Football Should Be Played Like Me

Chapter 128: I Lu Zhuan beat my own people?

"The Death Group of the European Youth Championship is joining forces in the finals! England out is not wrong! 》

"Two finalist teams, one team with the most pre-match win, what crime did Poland suffer? 》

"Poland has a point, even though they are defeated, because they have played against three championship-level opponents! 》

"Blue Rise! Italy reached the European Youth Championship final, creating the best record in international competitions in 12 years! 》

"A miracle in the German European Championships! Italian Renaissance! 》

"Three to zero! The champion is here! The probability of winning the European Youth Championship in Spain is as high as 79%! 》

"Three games, six goals and three assists, Lu Yang chased after Enriquez, striving for the golden boot of the European Youth Championship! 》

"Assist hat-trick in advance to lock in the assists king of the European Youth Championship! The legendary life of Italian midfielder Moric! 》

"Sanremo Gemini, do not leave Lu! Lu Yang is simply a shooting machine with assists! 》

The European Youth Championship has finally come to the final stage, and the media around the world are excited because of this.

No matter how exciting other games are, the final will always attract the most attention.

Of course, during this European Youth Championship, there are actually many transfers of young players.

Their performance in the European Youth Championship is almost immediately reflected in their worth and suitors.

Poland striker Pałowski, as the top scorer in the European Youth Championship group stage, has more than five giants making offers for him as soon as Poland is out.

But unfortunately, whether it is Lyon in Ligue 1, Naples in Serie A, Wolves in the Premier League or Villarreal in La Liga, their offers did not exceed 20 million euros.

It's obviously a tentative offer, but one that bothers Werder Bremen.

If you don't give more than 2,500 prices, how can I explain it to Bayern Munich?

What's more, the brand influence of the above-mentioned teams is obviously not as good as that of Bayern Munich.

In the player's personal intention, he also hopes to play in a bigger giant.

Therefore, Werder Bremen rejected all offers, stating that Pavowski was not for sale.

But in fact, it is almost a certainty that Pavowski will go to Bayern Munich next year.

And it is certain that the transfer fee will never be higher than the teams that made tentative offers this year.

This is the Bundesliga.

At the same time, there are many players in the transfer.

But as the youth leader of this transfer period, Mancini's transfer has already happened.

As a result, few have been able to outshine another top-ranking player, Enriquez, in the Europa League final.

Before the start of the final, the media of both sides naturally want to build momentum.

But now the Spanish media is very embarrassed.

They finally understood the situation before the English media.

What is the situation?

Naturally, he was in the situation of being stabbed in the back by Lu Yang!

Before the start of the European Youth Championship, the English media trumpeted Lu Yang's excellence.

Because in the Champions League final, the Premier League team Liverpool borrowed the experience of Sanremo, completed the ultimate comeback of the night in Istanbul, and won the long-awaited Champions League trophy!

Liverpool captain Gerondo made no secret of saying "thank you Lu Yang" after the game.

At that moment, Lu Yang was almost the savior of the English media!

is a perfect player!

But the European Youth Championship starts, and the match between Italy and England will be about whether England can appear.

At this time, the English media naturally couldn't blow Lu Yang anymore.

But because they bragged about it before, and now they want to belittle Lu Yang and slapped themselves in the face, they can only belittle Italy from issues such as Manello and the Italian National Youth Team lineup.

But it's not fun after all.

Because Lu Yang, the de facto leader of the Italian National Youth Team, has never been attacked by public opinion.

This makes other accusations from the English media muted.

Now, it's time for the Spanish media to go through it too.

The Italian National Youth Team defeated the England National Youth Team, sending Spain to the top of the group and allowing them to qualify.

After that game, the Spanish national youth team left after watching the match between Italy and England at the stadium. When Italy won, they also celebrated wildly for Italy.

Afterwards, the classic images of Lu Yang's heels picking the ball and passing the ball from the back, together with the news of Italy's victory over England, also appeared on the homepages of major football media in Spain.

As a result, it has only been less than a week, and Italy has become the only obstacle standing between Spain and the European Youth Championship trophy.

Even if you say that Lu Yang is a chicken at this time and Italy is weak, no one will believe it.

Who made you so invested in what you advertised before?

On the contrary, the Italian media have no such troubles.

