championship hosted by Germany.

This is a big blow for all German fans!

But the fans are not going to scold their mothers. After all, the semi-finals of the European Youth Championship are also a good result. What's more, the real highlight should be next year's European Cup!

So, the two teams that reached the European Youth Championship finals were released.

Coincidentally, they are all from Group A teams.

Italy and Spain!

The Group of Death, so it lives up to its name!

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