Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1189: : Allure is like a moon

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The old lady solemnly replied, "The royal family has been in charge of the monarch family for thousands of years. They are in charge of the imperial power and me. The royal prince of the noble prince naturally surnamed monarch. When the queen was pregnant, it was rumored that the moon was in his arms, and then the prince was born. Your Highness, that look is the best in the world, comparable to the fairy."

"So? The crown prince called Jun Jue?"

old lady:……

"Monarch fairy?"

old lady:……

After Hua Sheng lost his memory, he forgot who he used to be, so even if he had more teasing attributes, he could not feel it at all.

The old lady was a little bit fierce, stretched out her fingers and nodded Hua Sheng's head.

"Your little head melon is thinking, His Royal Highness Prince Jun Qingyue."

"Jun Qingyue? This name is good."

"That's nature. This was given by the royal priest. It is said that His Royal Highness is the first eight-segment spiritual master in the royal family for hundreds of years, and he is a thunder-element warrior. The warrior has a very high combat power. There are very few of them. The common saying is good, things are rare and expensive. His Royal Highness Prince is naturally the apex of the Holy Supreme and the Holy Queen, and it is also an extremely rare master of the thunder system in our drifting country."

"Lei Element?" Hua Sheng didn't feel much about the prince, but was very curious about the expert who used Lei.

"Oh, these are not in a hurry, you will understand in the future."


Hua Sheng wanted to retire. She meant that since she knew that she was the source of Lingyuan, she should be able to sweep Xiahou's family.

Revenge and hatred for the family, if the royal family has objections, even the royal family will be destroyed.

But Grandma seemed very scared and didn't believe her strength.

Now Wuji Tower has not announced the results. Everyone thinks that her test is not good, and I am sorry to announce it, to save the face for the crown prince.

Inside the palace, above the palace of the ninth palace.

The Promise of the Promise Tower gave hands to the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost with salute.

"What are the results of Huayun Luo's test?"

"Holy Lord, Queen Mother, the test of Her Royal Highness has been completed, she is a master of the ...... Lingyuan rank."


Both of them on the main hall were stunned.

"It's true, the Holy Queen, the Queen, the prince concubine's physique is rare, and the spiritual power directly destroyed the black iron furnace. We can't estimate what level she is from Lingyuan, because the spiritual power beyond Lingyuan is no longer there. Within our control."

"Oh my god, it's amazing... No wonder I will like it." The Queen Mother is over forty years old, but she can still look gorgeous.

After she heard that the future daughter-in-law was a master of the sky, she was amazed.

Sheng Shang was also shocked. After returning to God, he quickly asked, "What attribute is this child?"

"If you go back to the Saints, Her Royal Highness is the attribute of the entire family of five elements."

This sentence once again deeply shocked the Holy and the Holy.

The two of them glanced at each other deeply and expressed incredible.

"Are you accurate?" Sheng Sheng asked uncertainly.

"Precisely, several of our appraisers are on the scene, and dare not deceive."

"Since it is such a big happy event, why not publish the world? Why do we have to give the result in three days?"

"Holy Lord, first, the prince concubine told her not to speak out, saying that she didn’t want to be too high-profile and afraid to attract attention. Secondly, this matter is too important, she has a bright face, and you know that it’s not just me, How many years have there been no masters of Lingyuan level in the entire continent? I am afraid that this incident will cause a major earthquake and covet in other countries. So I want to tell you to see how to announce it in three days? The prince concubine herself Meaning, announce that she is nine paragraphs."

"I object, you just declared that she is a scrap of the next three paragraphs, just say it is a paragraph, ah, lonely think she will like it."

Along with the sound, the people in Wuji Tower looked around and saw a young man wearing a navy blue robe at the bead curtain of the side door. The man had a small crescent in his eyebrows.

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