At most, the "Repubblica", which has a dirty buttocks, is still publishing news such as "Spain can play Italy 3-0 before, and there is an insurmountable gap between the two".

And other media use the food chain law such as England beating Spain and Italy defeating England to predict the result.

For a time, Spain, which should have been hyping the championship, did not have much voice, and did not create too much pressure on Italy in terms of public opinion.

They lost the strong advantage they already had.


"Ding! You led the team to the final of the European Youth Championship and got a random gift package and a basic point."

"Ding! You opened the random gift package and got the star-level skills, and the people of Bergkamp shared the ball!"

Lu Yang looked at the system panel and almost didn't catch his breath for a while.

Did Bergkamp's men score?

This... It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a superstar skill, right?

The ice prince Bergkamp's ball has been divided, it is simply a work of art.

In all fairness, although Lu Yang played Cristiano Ronaldo's classic man-ball score in the game against England.

But anyone who has watched that game knows that it is impossible for Ronaldo to pick the ball with his heel this time, if there is no accident.

Judging from Cristiano Ronaldo's own reaction, he had expected this move, but he used more power to pick the ball.

And in the follow-up stop, in fact, Ronaldo made an obvious mistake, so that Pique had time to move to the defensive position.

However, due to the luck of the ball king and Ronaldo's strong shooting skills, his shot actually hit the goalkeeper's heel and then shot into the net through the crotch, creating this classic scene.

It can be said that this goal cannot be replicated because there are too many coincidences.

But Bergkamp is different.

Bergkamp's scoring can be replicated, a kind of control that belongs to him alone.

Just like every time Neymar made a pass, he was dancing on the tip of the knife. The scene was amazing but the result was unknown. Even Neymar himself didn’t know if the football would be at his feet after this pass.

And Messi's extraordinary, mostly absolute control of football, no matter how good he is, the ball must be at his feet anyway.

It's a different football art.

Affected by this, Lu Yang's attributes changed.

Offensive run 82-83

Tight ball control 80-81

At the same time, he also increased his arc from 78 to 80.

So far, Lu Yang's strength has definitely reached the star level.

However, the Naihe system cannot be updated in real time, and it will not be updated until the end of the season, so his star barrier still exists, and 85 is still the limit of his abilities.

Considering that the next season will be Serie B, Lu Yang is relatively accepting of this.

It's a good thing to take this opportunity to fully strengthen yourself.

The foundation is not strong, the ground is shaking!

After entering Serie A next season, it is too late to pull out the excellent.

After all, his current defensive ability may still be acceptable in Serie B, but in Serie A, it is estimated that he can only be eaten up.

To borrow a sentence from the "Republic", the gap between the five major leagues and other leagues is insurmountable.

Beep beep!

Lu Yang's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Lu Yang, we've arrived in Berlin, and we're on our way to the hotel now." Tang Yuqin's voice sounded.

"Okay, I'll be right here." Lu Yang replied.

Afterwards, Lu Yang tidied up his grooming a little, and called and asked, "Sophia, are you ready? It's time for us to go."

"Of course, I will behave very decently." Sophia said that she knew the importance of this invitation and chose an elegant and conservative black dress.

Soon, Lu Yang and Sofia left the hotel where the team stayed.

Half an hour later, Lu Yang and Sophia knocked on the door of a hotel's prestigious suite.

All the entrances and exits on this floor are guarded by men in black in Chinese tunic suits.

The people in the house are precious.

"Are you here? Grandpa, let me introduce you, this is Lu Yang, this is Sophia..." Tang Yuqin is very sensible, what should he do at this time.

Girls from big families always know the rules.

The rules seem to be a constraint.

But when the relationship has not reached that point, it is a kind of existence that allows both parties to feel free, respectful and natural.

"Hello, boy, I'm your fan." The old man was very humorous and took the initiative to reach out.

He was full of white hair, but not dazzled.

He was very old, in his eighties.

Tang Yuqin should not be his oldest grandson. I heard that some of his grandsons can be regarded as officials of Fengjiang!

"I'm your fan too!" Lu Yang communicated with the old man in fluent Mandarin, and bowed slightly while shaking hands with the old man.

It is said that football is the war of modern society.

Stars, in a sense, are also war heroes.

But this old man is a real war hero!

