Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1143: : Still angry

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"That's it, green, you send Yunluo back to the room."

Hua Sheng still wanted to say something, but the grandma did not give the opportunity to speak and let the maid take herself away.

On the way back, Hua Sheng couldn't help but ask, "Blue Green, you said... so many women in the Liuyun Kingdom, why did Sheng Sheng and Sheng Hui choose me as the prince?"

"This..." The girl in the green dress didn't answer.

It stands to reason that this is indeed not in line with common sense. There are many famous ladies in the Liuyun Kingdom, who are as beautiful as clouds, beautiful and powerful, but why did they choose the fifth female of the Hua family? Such a humble girl?

Before this decree, there were actually several candidates across the country.

The hottest thing is the celebrities in today's sage, who won in the First World War five years ago.

Xia Houku is only two in thirty this year, not a bad old man.

The Xiahou family is now full of scenery. Xiahouku's sister with his father and mother, that is, the thirteenth lady in Sima's house, is now 16 years old and is suitable for the selection of the prince.

The 13th lady of the Xiahou family is named Xiahouyan. It is rumored that she is also a national beauty, ice skin and jade skin, white clothes win the snow, and can be a stunning beauty in the harem.

Moreover, I heard that Miss Xiahou and His Royal Highness had known each other since they were young and had studied together.

The second alternative is Miss Nine, Shen Youlan, who is favored by the Prime Minister.

Shen Youlan is said to be the only apprentice of Qin Sheng, who is good at temperament. She can play "Mountain Flowing Water" at the age of three and write "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moons" at the age of ten. She opened the first women's musical academy in Liuyun at the age of twelve. It is said that sitting alone with fifty-two thousand gold fortune, rich and enemies, the limelight once overshadowed her father, Mr. Prime Minister, and the brother of Yushi, the scenery is infinite.

But these two first-class stunners have lost to the little girl who has been in a coma for five years. Who can be reconciled?

The decree, the whole nation of Liuyun is discussing this matter all over the country.

At this moment, Jiangcheng, a thousand years later, is on the contrary dead.

After Huasheng's disappearance, Jiangliu's whole body fell into a halt and sent people to inquire about Huasheng's whereabouts, but there was no news.

Both Wang Junxian and Qin Wanyu once said, Would it be that after the catastrophe, Hua Sheng was already dead.

After all, there are so many days of thunder, maybe the soul of the split has been scattered.

But Jiangliu didn't believe it, he didn't believe his Asheng was so dead.

His Asheng once broke into the road of reincarnation for him, and for him, he fought the **** of blood and opened the magic road.

How could the powerful Asheng die easily under the sky-tribulation?

After Qin Wanyu was off work that day, as soon as he walked to the underground parking lot, he saw Feng Xi standing in front of the car.

Feng Xi wore a very simple red sweater, ball head, jeans, white sneakers, very simple dress.

In fact, Feng Xi and Hua Sheng are both young girls, just because their talents are different, they can learn some tricks, so they are young and old.

Qin Wanyu walked in front of the car and didn't look at the wind. He opened the door and got on.

"Qin Wanyu." Feng Xi shouted anxiously.

"what's up?"

"Qin Wanyu... are you... still angry with me?"

"I'm angry? Why don't I get angry with strangers?" Qin Wanyu is still angry. After hearing these, he was angry, and since then, the wind hasn't seen Qin Wanyu for more than ten days. When we meet again, we all feel like we are in a different world.

"Qin Wanyu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like that. You're right, I'm a woman without conscience, but I didn't treat you as a puppy, you are me... You are my only sincerity in the past two decades People who treat each other are very important to me."

Listening to the wind, Qin Wanyu felt soft.

"Qin Wanyu, if I am not a Feng family, I will definitely stay with that child, and I will definitely marry you. I really like you, I really like it."

When he looked at the wind, her eyes were full of tears, and Qin Wanyu felt distressed suddenly.

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