Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1151: : Both are trapped

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Although Mengshen said intermittently, but Pluto seconds understood, cut the moon and sent Huasheng into the seventy-two illusion, and himself into the seventy-two illusion.

What else can I do? It must be so as not to be disturbed by outsiders. In the illusion, he can only accept scenes made up by him.

"That girl must not be able to come out? She really should use a nine-day black fire to burn the old metamorphosis of the cut moon to ashes." Bai Ran said this.

Pluto was silent, and Dream God quietly interjected, "People in seventy-two illusions will not know that they are in illusions. That is a world more realistic than reality. Just like when you dream, You will find yourself in a dream. Not many people have this kind of self-control. I suspect that she may be trapped inside for a lifetime..."

"Close your crow's mouth." White dyed up another foot, and Meng Shen touched his butt, not daring to say more.

Pluto is very depressed. Dream God is right. Even a common dream is difficult for people to wake up, let alone an illusion in ancient times.

"If my relatives don't wake up, they might be really trapped there by old perverts...maybe for thousands of years...the old perverts are really perverted, and they often entertain themselves regardless of other people's lives. . Poor is the husband of my relatives. If trapped for a thousand years, the boy in the river has already been reincarnated more than ten times? Can I still remember the girl at that time?"

Bai Ran also put away the smiling smile as before, and sighed slightly. He knew that the situation was not good this time.

"Seventy-two illusions, is there an entrance?" Hades suddenly turned back and asked Dream God.

The kid shook his head and said that there was no illusion. Lord Pluto had to ask, and he had to ask, really...

"So how did you enter the moon?" Pluto continued to question.

Dream God whispered, "His Royal Highness II is rumored to be born with an ancient artifact, the Shura Umbrella. The umbrella is said to absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, and the sky, and help him multiply its magical power. Skills, I think...The seventy-two fantasy world was left by the ancients, and the Shura umbrella was also left by the ancient times. It should have some origins, so he can freely enter and exit the seventy-two fantasy state?"

Not to mention, these inferences from Mengshen are indeed quite convincing.

Pluto and Bairan glanced at each other, and said nothing.

In fact, the umbrella that cuts the moon is not called the Shura umbrella, it is called the umbrella of the devil, just like the devil's moon, it is a treasure that never cuts off the moon.

Of course, Pluto and Bairan have never seen him use it, but they have heard that Tianyu Zhenren once dictated that Tianyu Zhenren was an old immortal who had survived the war of Gods and Demons and witnessed the birth of three His Royal Highnesses in the Demon Realm. Naturally will not lie. Therefore, this is very troublesome. No one can enter where the moon can be entered. That is to say, except for the conscience of the moon, you can take the initiative to get Huasheng out, otherwise Huasheng will never come out, and will always Live in illusion.

At this moment, the Seventy-two Illusions, the Kingdom of Flowing Clouds

Hua Sheng sat quietly in the sunset pavilion in the back garden of Tianshi Mansion.

She wore a purple sand Biluo skirt, against the moon, secretly emitting a lilac silver light.

The long hair was scattered around her waist, and her majestic turquoise bundled up a little for her to hold it with a silver hairpin. The silver hairpin carried a wind chime, and Huasheng would make a clanging sound when walking. I have to say that Miss Huajia was born to be very beautiful, and she seems to never grow old.

"Green, go get a jug of wine."


"Go get it." Undoubtedly, Hua Sheng suddenly wanted to drink, why would he want to drink? Because Hua Sheng felt that there was a place in her heart that was empty and seemed to be missing something, which made her more and more uneasy. She always felt that something was wrong, but she could not find any flaws and could not tell what was wrong. .

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