Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1167: : She changed her face

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Haha, without you destroying, our Ling family is over... after my death... it is estimated that no one can take the post. When I was young in my life, I was angry with your grandfather and confronting him. At the end, I still lost. ...Your grandfather was right, he once told me that your Ling family was not lost in family secrets, but in character and character. In the end, we still lacked a little kindness before we could be reduced to this. Right."

The wind is silent... her mood is actually very complicated.

Ling Jiuzhou raised his head and looked at the ceiling, his pupils had begun to spread.

His vision became increasingly blurred...

But his mouth is still moving, trying to say this.

He said, "Actually, more than sixty years ago, I once drank with your grandfather, and under drunkenness, both had a divining family destiny. At that time, we saw that Feng Family will have a genius born in the future, inheriting the big responsibility, The hexagram of divination was the water of the sky at that time. Water belongs to yin and women belong to yin. Your grandfather said that my Feng family is going to produce the strongest female Feng Shui master. Tang, once you are in love and love, you have put your family responsibilities behind. It’s hard for people to have high hopes. Your grandfather didn’t argue with me, just smiled. In fact, then I knew that he won ,I lost."

"Is it important to win or lose?" The wind didn't understand. Why are these old and stubborn ones always competing? Are you tired?

Anyway, it's all about slaying monsters and demons. Is it really interesting to have a higher one than a lower one?

"That's fun, don't look at the fact that the two of us have always been opposites, but in fact, my grandfather and you are the best friends, so I can understand your hatred for me for Huasheng's girl, but the girl is dead. , I’m not afraid to tell you. I’m not afraid of death. I feel like I’m about to be relieved. I can go to find your grandfather to drink tea and play chess. I can also go to see my father, my grandfather, and the fathers of my Ling family. Lizong."

"Do you believe me or not, I am now using the soul-killing nail, nailing your soul to death, and then burying it in the extremely shadowy land, imprisoning you so that you will never live beyond eternity. You can’t realize your wishes, you can’t go to the underworld, and you will return. It’s not going to be between the sun. You know that one of my ancestors got into the magic path and wrote a lot of secret techniques, which were listed as taboo by grandpa, but when I was 17 or 18 years old, I finished reading this book. I can now Use my Fengjia's forbidden technique, Soul Array, to block you and imprison you."

"Your dead girl scares me, you can't stop, if you do such a thing, you won't be the wind."

The wind:...

Well, Old Man Ling really understands her appearance. She really has only been addicted to her mouth, and won't do things that damage Yin Yin.

"Girl, my time is up, I... take a step first... see you later."

The wind hadn't waited to speak, only to see that the old man's phantom slowly floated to the sky, leaving the flesh.

Then he was taken away by the ghost ghost who came here. Seeing this, the wind sighed slightly, got up and left, and even Old Man Ling died, and did not see Ling Xiao come back to see Grandpa's last side. Compared with her grandfather, Old Man Ling is really miserable. At least, the Feng family is very filial, there are a group of righteous descendants, and the Ling family... I am afraid that no one will inherit the secret technique from now on.

In a cold villa in Jiangcheng, a woman sat in front of the mirror, looked at her new face and smiled slightly.

"You said, is this face beautiful?" Zhuo Ya's grinning smile made people hairy.

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