"Don't swear at people, I know that fans are swearing in your football world." The old man said that he also understands football very well.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "You can't say that, a team fan is no more noble than a human fan, and even a team fan may have started by liking a player, right? Manchester United, right? And in modern commercial football, team fans are actually Far more pathetic than a fan."

"The fans may worship the spiritual qualities of certain stars, such as not admitting defeat, etc. And the fans of the team worship the same spiritual qualities of certain teams, such as never walking alone, etc."

"But the will quality of the stars is real, and the will quality of the club, with the change of the club's power, will actually have a huge change."

"So, the home team supported by many fans has long since disappeared, but they themselves don't know or are unwilling to admit it!"

"In that sense, I'd much rather be a fan. If my favorite star stops fighting to win and respects my hometown, then even if my heart hurts, I'll be there. Stop loving them for the first time."

"But if I were a fan of the team, then I would think it's just someone's problem, not the team I love, and I'd tolerate all their mistakes and become a puppet for what they want. In fact, it's an escape from the harsh reality."

"To be respected and loved by oneself can be respected and loved by others, and the same goes for fans."

The old man narrowed his eyes, and while listening to Lu Yang's words, he motioned for Lu Yang and the two to take their seats, with a smile on his face.

After Lu Yang finished speaking, the old man asked, "Then where is your hometown?"

Lu Yang looked at the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the living room, which was the east.

"China!" Lu Yang said firmly.

"Okay!" The old man's voice suddenly increased, which startled Tang Yuqin.

"This is Sophia, a famous European actress. Your new movie is very good." The old man greeted Sophia appropriately, and did not ignore anyone.

"It's my honor to get your recognition for my work." Sophia's performance was very well-behaved, and she lost her aura of being a big sister in the entertainment industry.

She knows what qualities to show on what occasions.

She has come into contact with senior officials and even leaders of many European countries, so she has figured out a set of ways to get along with these people.

Of course, this old man has another identity for Sophia.

That is... Lu Yangfang's elder!

Although the other party and Lu Yang have only just met, there is no doubt that these heroes are the elders of all the younger generations of Dongfang.

Whether a woman is decent or not depends on whether she can handle various occasions decently after taking it out.

This kind of "family bureau" is obviously something Sophia needs to adapt to.

"Okay, okay, I'm here to watch football, don't be too grand." The old man said, "By the way, Xiao Lu, you said last time that the Italian Football Association hopes to hold some games in our country. , where is the progress now?"

Lu Yangdao: "It seems that China Television is mainly responsible for following up on this matter, and some domestic clubs are also actively participating. But the Football Association seems to be..."

The old man frowned.

That group of trash is stumbling again?

This is not enough to support panic.

"Xiao Chen." The old man waved his hand, and a person who looked like a secretary came over, "You can follow up on this matter, I hope that this year there will be games played in China... Of course, it's not the kind that wastes money on the people, it is It is a normal and formal type of business cooperation of mutual benefit and win-win.”

The secretary nodded, then took out his phone and walked out the door.

Let the national football team enter the World Cup, establish a football youth training system, and strive to be the top player in Asia. At least let domestic fans watch one or two high-level top football games.

Otherwise, when the national football team rises, I am afraid that countless 80s, 90s, and 00s will die, not to mention the elderly fans in their 80s like the old man.

In fact, this conversation didn't involve too much official content, but rather trivial matters, such as Lu Yang's recovery from injury, the outlook for next season, and so on.

Even after the chairman of the Italian Football Association Maldivini, the chairman of the German Football Association and others learned that the old man was coming, they wanted to visit, but they were all rejected.

The old man just came to watch a game.

To this end, the German Football Association has arranged super safe and luxurious private rooms.

The tickets that Lu Yang prepared for the old man were not used.

This is also a good thing, after all, the old man is so old, and he seems to be an ordinary person, Xianyun Yehe, but if you really think that the old man is an ordinary person, then you are really too ordinary.


July 28.

The day before the European Youth Championship final.

Turin Sports Daily announced the latest issue of this year's Golden Boy Awards ranking.

Among them, the Spanish star Enriquez once again won the top spot, beating Mancini, the creator of the transfer record for players under the age of 22.

England star Mancini ranked second.

Obviously, this European Youth Championship has a greater impact on their ranking.

Polish star Pałowski's age is stuck in the selection limit, ranking fifth.

German star Melkan's ranking has soared from 18th to 7th!

