Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1327: : Complex situation

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The reason is very simple, if Hua Sheng can really resurrect the dead, why did Hua Zhenyue fail to resurrect, and her favorite grandma, why not resurrect? This thing must have paid a terrible price. Xie Dongyang hoped that his elder brother and his father would live, but he could not let Hua Sheng bear the heavy price. He is a man and does not need a woman to sacrifice.

"It's not as serious as you think. I'll go find the way first. You can do it as I said."


"Xie Dongyang, are we still friends?" Hua Sheng interrupted Xie Dongyang's words with a cold face.

"Of course." Xie Dongyang's voice was hoarse.

"Then do you believe me?"

"of course."

"Then leave it to me. I can't guarantee that they will be resurrected, but I will never let them die."

Hua Sheng has never seen any emotions, and his face is always calm and weak, seemingly inhuman, without sorrow and joy.

In fact, she just doesn't like to expose her emotions. Her heart is kinder than anyone, softer than anyone, and has compassion.

Xie Dongyang's tears flashed, and the haggard fine lines all flicked a few times.

He tried to wink, not to cry in front of his beloved woman.

At this time, Feng Xi walked in and looked at Hua Sheng and Xie Dongyang.

"How? Did you find any anomalies?" Hua Sheng asked the wind.

The wind shook his head, "I checked, it was indeed an external injury, the accident collapsed was an accident, and the wound traces were also correct. The body did not have any poisoning traces, no cursing, nor any demon gas. It was an accident. death."

Listening to the wind, Xie Dongyang probably knew in his heart that his father and his elder brother Bajiu Chengdu had no hope of resurrection.

In general, there is only abnormal death, evil spirits, or something that improperly intervenes.

Or have you been injured by some witchcraft masters, can you have a chance to turn over?

If it is really just an accident and death, it means that Yang Shou is exhausted.

In this case, even if Huasheng goes to Pluto, there is no hope.

Xie Dongyang just wanted to persuade Huasheng not to go, and Huasheng disappeared in the study room with a white light.

"Let her go, you are her friend, she must want to do something for you."

The person behind him was the wind, and she guessed what Xie Dongyang wanted to say.

Xie Dongyang turned his head tiredly, and looked at the wind, "I know that Sheng Sheng has always treated me very well, I know it."

"Xie Dongyang, I used to hate you, because I always feel that you are ashamed of Asheng. I know that Asheng has a husband, and I come to destroy..."

"What about now?" Xie Dongyang asked in a low voice.

The wind pursed his lips and adjusted his heavy emotions. "Later, I found out that A Sheng is so good. There is no woman like her that men don't like, so I can understand why you have been utterly stubborn to her all these years. It’s just... A Sheng’s character, even if you like it, there is no chance that she only recognizes the river, not only in this life, but in the next life, the next life will only recognize the river."

Xie Dongyang lowered his head and said nothing.


Hua Sheng can already come and go freely in the prefecture. Before, she was a human being, and the cadres would still question them decently.

Now she is already a soul, and those in the underworld who dare not dare to mess with it.

Not only that, when I saw it, I also nodded and saluted, politely called out, Huasheng girl.

"Mrs. Huasheng, are you looking for our Master Pluto?" Outside the Fengdu Hall, one of them was politely speaking.

Hua Sheng nodded, "Is there Ming flame?"

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