Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1365: : Time passing

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"Aunt Hua Sheng, the second uncle really likes you. I used to think that my uncle's favorite person was me, but later with the aunt Hua Sheng, Ning Ning was not the one the second uncle liked. Ning Ning wanted to say, No matter what the second uncle did, I hope your aunt will give him a chance to forgive him, otherwise the second uncle will really be very sad and uncomfortable than death, okay?"

Xie Ning, a child who said these words, really made people feel very complicated.

Everyone knows that Xie Dongyang likes Huasheng, so how could he feel good this time when he was so fierce this time?

Even if he asked for it, Hua Sheng would not forgive him.

But if Xie Ning intervenes, the nature is different.

Hua Sheng listened to the child and said nothing, but it was clear that his face was much better.

"Aunt Hua Sheng, did you listen to what I said?" Xie Ning asked wrongly again.

"Hearing Ning Ning." Hua Sheng's voice was very gentle.

"Will you forgive my second uncle?" Xie Ning asked cautiously.

Hua Sheng's eyes were smiling, "Well, forgive your second uncle."

"Really? Ha, auntie, you can count your words, don't lie to me." Xie Ning heard Hua Sheng said to forgive Xie Dongyang, she was so happy.

"Well, forgive me, Ning Ning is so sensible and so good, I just want to forgive your second uncle in Ning Ning's face."

This was true when Hua Sheng was angry, but he did not plan to ignore Xie Dongyang forever.

It was just because the Xie family had no clue about the matter this time, and Hua Sheng felt depressed.

But hearing Hua Sheng's forgiveness, Xie Ning immediately took the record to Xie Dongyang for help.

Hua Sheng turned off his phone and sighed slightly.

When Jiang Liu opened the door and came in, she just saw her like this.

"Oh, who messed up my Mrs. Jiang?"

Hua Sheng raised his head and pursed his lips, "Why, who dares to provoke your Mrs. Jiang?"

"Why sigh then?" Jiang Liu took off his coat and walked over a few steps to hug Hua Sheng's shoulder.

"Nothing, it's all trivial."

"Or Xie family?"

"Well, yes, such a big thing happened to the Xie family, so many people died in Jiangcheng, but I didn't find out the source, a little hurt."

"Did you find the old Mrs. Xie family?"

The rivers are all from the wind.

"But I think that Mrs. Xie is also a cannon fodder, not a real mastermind. On the surface, Xie Dongyang's mother encouraged this matter, after all, it was a mother, and Xie Dongyang's care was fine. But I think Mrs. Xie's old lady People who are not so capable. Even Ling Xiao, who has no ability to know which day a funeral can cause a disaster, the person behind this not only understands these methods very well, and is extremely vicious. Those night cats, we all doubt that Ordinary cats, looking at the crazy state of Xie's father and son, I and Feng Xi both thought it might be a cat spirit."

Speaking of cat spirit, Xiao Hei lazily got up and meowed twice.

Huasheng caressed Xiaohei's back and continued to say to Jiang Liu, "The cat spirit is much more terrible than the night cat. I can find someone who has cat spirit. I don't think Mrs. Xie's old lady has such a skill, so... she may It’s just misleading us. The real people behind us haven’t come out yet.”

Jiang Liu is so clever, how could he not know, frowning a little, "This matter is indeed complicated, but don't think about it first, my wife Jiang, do you know? You are going to have a party there, I will help you collect it today Arrival notice."

"Ah? Party?"

Speaking of the party, Hua Sheng was slightly startled.

Only then did she see that Jiang Liu took out a dark red invitation from her briefcase, and she carefully opened it and said-

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