Football Simulator: Kick the national football team and dominate the World Cup The sports system tim

Football Simulator: Kick the national football team and dominate the World Cup The sports system tim


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Story of: Football Simulator: Kick the national football team and dominate the World Cup The sports system time travel in the series

[Simulation] + [Five Major Leagues] + [World Cup] + [Time Travel] + [Relaxing and Funny] + [Single Female Protagonist] Regarding football, everything you think about and dare not think about is here! There are many magical plots, magical characters, magical jokes, and of course, magical tactics and playing methods. All in all, this is a not-so-serious football article. … When former professional player Ouyang Gouba woke up, he found that he had traveled to the parallel world of Blue Star in 2033. By the way, Goldfinger: Football Simulator has also been awakened! And a year later, the venue for Blue Star’s 2034 World Cup was actually Dragon Country? ! The national football team has entered the World Cup? ! Fans across the country are eagerly looking forward to it, but the National Football Team and the Pig Association still have the same familiar taste. Dog bully, I finally traveled through time, how can I tolerate this? Just flip the table at the beginning and play by yourself! Portugal, which was going through a period of trouble, led a bunch of squealing boys to dominate the football world. At the World Cup, when faced with the pleading from the leaders of the Pig Association, I immediately stood up! National Football Team: Even if the Portuguese team plays well, why can Long Guo speak better than me? Dragon Kingdom fans: Who is a serious person who watches the national football team? Show me Portugal! Cristiano Ronaldo: In Portugal, only Dog Ba is the most like me when I was young. Messi: It’s a pity that I was born a few years earlier and can’t be teammates with Goba. Mourinho: It’s okay to coach Portugal, just recruit me the bully!


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