This has something to do with him leading the team to the semi-finals of the European Youth Championship!

However, in this list, Ceballos, the highest-ranked young player from Italy in the European Youth Championship final team, is only ninth.

It's a few places higher than before, but not by much.

Because although Ceballos scored three goals in total this year, he also participated in the instigation of several goals, and is one of the main players in Italy to the present.

But compared to Lu Yang, who has six goals and three assists in three games, and Morich, who has two goals and six assists in three games, he is undoubtedly not the real core.

There is one thing to say, with Lu Yang's Morich, his dominance in the midfield is simply unique.

He has basically locked the position of assist king in advance.

But even with such a perverted performance, Morich just rushed from nowhere on the list to more than 40 Golden Boy Awards.

A dozen places lower than Kanyes.

Lahm is on his own, and has not changed much in the position of more than 70. His performance in the European Youth Championship this year is not very good. He may have encountered a bottleneck of his own. Everyone can see this.

The undisputed number one hero of the Italian National Youth Team, Lu Yang, only ranks 25th on this list.

In all fairness, a list, it is impossible to move a player from the 90s to the top 10 because of his performance in a few games suddenly.

Lu Yang's ranking, from the top 100 to the top 30, can be said to have jumped up.

But the Italian fans are not satisfied.

Mancini is strong?

So why is Mancini being overwhelmed by Lu Yang whether it is a goal or an assist, or the team's record?

You know, Mancini was kicked out of the European Youth Championship by Lu Yang himself!

Not to mention the top three, but why do you want to give me the top ten?

There are also Melkan and Pavowski, both of which are in the top ten.

Co-authoring, I just want to be twenty miles away?

Don't forget, the Golden Boy Award is selected by the Italian media!

Turin Sports News is doing this is a personnel thing?

Lu Yang's sixty goals in a single season can't break your heart of stone?

Really take Italian C to not play football?

Why don't you go to Serie C to score 60 goals?

Even Ceballos posted a question mark after posting the Golden Boy rankings via social media.

Brother Lu is twenty-fifth, I am the ninth, are you kidding me?

I can't handle this pot!

After seeing the news posted by Ceballos, Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction. Xiaosai is a good Xiaosai. If this kid can handle it, the future of stardom is promising!

The Golden Boy Award selection party is really confused.

This year is definitely the hardest year since their award was established.

At first, because of their position, they decisively stood opposite Maldivi.

Because of this, he is not optimistic about Lu Yang.

But later, Lu Yang was very concerned about the terrifying statistics of Italy C, so they had to put Lu Yang in the top 100.

As a result, Lu Yang has gone crazy again in the European Youth Championship, and his ranking has risen like crazy.

I still remember that they said before that Lu Yang would not win the Golden Boy Award anyway.

But if... Lu Yang really beats the top two kids of the Golden Boy Award, no matter how scientific you use a model to analyze and prove that they are more qualified to win the Golden Boy Award than Lu Yang, but fans can do it. Do not recognize.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Most of the time, football awards are less controversial.

Those with a lot of controversy belong to the kind that anyone can take.

If Lu Yang had beaten Mancini and Enriquez successively, this award would have become the kind of situation that could be given to anyone.

To Lu Yang, because his national youth team's record is invincible.

But for Enriquez and Mancini, because they have been famous for a long time, very popular, and have excellent data and records in high-level games, etc., they have an advantage in terms of clubs.

So, don't look at all of Italy's support for the National Youth Team, but Turin Sports Daily really hopes that Italy will lose cleanly.

So this year's golden boy came out, Enriquez, without controversy.

How wonderful!

But this idea of ​​Turin Sports News was shattered in the first minute of the European Youth Championship final on July 29!

Berlin Olympic Stadium.

Spain vs Italy.

Thirty-seven seconds after the start of the game, Lu Yang, who had been dribbling horizontally near the midfield line after receiving the return pass from Sogel, found an opportunity to shoot a lob from the middle, successfully beating the Spanish goalkeeper by surprise.

One to zero!

The Italian National Youth Team has a dream start, bringing a one-to-zero approach!

The entire stadium was silent for a few seconds, then exploded instantly, and cheers resounded through the sky.


This neat cheer, I don't know, I thought the League of Legends S series finals had begun.

Because the history of the European Youth Championship is only forty or fifty years ago, this goal should be the fastest goal in the history of the European Youth Championship.

