Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1379: : Swarm of Demons

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The monster that evolved into green hair, after shaking up, was obviously different from the previous state.

"God, what the **** is this?"

"The white hair turns green. Is this a green turtle?"

"Can there be a record in the old man's notes? What kind of emergency is this?"

Several breezes are also terrified. Where would you think of this monster that has evolved in the sky?

There is nothing in this grandpa's notes, after all, this is an unexpected special event.

"A few of you flashed away, back... You are not opponents of such things, I will come."

Feng Xi also knows that things have developed to the present, not a few breezes can be smoothed out, Feng Xi must personally battle,

Seeing that the Sky Thunder spell didn't play a big role, the wind could only tie the corpse rope and throw out the silver thread contaminated with black dog blood and red vermilion.

Flexible shuttle around the monster, layering him to death.

The silly big man with green hair, but very powerful, even though he was tied to death by a corpse rope, he still struggled desperately.

Feng Xi took out an exorcism smoke bomb and dropped it directly on his celestial cover.

At the moment of the explosion, he flew out the exorcist sword in his hand, and directly pierced the big guy with one arrow.

The jet of black-green liquid splashed everywhere, and it was mixed with the stench of the rotting corpse, which made the wind almost spit out.

She squatted on the ground with her chest covered...

"Master Fengxi, are you okay?"

A few breezes came forward to comfort, but also distressed the head of this session, the Feng family seems to have not been such a young head for so many years.

Feng Xi is probably the first person on the family spectrum of the wind. He took over the head of the family in his early 20s. After all, the wind family has no outstanding back except Feng Xi.

Not to mention that she is a heir, and her name is her granddaughter.

Just talking about the talent of the wind, how many Feng family members have forgotten to stop, what kind of talent is that?

It is equivalent to having yin and yang eyes at birth, and the absorption of spiritual power is dozens of times faster than that of normal people.

The physique is special, and the mission given is naturally different.

Therefore, when Lord Bairan and Lord Pluto entered the seventy-two illusion to save people, Feng Xi was the only mortal body that followed.

This matter, presumably the Feng family can blow a lifetime.

After all, it is possible to fight side by side with the White Fox family and the Underworld Lord, and is a close friend of the descendants of the Nine Heavens Xuan Maiden. This network has become so powerful that it makes many enemies envy.

The expert knows whether it is there or not.

The wind family is an exorcism family, no matter how big the boss is, it won't flinch.

Coupled with Feng Xi's flexible little head melon, why can't it be solved?

But, this green-haired guy is just one of them, there are more than forty in the funeral home.

"Master Fengxi, all of them are awake one by one, they are coming out soon, what should I do?"

Feng Xi glanced over the funeral home, and it was already eager to try. That was not only resentful, but also a breath of mutation, even... if she didn't feel wrong, there was a little bit of enchantment? No, it's not demonish.

She is also familiar with demon anger, it is a strange and familiar feeling.

But the wind suddenly can't remember where have you seen it? I just thought... there must be something serious tonight.

"Four of you, set up with me. In the shortest time, Zhong Kui catches ghosts, is there a problem?" Feng Xi frowned, and at the same time, he began to pull out the props from the treasure chest.

"No problem, sir, it's just...we're worried, can the formation be trapped? They... don't seem to be ordinary zombies."

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