Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1190: : Royal Back Pan

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Your Highness Chitose."

Throughout the Golden Dragon Hall, when seeing His Royal Highness, all bowed down and asked for peace, knowing that the Holy One and the Holy One had such a good heart.

"Where did you just say? Continue."

His Royal Highness went straight to the lihuamu chair next to the Holy Spirit, and listened.

"The minister just said that the prince concubine didn't want to be known that she was the rank of Lingyuan."

"But now that you say it, we all know it."

Promise of Promise Tower: ...

"His Royal Highness, Weichen should be guilty of death."

"Okay, don't die. You have to live alive. In other words, the lonely concubine destroyed your black iron furnace?"

"Uh...this..." The messenger of Wuji said, "Isn't anyone humiliated?"

"How much does that cost?"

"If you go back to your Highness, this is not a question of how much it costs. This black iron furnace is still forged by the eighteen elders of the Wuji Tower. Now I am afraid it is difficult to recover. This time I would like to ask the Holy Lord and the Holy Father. Next, How should people who test attributes nationwide be placed?"

The meaning of the messenger is very clear. The prince concubine ruined other people's artifacts, and now the people who want to test the attributes all over the country have no test.

Now let's see how to compensate, or whether the Royal will issue an announcement to carry this black pot back.

If it had been before, Wuji Building would certainly not need to ask, whoever damaged it would naturally have to pay compensation.

But today is not the same. The person who destroyed the black iron furnace is not only the future prince concubine, but also the hostess of Tianshi Mansion.

The scary thing is that she is still a master of Lingyuan.

Several messengers and appraisers in the Promise Tower estimated that if they blew up the gangster.

Maybe there will be a golden light to step on the Wuji Tower, so I dare not ask the trouble.

"Yue'er, your daughter-in-law broke out, what do you think?"

Although the Holy Queen is to blame, his eyes are still full of spoiling, and indeed the sons are all biologically good.

"Let Tianshifu lose money, isn't it that the Hua family is very good."

Promise of Promise Tower: ...

"His Royal Highness, the prince and princess did say that they had to pay compensation. They left us some deposit when they left...but you also know that this is not a problem that can be solved by gold. Limited. The strength is also very limited. I can’t do it at all to withstand the artifact of Jiu Duan Ling, you see...this..."

"This is easy to handle, there is a Chu King Bell there, and it was the grandfather who gave it when I was six years old. It must be no worse than the black iron furnace, and the lone will inject spiritual power into the big clock, and resist the nine sections of spiritual power. No problem, don't be too optimistic, I feel that there are not many people in Liuyun Country that can handle it. Mo said that there are nine segments, and those that can exceed seven segments are few. Finally, a seven-segment Xiahou Kou came out. Look at you It’s like...but forgiving you alone, I like the way you guys have never seen the world."

Promise of the Promise Tower: ...

To be honest, His Royal Highness is indeed a very evil person, especially moody, when you are in a good mood, you just break his beloved tea cup, and he will forgive you. When you are in a bad mood, even if you pass by normally, he can The palm split you.

Therefore, the crown prince said that he would give the emperor's former artifact, Chu Wangzhong, to Wuji Tower. At that moment, he was almost scared to pee.

"Your Highness, this... is absolutely impossible."

With a thump, the messenger of Promise Wuji was kneeling directly on his knees. He really wanted to live a few more days, he swore.

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