Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1201: : Create a magic tire

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Miss Zhuoman is very kind, and it is my three-year luck to be a friend with a big beautiful woman like you."

After getting acquainted with each other at night, the two quickly got together. Zhuoman wanted to use intimate contact to absorb the magic and yang of Wu Nan.

But when I got together, I realized that there was no more yang in Wu Nan. This was a **** person.

It is possible that it is all given by the magical nature, but that magical nature, which is not able to be absorbed by the sorcerer, such as Zhuoman, shocked Zhuoman.

"Mr. Wu, what strange things have happened at home recently? The little girl knows some magic tricks, maybe you can share your worries?" Zhuo Man smiled and let Wu Nan's heart suddenly mention his throat, and he thought of it all at once. That cheap maid, Chuntao, and the child in her belly who had not been born for fifteen months.

"Mr. Wu is assured that if I can trust me, I will talk about it, maybe I can solve it. It doesn't matter if I think I can't believe it, just don't ask me."

Zhuoman smoked a cigarette and leaned on the head of the bed, catching men's psychology very much.

Having said that, what else can Wu Nan do?

If you don’t say it, wouldn’t it look like a little boyish?

So I had to bite the bullet and talk about Chuntao and the children at home.

Zhuoman asked as if he had discovered the New World, "You said, the child hasn't come out in fifteen months?"

"Yes, I don't know if it's a monster." As soon as Wu Nan mentioned this, he was depressed and died. He wanted a son or something.

"Can I go and see if it is convenient?"


Wu Nan hesitated when she heard that the strange woman was coming home.

Zhuoman took out a business card from the crocodile leather bag and handed it to Wu Nan.

"You can rest assured, I am the boss of the excellent venture capital, worth more than 100 million yuan, I will not be greedy for your family, the most important thing is that I understand the magic arts, I will know if other people can't?"

Do you really understand? "

Wu Nan really does not believe in this woman of unknown origin, so the question is affirmative.

Zhuo Man smiled for a while, only to stretch out his hand, and directly performed a fetching water from the air, looking stupid Wu Nan.

Zhuoman smiled and said nothing, turning the water in his palm into a fire again.

But these skills of carving insects also opened Wu Nan's eyes.

Like finding the organization, I believe in Zhuoman this woman.

Therefore, when Wu Nan took Zhuoman to find Chuntao, she was going crazy.

"Wu Nan, are you too much? I don't care what you usually do outside, but you have taken the woman home. Are you bullying me? I am fighting with you..."

Chuntao was stimulated like a neuropathy, and rushed straight up to hit Wu Nan.

But Wu Nan was directly clamped and glanced at her big scary belly.

"Xiaoman, come and see, this is the monster."

Wu Nan took a bite of a monster, calling the child in Chun Tao's belly, so Chun Tao could not bear it.

"He is not a monster, he is also your child, Wu Nan, you are not a person... you are not a person..." Chun Tao's crying eyes were red.

Zhuoman opened the demon pupil and stared at Chuntao for five minutes from top to bottom.

To tell the truth, Chuntao’s child is not a monster. She was scared of being fetal, because she was contaminated by magic, and she dared not come forward. So protecting her child is a delayed state. Normally, it should be half a month. It's due date.

But now that she meets Zhuoman, she suddenly feels that this child is the best raw material for making magic tires.

"Boss Wu, your child is indeed unusual, but... I have a way to save it." Zhuo Man smiled very carefully, and Chuntao looked shivering.

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