Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1338: :uninvited guest

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi was already in tears.

Sobbing and speechless, she looked at Wang Junxian with tears in her eyes.

Wang Junxian took Hua Zhi's hand, and announced to the audience, to dozens of cameras, "I now announce that Hua Zhi will be my Wang Junxian's invaluable treasure from now on, and I will spare all my life to protect her from letting She is a little wronged. I will love her as much as I love myself. Hua Zhi is also the real hostess of our royal family. I am a wife in my life and will never die."

"My husband is the only one in my life, and I raised my eyebrows." Hua Zhi smiled with tears in her head.

Hua Sheng was so moved that she could not see it. She leaned on the shoulders of the river and her eyes were red.

Applause rang throughout the room, and then the flower girl began to spread countless red rose petals.

At this moment, an unexpected guest came.

As soon as the man appeared, Hua Zhi's face changed.

Wang Junxian's face also changed, and even holding Hua Zhi's hand, he was nervous.

Jiang Liu frowned, and Hua Sheng's eyes were complicated.

Qin Wanyu walked a few steps with his eyes wide open, close to Wang Junxian's position, thinking of what might have happened, but helped the old Wang hold the scene. After all, today's big wedding, can't be a joke.

"Who is that, why did everyone look at him and change their face?"

Yu Ping's husband didn't know this person, but after seeing everyone's reaction, he knew that he must be an uninvited guest.

Yu Ping whispered into Jing Sai's ear softly, "This is Zhao Shixun, Sister Hua Zhi's ex-boyfriend and first love boyfriend. She used to be a man that Sister Hua Zhi liked very much. It seemed that she had also missed President Wang before because of her. 'S proposal, so this man is really troublesome, but how did he come? Don't say he has gone abroad?"

Zhao Shixun appeared here, something no one expected.

After all, after the last incident, he really left, went abroad, and there was no news.

Instead, it appears again when we are married today.

Zhao Shixun's dark blue slim suit was also carefully dressed, and his face value was not lost to Wang Junxian. Wherever he went, he was the kind of leader. He walked in from the hall alone, and slowly walked towards Hua Zhi and Wang Junxian.

Feng Xi glanced at Huasheng, meaning to ask Huasheng what to do?

Hua Sheng shook his head instead, telling her not to act rashly first, observe and then say.

"Xiaozhi, you are so beautiful today."

Zhao Shixun walked over to a couple of newcomers, and finally his eyes fell on Hua Zhi.

In his eyes, there was endless tenderness, the kind of gentleness that anyone would fall into.

Wang Junxian was able to calm down, but he didn't directly rush up. Instead, he was calm and confident.

Hua Zhi was a little embarrassed, "Why are you here?"

"How can I not come when you get married? I used to think that your bridegroom must be me..."

After Zhao Shixun finished speaking, his eyes turned to Wang Junxian.

Wang Junxian smiled, "Brother, if you come to the wedding today and drink wedding wine, I welcome you. If you want to make trouble and grab a kiss, add chaos to me and Xiaozhi wedding, then I will certainly not be soft, you are also a smart person, think twice about doing things Then go."

Then the air froze for a few minutes.

There were clearly thousands of people on the wedding scene, but at that moment, it was really quiet, there was no sound.

Wang Jun was condescending and looked at Zhao Shixun, his eyes surging undercurrent.

Zhao Shixun also confronted Wang Junxian, with too many things in his eyes.

"Husband, what should I do?" Hua Sheng was nervous, and quietly raised his head and asked Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu lowered his head and looked at the little woman in her arms, warm in her heart.

His woman finally wanted him, and the feeling of being really so good.

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