Lu Yang set another record!

So far, Lu Yang has also caught up with Enriquez in the top scorer list of the European Youth Championship, and also scored seven goals!

"My God! It's too fast! Lu Yang is too fast!" The on-site commentary made many fans watching the webcast almost burst out laughing.

If Morich knew, he would surely find comfort in his heart.

After all, although he only had one to three minutes, Lu Yang only had more than thirty seconds.

The advantage is still great.

in the room.

"I thought he would get acquainted with each other for a period of time before realizing his wild ideas." Maldivini is proud of himself, and now he wants to ask his rivals, I Maldivini has both the Coppa Italia and the European Youth Championship. is so prosperous, how can I lose?

"I thought he would be a little restrained." Tang Yuqin was also in the private room, and she looked at her grandfather.

The old man said: "Art masters are bold, it's normal! When we were fighting back then, we didn't have time to get acquainted with the enemy, and that would be a battle of life and death!"

"Lu is very good. He is destined to become a famous legend in Sanremo. No matter where he goes in the future, Sanremo will always be waiting for him." Mr. Russell, chairman of Sanremo, also came.

Hearing that the old man was coming, he flew over immediately in his private jet, not for anything else, just to meet the old man and say a few words.

In their European aristocratic circles, this is also a kind of talk worth showing off.

After all, ordinary people may not understand the development and progress of the East, and their impression of that place is still in the 1980s and 1990s, but how can those who stand on the top of the world's wealth building not be clear?

The old man looked at Russell and Maldivini and said: "The real great eagle is willing to let his child fly outside. I am like you, no matter what color jersey he will wear in the future, he will always be China. A player who has to be mentioned in football history."

Hearing this, Maldivini breathed a sigh of relief.

If Maldivini has anything to worry about after Italy has reached the final of the European Youth Championship, then it is whether Lu Yang can successfully join the Italian national team in the future!

The national team and the national youth team are different.

If Lu Yang insists, if the lions on the east side insist, then Lu Yang can still switch to the national football team in theory. Otherwise, Lu Yang might be hurt by the public opinion over there.

But luckily.

After the old man spoke, it became a matter of course for Lu Yang to play football in Italy.

This... I am afraid that is the real purpose of the old man to watch the European Youth Championship in person, right?

In order to protect this football seedling, it can be said that domestic football lovers really did their best.

Maldivini looked at Tang Yuqin, and he believed that this little girl also played an important role in it.

"Ms. Tang Yuqin, I wonder if you are willing to take charge of the next friendly cooperation project between the Italian Football Association and Chinese football?" Maldivoni said, "Italian Super Cup, pre-match training for some Serie A teams, Serie A and Serie B broadcast cooperation , youth football talent training programs, etc.?”

Tang Yuqin was stunned, does this... have something to do with her?

Can the bridge between Chinese and Italian football?

"Don't worry, there will be professionals to assist you in specific matters." Maltiffany smiled, almost saying that you don't have to do anything.

At this time, Luo Cheng, who was still explaining in the studio hall of China Television, did not know that his program partner would soon become one of the important symbols of Chinese football.

If he knew, of course he would bless Tang Yuqin.

People are inherently different.

Some people do things for the sake of it.

But some people do things just to lay the groundwork for the next step.

But for those who have every step on their resume just right, without any mistakes or detours, believe me, it's definitely not the way they walked out on their own, but because someone has already arranged for them from the very beginning. All right.

If Luo Cheng is a very talented hard worker.

Then Tang Yuqin is the kind of krypton gold player who can upgrade at any time as long as he is full of experience.

There is no need to compare with this kind of person, social anxiety is caused by this kind of comparison that should not belong to the same In fact, Tang Yuqin is not that outstanding among people of the same background. There are people who are far more successful in business and politics than she is.

Tang Yuqin chose football just because he loves football.

Luo Cheng is very happy, Tang Yuqin is equally happy, Lu Yang is very happy, Sophia is also very happy.

Choose what you love and stick to it, it is a kind of happiness in itself.

The happiness obtained by comparison is not the real happiness, but also the unreliable happiness.

At present, it seems that among those who insist on doing their own thing, Morich is not so happy.

Because he has been worried that his fast three seconds has been widely circulated on the Internet.

damn it!

I'll never go out for female tickets again!

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