Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1337: : Tian Cheng Jia Duo

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After the Western-style wedding, it is Chinese. There are as many as 13 wedding dresses, including six spare ones, all of which are luxurious and customized.

It can be seen that Wang Junxian valued the wedding of the two more, and Hua Zhi looked sideways at his sweetheart.

I am also glad that I listened to Feng Xi and A Sheng, and did not go to Xie Dongyang's house.

Otherwise, on the day of great joy, no matter what happens, you run away, and the damage is really great.

Then Wang Junxian really would never forgive Hua Zhi, thinking of this, Hua Zhi clutched Wang Junxian's hand tightly.

After feeling her mood change, he was slightly worried, "Xiaozhi, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Wang, I love you."

Hua Zhi said so frankly that I love you, Wang Junxian is really not used to it, and his old face suddenly turned red.

Others also joked, Gao He laughed the most, "Oh my mother, is this what my sister Hua Zhi said? Haha, is the sun coming out from the west today? The tigress is actually a little white rabbit."

"Go far away." Hua Zhi glanced fiercely.

"Pharaoh, the goddesses are all confessed, don't you want to say something?"

Wang Junxian lowered his head and remained silent for a long time before he said, "I will take care of Hua Zhi for a lifetime."

"Tacky." Qin Wanyu pouted.

"Don't want to listen, change something new." Hua Lin vomited.

Wang Jun obviously doesn't like to talk, except to talk to Hua Zhi, it is just like cherishing words.

Jiang Liu did not worry about the bustling, but was naughty while holding Hua Sheng's hand.

"Pharaoh, you have to say a few words. How can you take such an important day?"

"You are obviously getting cheap and selling well, your wife is back and you start to float again, don't you?" Feng Xi teased the river.

The river flow was generous, and he laughed, and he was in a good mood.

"It must be very floating, because this is the happiest for me, and my A Sheng is my heart."

Having finished speaking, despite the sour smell of everyone, he took Huasheng's hand and kissed and kissed. The intimate look really didn't seem to be like the inaccessible President Jiang. Hua Sheng was still the same, he couldn't let go, and quickly shook his hand away from the river. "Don't do this, so many people are watching."

"Look and see, both of us are legal."

Jiang Liu's words even made everyone laugh, and it is really a good day today.

Of course, as long as I don’t mention the tragedy of the Xie family, in fact, it is worthy of celebration for everyone, and it is the happiest day in the past three years.

Wang Junxian took Hua Zhi's hand and walked slowly to the stage, when the pianist played beautiful music.

Wang Junxian slowly said, "Xiaozhi, you know my mouth is stupid, I don't know much to say, but I know that today means different things to me, I have to say a few words. I used to think that love is like a ghost, Many people have heard of it, but haven’t seen it. Because there is no pure love in this world. Later, I met you and learned to like the taste of a person. Then we cold war, I almost lost you, I am really I fell in love with you deeply and couldn't help myself. I learned the cherishment and dedication from Huasheng and Jiangliu, and the relationship and forgiveness from Qin Wanyu and Fengxi. I learned from Xiaohe and Ginkgo that love won't be taken away I was blocked by my status. So I harvested the most perfect wife in the world. I can swear to everyone today that I, Wang Junxian, can pay everything for Hua Zhi. Seven days ago, I had a lawyer team to prepare the pre-marital property. My name All of the property under the property was owned by Hua Zhi before marriage. So if I did something that I was sorry for her, I really had nothing."

After Wang Junxian finished speaking, everyone was stunned, and the Wang family was dumbfounded.

Wang Junxian really transferred hundreds of billions of assets to Huazhi? Is this...too nonsense?

Hua Zhi was also shocked with wide eyes, she really didn't know at all, is this swollen?

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