Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1169: : Seeing Things

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The voice was very weak, as if injured.

The wind was courageous, and he followed the voice, then stunned.

Behind a pillar in the corner of the parking lot, the wind saw a cat, a black cat.

"Little Black?"

After Feng Xi was surprised, he quickly squatted down and hugged Xiao Hei in his arms.

Xiaohei was injured, and one of the legs seemed to be shocked by what animal was biting, and still had black blood flowing.

"Are you bitten? Poisoned?"

"Meow..." Xiao Hei glanced, and seemed to answer the windy question. The windy dare not delay and took Xiaohei all the way home.

First, the incense ash on the Fengjia incense table was used to wrap up the wound on Xiaohei, and then it was taken to interpret the pills.

After bandaging the left hind leg, Feng Xi found Xiaohe several hams and a box of milk.

After Xiao Hei stopped bleeding, it seemed less painful. After eating and drinking, he curled up in the windy arms and seemed to be greatly frightened.

"Xiaohei, what happened? I thought...I thought you also disappeared."

"Meow." Xiao Hei called twice.

After Huasheng disappeared, Feng Xi also forgot about Xiaohei, and did not go looking for it, thinking it was with Xiaobai and the children at Xie's house.

Who knows, Xiaohei suddenly appeared and was seriously injured.

The wind sees people thinking, Xiaohei is Huasheng's cat, and he has kept cats for many years.

Hua Sheng said that Xiao Hei is a spiritual cat, not an ordinary cat, and can do many things.

However, except for Huasheng, Xiaohe rarely contacts other people, and Feng Xi doesn't know much about it.

"Xiaohei, do you remember her, right?"


This is an answer. Xiaohei remembers Huasheng, which made the wind feel very relieved, and she gently touched Xiaohei behind.

"Good boy, you still remember it. Very good. I am not the last one... In the world, I am not the only one who remembers her. She will be very happy."

"Boss, there seems to be a seal on this cat."

A breeze reminded me that Feng Xi noticed that there was something in Xiao He's abdomen, sparkling.

The wind quickly put Xiao Hei down on his back, and then touched his belly to find the location of the flash.

She opened her eyes and suddenly changed her face.

There is indeed a seal on Xiaohei's body, and it is still a very powerful seal. This seal Huasheng has only seen once.

It was in the grandfather's notes that the ancestor Feng had seen this seal hundreds of years ago.

It is the most complicated and powerful one among all seals, and it is called Taigu Cangshen Seal.

Rumor has it that it was left over from the ancient times, and few of the gods and demons will use it. It has been lost for a long time.

Most of the seals sealed by this kind of sealing technique are monsters and monsters with high spiritual power and high danger coefficient, but why does Heihe have them?

The wind doesn't understand, but the wind can't solve such a seal, let alone her, even if her grandfather is alive, she can't solve such a strong seal.

"Boss, do you want to find someone who can speak cat language to translate for us. It's actually good to find a cat demon."

"It's easy to say, where to find a cat demon?" Feng Xi rolled his eyes.

"Boss, I think...I might be able to help you...I know one." Qiao Xue finally came in handy, and after staying with the Feng family for a few days, he felt so present for the first time.

Sure enough, Qiao Xue knew the three teachings and the ninth class, even the cat demon knew.

Qiao Xue soon summoned a low-level cat demon. The cat demon shivered when she saw the wind.

"Tianshi, I haven't hurt anyone, don't kill me."

"You can rest assured that I will ask you to translate some cat language for you, and it won't kill you. Can you help me ask this black cat, do you know where its owner is now?" Feng Xi pointed at Xiao Hei and asked the cat Demon.

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