Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1326: : Underworld

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Xie Dongyang looked at Huasheng in a complex mood. To be honest, he didn't expect Huasheng to say that at all.

"Sheng Sheng, I thank Dong Yang He De He Neng......"

The name Sheng Sheng did not dare to call it for a long time. Since the last time he confessed to Hua Sheng at the big dinner, he was finally rejected.

Xie Dongyang's situation is very embarrassing, even Hua Zhi, even subconsciously not mention Hua Sheng when eating with him.

He knew that his practice that day made many people unhappy.

Everyone around Huasheng believes that Huasheng is a river.

Others simply cannot touch a little bit, even if the river is dead, it is not his turn to thank Dongyang.

But people are selfish, who can sell their beloved women?

Jiangliu's parents were very prejudiced against Huasheng for a while, because they could not have children.

At that time, Xie Dongyang thought that Huasheng is now a soul, without a body, it is certain that no child will be born.

The Jiang family values ​​the heirs so much, and Hua Sheng will continue to be with Jiang Liu and will not be happy.

And he has always been self-willed at home, and his parents have given up on him and will not interfere.

The eldest brother Xie Dongze has a child Xie Ning, and the three sisters Xie Dongyao are also married and pregnant, so there must be children.

At that time, he will not have to give birth in his whole life, even if he marries a soul back, Xie family will not object.

But I didn't want to. After that confession, everyone felt that Xie Dongyang intended to break up the river and the Huasheng couple.

Even Wang Junxian, Qin Wanyu and them, secretly in the business, did not target Xie Dongyang.

However, he did not tell anyone about it.

After all, a big man, always complaining to someone for what he has done.

Hua Zhi was a very smart person. Seeing that Xie Dongyang was bitter in his heart, he often asked for dinner to comfort him.

However, Hua Zhi meant that Xie Dongyang would abandon Hua Sheng earlier and find a beloved woman.

Xie Dongyang has not tried to be with other women in recent years.

When I lost my memory, I really tried to love Ni Wenwen.

Wen Wen is already a major player in Dongyang Pharmaceutical, and has become a vice president.

The good she has done to Xie Dongyang in recent years has all been seen by the company.

Xie Dongyang thought, Wen Wen is really a good girl, why not try it together.

But in the end, when the two were kissing, Xie Dongyang still found that he could not pass this level.

At that time, I only felt that there was a vague shadow in my mind. Although I could not remember who it was, he definitely had a very important position in his heart.

Once, Xie Dongyang was drunk.

Say to Hua Zhi, "Hua Zhi, don't persuade me, I also want to forget, if I can forget, I will have long forgotten. Don't force me anymore, I love but I'm more painful than anyone else. Think about it, I haven’t forgotten Huasheng in those years when I was washed away from memory. Now that the memory is restored, I can only make my love deeper. I think maybe it’s what I owed her in my previous life. Love."

At that time, Hua Zhi was very distressed after listening to it. Later, he basically didn't mention this matter.

But Xie Dongyang wanted to face, and after that time, he rarely saw Huasheng, and he wouldn’t stick to WeChat like before to call Shengsheng.

Today, this sentence of Shengsheng exports, but it is the urge to cry when he hears it.

"Sheng Sheng, you did a lot for me and for our Xie family. You don't need to help me anymore. Really... I don't want you to pay a little for me, even friends." Xie Dongyang knew. The resurrection of the dead needs a price. I vaguely heard Hua Zhi mentioned Hua Lin's events in the past and said that Hua Sheng almost went to the underworld several times and almost folded himself in.

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