Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1170: : Black Devil Cat Spirit

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The cat monster was terrified enough, but looking at the wind did not mean to kill it, and he immediately started to do business.

The language between the cat demon and the black cat is the same. The cat demon becomes an elite and speaks human language, so you can translate it to the wind.

Xiao Hei is a cat that hasn't become a sperm, so he doesn't speak human language.

"Tianshi, I asked. It said it didn't know where the owner was?"

"Then... you ask what happened to the injury on it?"

"Tianshi, it said that it was injured by several local dogs, and also said that those local dogs killed its wives and children."

"What?" Feng Xi looked pale.

Xiaohei's wife and children? Isn't that Xiaobai? There are two cat babies, milk and coffee?

That's why Huasheng likes cats the most, and they often tease them, if Asun knows...

The wind suddenly angered, "You ask Xiao Hei, where is the soil dog demon, and I will avenge them?"

"Tianshi, he said that Tudog was lurking in Jiangcheng. Since its owner disappeared, he has been hiding in Xie's villa. Later, when he went out for a walk with Xiaobai and the children one night, he encountered five dogs. Earth dogs, smash them to bite, and the lead earth dogs will also use poison. He escaped because of the spiritual shield left by the owner."

"Dog demon? Make good use of poison?" Feng Xi narrowed his eyes and lamented that Jiangcheng was getting more and more uneven.

Mr. Ling always said that Asheng is a scourge and should not exist, but after Asheng disappeared, Jiangcheng did not feel peaceful, but became more and more strange.

"Feng Jia Gui sent orders."

"Boss." Several breezes were summoned immediately.

"You go and find out, where are those soil dog demon hiding? When did Jiangcheng come here, and what purpose did you come here? What is the origin? Remember... Don't teach with them, be careful."

"Yes, boss."

"Qiao Xue, don't go." Seeing Qiao Xue also going to follow, the wind quickly called her.

"Boss, I can do it too. I can help you."

"No, you are too weak. Stay here and help me keep my house."

The wind is kind in the end, Qiao Xue did not learn Taoism, not the Feng family, if in danger, wouldn’t it be very sorry Qin Wanyu?

Of course, although Qin Wanyu did not know that Qiao Xue was here with her, or that Qin Wanyu did not remember her, she still could not be a stranger.

"Tianshi, can I go now?"

The kitten demon found by Qiao Xue was very afraid of the wind, and he was a god.

"The last question, you ask Xiao Hei, why is there a seal on his abdomen? And is it still an ancient seal?"

After talking with Xiaohei again, the cat demon weakly replied, "It doesn't remember, it only says that it is born in it, but it knows that it is not an ordinary cat, it says it is to pursue its owner. Here, it is the guardian of the owner, and said that he is called-Black Devil Cat Spirit."

"Black Devil Cat Spirit? It sounds like a cow, but... I haven't heard it."

The wind is a bit embarrassing, and I have never heard of any black demon cat spirit, but Xiao Hei is indeed not an ordinary cat.

Just look at the ancient seal on its belly and know that this product may have a long history.

"Okay, you help me tell it, follow A Feng before I come back, stay in my wind house, I will protect it, and I will help him revenge, ask if it will stay, wait with me A Sheng?"

"Tianshi, it said it was willing, and let me tell you, thank you, Master Fengxi, for the life-saving grace and the grace for keeping."

Feng Xi felt warm after hearing Xiaohei's announcement.

Feng Xi must take care of Xiao Hei, but that is A Sheng's pet. Of course, no matter what Tu Goblin, she must avenge it.

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