Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1364: : Maternal love is rampant

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After talking, Hua Sheng got up and left, because her patience had been exhausted...

Xie Dongyang stood stunned behind him, trying to stop Hua Sheng, but when it came to his mouth, he could not make a sound.

Because he really didn't know what else to say to A Sheng, the relationship between the two really reached the lowest in history.

After Hua Sheng left, Xie Dongyang froze upstairs again for a long time before putting on his coat and going downstairs.

Feng Xi sat in the living room drinking tea, but had a pleasant expression.

"Wind, thank you for today's affairs. If you are not here in time, we may all..."

Feng Xi squeezed the tea cup, but smiled, "Don't thank me, thank you, she is more worried about you. So many boys like her to crush her, she is only different from you, because you are really regarded as a friend, you Since it is a friend of A Sheng, then I, Hua Sheng, must also be obliged."

Feng Xiyue said so, Xie Dongyang was embarrassed.

Because he felt that he disappointed A Sheng's heart, but there was no way, he couldn't betray his mother, right?

In fact, the Xie family is indeed the old lady of the Xie family, and it is indeed she who has always encouraged Xie Dongyang to give funerals to her father.

As for the reason, it is even more outrageous. It is said that today is a good day, and it can bring the old family of Xie and the younger master back to life.

Who would believe such a thing?

But the old lady of the Xie family cried twice, hanged up three times, and the troubled Xie Dongyang couldn't bear it at last, so she could only agree with her daring.

I even forgot to ask, who told the mother these words, why would you believe the ridiculous words of a person resurrected?

Even Huasheng and the people with such strong winds did not promise to help him resurrect his father. Where else do people have this ability?

But Dongyang finally thought it was too simple. He thought it would be fine if he obeyed his mother.

Anyway, my brother and father were going to be buried sooner or later, but I didn't expect to do so many things, but also let him and Hua Sheng start a cold war.

When Xie Dongyang came out of Fengxi's house, the whole person's condition was not very good.

Feng Xi feared that he had something to do, secretly called two fresh breezes to follow him.

Ten miles of spring breeze

When Huasheng returned, Jiangliu didn't return.

Ginkgo made brown sugar **** tea and poured Huasheng a cup and drank it warmly.

Her cotton body is amazing now, although it is cotton, it has a touch, and can eat and drink.

More and more human-like, Xiao Hei didn't know when to meow, and ran lazily.

Go down to the master's feet, obediently, close to Huasheng's skirt.

"Miss, do you have anything to eat at night?"

Hua Sheng shook his head and leaned on his temple.

At this time, her cell phone rang...

She picked it up and saw it. It was actually a video sent by Feng Yu. To be honest, Hua Sheng and Feng Yu were not very familiar. Is there anything important to say?

When Hua Sheng picked up the video, that was actually Xie Ning's face.

Xie Ning looks very much like the second uncle, looks handsome, and talks with milk and milk, very cute.

As soon as the video was received, Xie Ning shouted, "Aunt Hua Sheng."

"Ning Ning." Hua Sheng's eyes softened.

Xu is the reason why he has no children. When he sees a child, he likes it inexplicably.

Even Hua Feng, Hua Feng's daughter, and Bai Kangning, Hua Lin's son.

She will really love them, buy toys for them, and coax them.

So seeing Xie Ning, Hua Sheng is also an overflow of maternal love, and his face has eased a lot.

"Aunt Huasheng, can you not be angry with your second uncle, but can you forgive him?" Xie Ning asked a serious question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

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