Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1345: : Xie Family Massacre

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Hua Sheng swept the face of Qin Wanyu coldly, "The seventeen years you mentioned were the age before Qiao Xue. She died for so many years. In fact, she should have been in her early thirties. But it’s smart. Of course you can doubt me, these are made up by me, I deliberately frame Qiao Xue, but Qin Wanyu, you have to think about it this time, if you miss it, in the future... even if the wind wants to follow you Reconciliation, I will not agree with Huasheng. I will not let Feng Xi give you a chance, you will lose her forever."

Hua Sheng's temperament is very weak, rarely anger.

Now that these words can be spoken, it also proves very annoying Qin Wanyu.

Jiang Liu stepped forward and took off his coat to put on his wife.

"Okay, it's time to finish talking, you can come back quickly, don't be mad at yourself." Jiang Liu wished to tie Hua Sheng around all the time, so that he could take care of it for 24 hours.

Hua Sheng did cough a few times, and then backed away, snuggling in the chest of the river, not talking.

Qin Wanyu was already very complicated in his heart, and he even wanted to find the wind right away.

"Should Qiao Xue still be at your house? Shouldn't you go and ask her?" Hua Zhi also forced Qin Wanyu.

"I think Qiao Xue should have left. The woman is very smart and will not wait for Qin Wanyu to question." Hua Sheng said.

"This matter... makes everyone worry, I will go back to deal with it now, whether it is Qiao Xue or the wind, I will see it. Everyone eats it first, I will take a step first." After being blamed by Huasheng and Huazhi, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Moreover, he understands the character of the Huasheng man, and there is no need to injustice anyone.

So those must be true, since it is true, he needs to go to Qiao Xue to ask clearly, and also to apologize for the wind.

Qin Wanyu is really big now, not good for years.

After Qin Wanyu left, everyone began to continue the dinner, after all, it was to celebrate the wedding of the couple of Hua Zhi.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that Huasheng and Jiangliu returned, and she said, "Her husband, I want to go to Xie's to see."


"Aren't you angry?"

"Of course not. There are so many things happening in Xie Dongyang's family. I won't be so ignorant. You just go and pay attention to safety."

Jiang Liu understands Hua Sheng's situation very well, so he will not embarrass his wife.

Hua Sheng was very pleased and rubbed the tip of his nose with the face.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for your understanding, you can rest assured, your wife will not be in danger, after all, no one is my opponent."

Jiang Liu knew the skill of Hua Sheng, and everyone knew it.

It was a woman who could burn **** out of a fire. Not to mention this world, even in the underworld, there is no ghost dare to provoke Hua Sheng.

With the acquiescence of the river, Hua Sheng came to Xie's house.

Because there is now a body made of cotton, there is less sense of absence.

Even Mrs. Xie, Feng Yu and Xie Ning saw Huasheng.

"Aunt Huasheng." Xie Ning ran over and hugged Huasheng's thigh directly.

Hua Sheng squatted and patted Xie Ning's shoulder, "Well, Ning Ning is good."

"Aunt Hua Sheng, what should I do, please persuade my second uncle, he hasn't had a good meal for several days, my grandma said, if this goes on, my second uncle will be like my grandfather and dad, go Far away, far away, I will never come back. Ning Ning does not want, Ning Ning has lost his grandfather and dad, and can no longer lose his second uncle. The second uncle only likes Aunt Huasheng and only listens to Aunt, so beg Aunt Quickly persuade him."

The little Xie Ning is a big kid, and he speaks neatly. Hua Sheng is very sad.

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