Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1142: : Restoration

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

To be honest, Huasheng was utterly ignorant before she woke up, and she was not particularly accustomed to the memory of a brainstorm.

Now that the Holy Spirit has a decree to refer her to His Royal Highness?

Are you really kidding?

Hua Sheng had no idea in his mind, and even Lord Xie, Xie, forgot to say, or the maidservant Green just insisted that she owe her thanks.

The **** left with satisfaction the few gold ingots given by the Hua family, and then the incident caused a sensation in Liuyun.

The women who had originally planned to choose the crown prince were all dumbfounded, crying and Haw not reconciled.

Didn't you say you want to participate in the election together?

Why did you suddenly get married?

Moreover, the Chinese family has been down for five years. For example, today the Shifu has long lost its prestige and glory.

An old lady is left, leading a 15-year-old girl, can such a family really afford the prince's family?

After the **** left, all of them bowed down to Huasheng on their knees.

"Congratulations to Miss Five."

The old lady was too busy to correct, "You should be called the prince, and now the sacred imperial decree is down, this matter is a nail. Our Yunluo is the prince."

As you can see, the old lady was very excited and bullied for five years, and finally waited for this turning point.

Hua Sheng looked at this room and told the truth, she was completely indifferent. Her Royal Highness the Prince and the Chinese family seemed far away to her.


"Eh, Yunluo, Grandma did not misread you. When the high priest of Tianzhao was still alive, he had predicted that you were a phoenix girl and brought her own destiny. She would be prosperous and prosperous for a lifetime, which is why I insisted on sacrifice. Everyone, come and save you, because you are indeed our only hope."

Hua Sheng sighed slightly, but felt unable to refute.

"Yun Luo, do you know? What kind of person is His Royal Highness?" The old lady was excited.

Hua Sheng shook his head calmly.

"Green, you tell the lady."

"Yes, old lady."

Green said quickly, "Miss, His Royal Highness is the current wife of the Holy Saint, born of the Queen Mother, and the only daughter-in-law of the Holy Queen and the Holy Mother. The grace is wireless and the scenery is extremely beautiful. There are eight daughters and four sons on the Saint. Today, unfortunately... …All did not survive for various reasons. And His Royal Highness was crowned as the Prince on the day of the full moon. For many years, his position has been stable as a rock. Rumors are expressed that His Royal Highness is in the form of a dragon and a phoenix with natural qualities. , People who have seen them all exclaimed their worldly posture."

Hua Sheng saw it, and when he described His Royal Highness, the turquoise words were almost exhausted, but he still said that his eyes were dancing.

It seems that this Crown Prince is indeed not a vulgar generation.

After the green was finished, the old lady took Hua Sheng's hand, and her brow was quite kind.

"Yunluo, Grandma hopes you can hold up our Hua family and prevent your parents and four sisters from dying to death. Nothing to worry about revenge, Xia Houku is full of wings now, nor can we all fall down all at once. Grandma only hopes that now you can use the identity of the crown prince and the grace of His Royal Highness and the Holy Prince to protect our Chinese family from being harmed by the founders."

"Well, Grandma, I will." Hua Sheng looked at Grandma with white hair and said these with tears in her heart.

Regardless of whether you have a sense of belonging or not, you are all children of the Hua family, and protecting the Hua family is something you should do.

"Good boy, good boy... After the grand ceremony, I will discuss with the high priest, send you to test the attributes, and then participate in the Tianshi contest. You are a princess. Even if you are not strong, no one dares to hurt you. "

"Grandma, but..." Hua Sheng stopped talking.

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