Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1168: : Unable to resist

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"The host is the most beautiful."

A few enchanting things exaggerated Zhuo Ya on one knee.

Zhuo Ya's face now has five points similar to Hua Sheng. She changed her face for herself. Why?

Because we want to continue the routines, why not use Huasheng's face completely? This is actually a contradiction.

Zhuo Ya hates Hua Sheng very much, and is annoyed when she sees that face. She says that she is jealous or whatever she says. In short, she cannot accept that she has become her.

However, it is possible to fuse one's face with Hua Sheng's face using magic.

This feels very strange, this face looks like Zhuo Ya, but it looks like Hua Sheng.

She believed this and the face, Jiang Liu would not be so resistant.

In fact, Zhuo Ya is right. Although Jiang Liu has forgotten the most important person in his life, he can still feel familiar when he sees this similar face.

So when Zhuo Ya appeared again, Jiang Liu only felt that there seemed to be something in his brain, flashing like electricity, and he couldn't catch it.


"Jianliu, I'm going for a facelift for you. Since you hate my face, then I'll be you like it?"

Jiang Liu froze, unable to say a word.

He couldn't quite understand the woman's facelift, but looking at this face, he really felt inexplicably familiar, just couldn't hate it.

Where did Jiangliu know, what conspiracy tricks Zhuo Ya used?

Zhuoya and Huasheng are now similar in five points. In fact, Zhuoya itself is not ugly. It is too gorgeous. The feeling of beauty is too strong and too repressive.

Hua Sheng's face is more comfortable, and it is that kind of elegant and gentle type.

"Why are you?" Jiang Liu finally sighed slightly.

"Jiangliu, I knew you in college. I am your first girlfriend. We have an emotional foundation. I don't care what you think, but I really can't let go. I want to chase back what we used to, so, in order You, I am willing to do anything, I beg you... give me a chance."

Jiang Liu wanted to refuse in his heart, but he couldn't help but looked at the face a few more times.

That face was so strange, it felt so magical to him, as if he had liked the girl for a long time.

Jiang Liu has seen countless beauties in recent years. He doesn't value the value of his face very much. He always thought it was just a skin.

But he didn't understand why, but now he couldn't control his mind and had no resistance to this face.

Jiang Liu bowed his head and kept fighting with his own demon.

Zhuo Ya saw through, and then thought again.

"Mr. Jiang, let's have lunch together."

A familiar face, Mr. Jiang, Jiangliu had no resistance at all, so he followed the devil and followed Zhuoya ghost to the restaurant.

In the end it is still a suit? Zhuoya is very proud.

But she didn't think about it. Who is it that Jiangliu can put on?

Isn't it because Hua Sheng has been forgotten?

But Zhuo Ya doesn't care about those things anymore. She feels that if she can attract Jiangliu to be with her and have a skin relative, even if Huasheng comes back, the two won't be together anymore. Cleanliness, care about these.

If she knew that Jiang Liu had touched another woman, Hua Sheng would not have any result with Jiang Liu.

In fact, Zhuoya also lied. She came back this time and really only wanted to be with the river well, not want to harm anyone.

Feng Xi came back from work that day, it was already late at night.

After she had parked the car, she was about to leave, and she heard a strange sound... what kind of animal sounded like it.

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