Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1346: : Rumors abominable

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Ning Ning, don't be afraid. Aunt promised to help you persuade your second uncle."

"Thank you, aunt." Xie Ning was so excited that he kissed Huasheng and kissed him.

The Xie's family died dead overnight, and it is no longer the Xie's family in the old days.

Feng Yu helped Mrs. Xie, both of them looked haggard, their eyes were red and swollen, and they didn't know how many times they cried.

"Auntie, sister-in-law, please mourn, no one can be reborn." Hua Sheng walked over and persuaded the two.

"You are right, we have accepted the facts, and now it is my son Dongyang who is suffering, and he is carrying the whole family alone. Not only to deal with the affairs of the group, but also to handle the affairs of his brother and father, it is also painful to me, just now You heard the words of my granddaughter. A Sheng... You can be selfish or whatever, I hope you can persuade Dongyang to let him have something to eat. In the past few days, he did not close his eyes and dripped. It’s impossible for individuals to enter without entering. The dead people are already dead, and the living people still have to live their lives. Isn’t our Xie family not dead yet?"

Talking, Mrs. Xie cried again, breathless. The body is also soft, directly planted in Feng Yu's arms.

Feng Yu also had a sour nose and cried.

"Mom, don't cry, the doctor said you can't be emotional anymore, you need to take care."

"Where is Yaoyao?" Hua Shengqiang endured the sadness and asked Feng Yu.

"Yaoyao was pregnant, so we didn't let her come and was taken back by her mother-in-law to rest."

"What about Dongyang Xie?"

"The second uncle has been in my grandfather's study for a small day, and refuses to come out without eating or drinking," Xie Ning replied.

"Well, I'll take a look, don't worry."

Hua Sheng calmed Xie's women and children and went upstairs to find Xie Dongyang.

In fact, Huasheng came this time, there are other things.

The Xie family had an accident and was on the news page, only because Hua Zhi and Wang Junxian's wedding was too obvious, so it was ignored by many people.

Hua Sheng saw that someone had started conspiracy theories in the news.

What conspiracy?

Someone speculates that it was Xie Dongyang himself who was behind the incident. He devised a dead game for his own occupation of the Xie family property, so that his father and his brother would all die in it, so as to take advantage of the fisherman.

In fact, Xie Dongyang is indeed the only heir to the Xie family business empire.

Because my brother and father are not there, my sister-in-law is a woman, your niece is a woman, and your sister is also a woman.

A widow and only such a man is left, he is naturally the most profitable.

But Hua Sheng understands Xie Dongyang's character, he does not care about these fame and fortune.

Otherwise, they would not deliberately rebellious in those years, and would not go to the company, and ran out to do Dongyang Pharmaceutical.

But rumors outside are so abominable that it is bad for Xie Dongyang's reputation, especially in this sensitive period.

It is very likely that it will become the last straw to overwhelm the camel. Xie Dongyang, who is a little negative, probably doesn't want to live.

Follow your father and brother to prove your innocence.

Thinking of this, Huasheng's steps upstairs were a little faster.

Now with this cotton body, the efficiency is still slow, because you can't pass through the wall.

In the study

Xie Dongyang was sitting in his father's chair without saying a word, and was always dazed.

Hearing the knock on the door, he did not respond.

Hua Sheng opened the door and came in, "When are you going to bury them?"

Hearing Hua Sheng's voice, Xie Dongyang turned his head, and then remained silent for a while before saying, "I haven't thought about it yet, I can't bear it..."

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