Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1199: : Full of magic

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"The teacher said, just give a dollar, meaning meaning, he was not a person of interest."

As soon as I heard that as long as a dollar, Hua Zhi was more at ease. I was sure that it was not a liar. I am afraid that even a dollar is not even worth the money.

Ai Chen arranged a quiet teahouse, and two sisters Hua Lin and Hua Zhi went to meet Master Lin.

Master Lin Lin Qingfeng is a talented student who graduated from G Dafeng Shui Metaphysics. He is also a director of the Zhouyi Association and an extremely famous metaphysics expert.

It is the same vein as the wind, but the wind is a family story. Teacher Lin learned it the day after tomorrow.

"Are you friends of Ai Chen?"

"Yes, Teacher Lin, please give me some advice."

"Okay, say, what do you want to ask?"

"We want to find someone who is missing from our lives."

"Okay, report the birthday, let me test."

The teacher said that from the black alley, he carefully took out the purple crystal ball for the divination of the two Chinese sisters.

Unexpectedly, the crystal ball slammed and broke the ground in less than ten seconds.

Both Hua Lin and Hua Zhi were so scared that their faces changed, but the magical thing was that the fragments of the crystal ball did not hurt them a little.

Teacher Lin looked at the crystal ball with a complicated look and sighed slightly.

"The two of you are afraid to return without merit."

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

"The person you are looking for is not within my ability."

"Then... does it mean that we do have such an important person, right?" Hua Zhi grabbed the point.

The man thought for a long time before he nodded. "Actually, there are some things you shouldn't tell you. It's a leak of heaven. But the two of you still think about her. This affection really touched me. I'm as much Say a little. The person you are looking for, she did exist and did a lot of things to you, and helped you through many sad times, especially you..."

Speaking of which, the man pointed to Hualin.

"Without her, you should have died."

"That monk said the same day." Hua Lin sighed.

"Actually, you shouldn't have any of your children. To be frank, you are the one you and your husband didn't have in your life. It was the person who helped you reverse the world, saved your life, and you The child’s life, if I guessed right, did she take the name of your son?"

Hua Lin's body was shocked, and I remembered that the child's name was Bai Kangning.

But why is it called Bai Kangning, she and Bai Hao do not remember, the two of them wanted to break their heads, but did not remember who helped.

In the end, only the default is probably taken by software on the computer. Now the master, so to speak, really...

"It turned out to be..." Hua Lin was speechless in surprise, and it was more certain that the monk was not false.

"But you can't find her for the time being, and I can't find her either. To put it bluntly, this man is a super powerful metaphysical master, not something I can wait for."

"Our Chinese metaphysics master?"

Hua Lin and Hua Zhi glanced at each other, and they were both ignorant. I really don't remember any metaphysical masters of the Hua family.

"Mr. Lin, since this man is so powerful and so important to us, why can't we remember her."

"Tianji cannot be leaked."

Teacher Lin sent Hua Zhi and Hua Lin away in one sentence.

After the two had left, he picked up the teacup and shook his head. "How long has it been since Jiangcheng didn't come? It became such a smoldering gas. Then Mr. Wu Nan, the helm of the Fahrenheit Group, is the most interesting. It is obviously a mortal who is magical. I am very curious. , Where did his magic come from?"

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