Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1382: : Was robbed halfway

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Fortunately, Jiang Liu responded so quickly that he could escape, and Jiang Liu immediately looked back at Hua Sheng.

"Asheng, are you okay?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, always protecting the black cat in his arms, and kept blocking the black head with his hands. He was afraid that it might hit him. This move is also very heart-warming.

Xiao Hei looked like a dispensable guy, only Feng Xi and Hua Sheng knew how powerful it was.

But Xiaohei very much recognizes the Lord. In the years after Huasheng disappeared, although he went to Fengxi's house, he never did anything. He was only responsible for eating, drinking and sleeping. Later, fearing that Zhuoya had any other thoughts about Jiangliu, he went to Jiangliu's house for a while.

However, it was still the same as the Jiang Liujia, too lazy to lie on the couch all day, all kinds of laziness.

Only in ten years of spring breeze, it can find its own state, willing to do things for the master.

Many times Hua Sheng went out, even if he didn't take the initiative to call it, it would take the initiative to follow, and was loyal to the owner.

In Hua Zhi's words, the little black cat is very temperamental, and besides Hua Sheng, no one can instruct the immobile guy to be too lazy to die.

Of course, to protect the river flow, Hua Sheng also needs to speak.

"A Sheng, don't move in the car. I'll go out and see what's going on?"

Suddenly intercepted by someone halfway, he must be ignorant, Jiang Liu pushed the door to get off, but was stopped by Hua Zhi.

"Don't move, you hold Xiaohei, I will go."

"That won't work, I'll go..."

Jiang Liu always feels that he is a grandfather, but every time he is in danger, his wife comes forward. In this situation, he is really stubborn and unbearable.

But without waiting for the river to answer, Xiaohei jumped into the arms of the river, making him very passive.

And Hua Sheng did not know when it had floated out of the car, so it was useless to open the door. After all...she was no longer a mortal.

After Hua Sheng went out, she raised her head and glanced at the cobweb on the car body, then she pointed a finger in the right hand.

All the huge black spider webs were propped up and raised very high, until they could not trap their car height before stopping.

Then she carefully thought about the black cobweb, this thing is so strange...

That actually... is really a spider web, do you dare to believe it?

It's not a wire lock, a rope, any auxiliary tool, or a pure natural spider web.

You should know that the spider webs are all white, and they are very sticky, just because the spiders are small, so the spider webs are also big.

But this one can actually cover a sports car, one can imagine, how big should the spider with this web be?

Hua Sheng squatted on the ground, picked up a little scattered web thread, and squeezed with his fingers.

It is indeed a real spider web, except that the web is black, and its adhesion is hundreds of times greater than ordinary spider webs.

Because this toughness is not to mention torn by hand, even a Swiss army knife may not be able to be broken with a single knife.

What is this...?

Spider demon? Hua Sheng always feels a little different, this is no longer a realm that spider demon can reach.

At this moment, a rustling voice came from not far away, Hua Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

There is a white mist in front, the concentration is less than five meters.

Through the white smoke, behind... a distant shadow came slowly...

Intuitively, it was a woman... Although I hadn't seen his appearance clearly, I thought it was a woman.

Sure enough, after passing through the fog, it was a woman in a red dress with long legs and split skirts, **** and invincible.

The value of the face is even more tempting. The flames and red lips, the flowers and the moon look, and the skin on the body is white.

The only thing Huasheng noticed was that her whole body gleamed black light faintly, looming.

"Spider essence?" Hua Sheng frowned and asked the man.

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