Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1152: : Return of the deceased

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Inside the Temple

Hua Sheng sat alone in the pavilion and drank sake alone.

She was still not used to Hua Yunluo's identity, but she was helpless. The comb on her body has been recognized as one of the seven magic weapons of the Spirit Treasure House of the Heavenly Master's Mansion. It is a unique treasure of her mother named Xu Ling Comb.

As the name suggests, it can save a lot of spiritual power in it, so that people can prepare for unexpected needs.

In the war with the Xiahou family, the Hua family and the couple died in the war. The old lady alone took Miss Wu through the door of time and space and sent it to the millennium to avoid the war.

It also left the last trace of blood for Huasheng, and at the same time, the comb passed through.

I just don't know why, but the comb was not found on her, but it was gradually recovered.

Huasheng really used the power of the comb to fight a lot of beautiful battles.

Now I understand that there is a part of the spiritual power of her parents during her life. No wonder she used it and felt inexplicably familiar.

At least the red lotus that was sometimes missing in the forehead, the grandmother did not say, and the sacrifice did not say, so she did not mention it.

"Miss, drink less. You are now a prince of quasi-prince and a popular follower from the top and bottom of the Liuyun Kingdom. I'm afraid that someone with improper behavior can use this matter to play a role and discredit you and do not have a good reputation for you."

Hua Sheng replied faintly, "In my country's laws, can there be instructions not to allow women to drink?"

"That's not there." The maid returned carefully.

"What's so discrediting? The princess is also human. Can't you drink even if you are in a bad mood?"

"Yes... what the lady said is very true, it was the slave-servant who said nothing." Bilu quickly bowed her head to make a guilt.

Hua Sheng was silent, filled with glass bulbs, and another cup came to an end.

To be honest, she has worked hard to get used to it in these two days, but she still can't find a sense of belonging, so she feels that it is not home.

But those loved ones are clearly their closest relatives.

Bearing her **** enmity and the restoration of the lintel, she still does not have that strong sense of mission, and the high prince, do not know whether it is round or flat?

The wine that Hua Sheng drank was called the fairy drunk, and the wine was extremely strong. It was the finest wine in the cellar of Tianshi Mansion.

The key is that the maid does not dare to take it badly. After all, Miss Wu is now a quasi-prince, and her status is distinguished.

But this pot of fairy drunk, let Hua Sheng drunk on the stone table in the pavilion.

In a trance, she saw someone coming.


"A Sheng, how are you?"

"Who? Whose voice is so familiar..." Hua Sheng vaguely heard a man's gentle voice, which was clearly familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it.

"A Sheng, I miss you so much. When will you come back?"

"Who is Asheng, am I? I am not Asheng, I am Hua Yunluo..." Huasheng tried to keep himself awake and tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't control his consciousness at all.

"A Sheng, say that you will live forever, but you will not accompany me to the old one in your whole life...If it is not the loess and the bones, keep you 100 years old and worry-free."

The man was reading familiar sentences, and Hua Sheng seemed to be electrocuted by something.

Then she opened her eyes, and in a trance, saw a man standing beside her.

Only one step away from myself... as if the old man had returned.

"Who the **** are you?" She held out her hand slowly, trying to catch something, but finally fell to the ground.

She felt the pain until she woke up slowly.

"Miss, are you okay? The slave-servant **** it, did not take care of the lady."

Bi-lu went to get the vacancy of the cloak for the young lady, but the young lady fell to the ground from the stone table unexpectedly, and was suddenly scared to death.

"Green, I ask you, can I have someone I like in the past?" Hua Sheng asked when she was lifted up by the maid.

What the maid asked by her was another stun.

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