Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1380: : Killing Night

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

What the most common breeze of the face wind family sees through, how can the wind not know,

But where did she have time to consider these at this moment? Of course, she was trying to suppress the situation first.

When it was said that it was going to be fast, the wind came with a few fresh breezes, and layered layer by layer around the small funeral parlour.

Out of the wind, the wind and the vitality wounded a layer of enchantment...

After a series of ceremonies were over, the wind was already breathing heavily, sitting on the ground at the entrance of the main entrance, some cold sweat.

"Adult, you have spent too much energy, a Zhong Kui chasing ghost formation method, plus a Tiangang mask enchantment, where can you bear it? Mo said that you are a small body, even if the old man is still there, you can't eat it, you can't If you fight so hard again, you have to retain some strength. After all... I don’t know if I will grow out of it?"

"You are absolutely saying I will."

The wind took out a bottle of mineral water, and took a few sips. The corners of the mouth were all wet.

She is really desperate and very angry.

But what can it do? If you don't do this, maybe those things will run out later, then Jiangcheng is still good?

How can millions of people in Jiangcheng live?

Can't it be ruined overnight? This is not a biohazard, not a movie.

Those who promised Grandpa must guard Jiangcheng and the people.

As for why you must protect Jiangcheng? Grandpa didn't say it carefully before, but Huasheng was a master of Feng Shui. She also mentioned it before. There was a Feng Shui around Jiangcheng called Jiulong Gathering. With Jiangcheng as the center, the surrounding Feng Shui was really good.

Therefore, in these years, Jiangcheng's development has been huge, becoming the first-line bustling city in China.

It's just that if the Feng Shui Bureau, where Kowloon gathers, is broken, then there must be a natural disaster.

Long ago, when Huasheng watched the sky at night, he knew there was a catastrophe in Jiangcheng, and the red blood moon was an ominous sign.

Where do you think that there will be such a big fluctuation after three or four years?

At that time, the wind had kept the woman of Zhuoya thinking that she was an uneasy fellow. Where did she know that Zhuoya knew the current affairs, and did not avenge her after Zhuoman died, but fled.

Thinking Zhuoya left, then Jiangcheng would have nothing to do with moths.

But now this thing still happened?

"Why hasn't A Sheng come yet? Did something happen?" Feng Xi felt a sense of unreliability.

In view of the past, no matter what, A Sheng will arrive as soon as possible, never delay.

Why this time, after so long in the past, Huasheng did not move at all?

When I asked Huasheng's fresh breeze, I never returned. The wind always felt afraid that something might have changed and made things worse?

She sat cross-legged on the ground, her pair of smart eyes kept staring at the entrance of the funeral home, fearing that she might change.

Ten miles of spring breeze in the villa

Huasheng and Jiangliu played a game of chess very leisurely, Go, Jiangliu deliberately gave up at the beginning, and later found that Huasheng's trick was extremely powerful, and he dared not give it up again. Eventually, the two played a fierce game and a draw Too.

Hua Sheng stood up slightly, "Mr. Jiang still let me in the beginning, but later refused to let it. Is it because he didn't love me?"

"Bullshit, I'm afraid I'll lose my face. I was thinking that Mrs. Jiang wasn't so good at your chess skills. How can I know that I've got an offboard? But...Since it's a draw, don't you want another game, lose? People must kiss each other ten times."

Rivers in their thirties are still so hooligans in front of Hua Sheng, which made Hua Sheng blush again.

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