Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1383: : Set up bureau

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

It may be that Huasheng's words offended the other party, and the woman directly lifted the left hand and left heart, and a big net flew out of that hand.

The area of ​​this net is three times larger than Huasheng's head, and the stickiness of this net is known to Huasheng. Once contaminated, it is difficult to get out. If it was not just Huasheng who directly supported the huge skynet with strong spiritual power, then... this time, their car may have been corroded a little bit under the poisonous spider webs, yes , Just so scary.

Therefore, Huasheng also directly raised the palm of his hand to correspond, and a fire flew out, and the fire that the net met Huasheng naturally turned to ash instantly.

And Hua Sheng used only the first layer of the nine-day torch, the blue dragon flame.

The woman looked at Hua Sheng for a while before slowly speaking, "In the end it is outside the Three Realms and Six Ways, it is really powerful... How many thousands of years have passed since the nine days of the torch disappeared, and we can actually see someone use it. It is rare that our master will be interested."

"Who is your master? Who are you?"

Hua Sheng tried hard to search for memories and those familiar smells, but failed to find a little clue about the woman.

But people who can use such powerful capabilities are not like ordinary spider spirits can do.

Before the wind has dealt with spider spirits, she is not unaware.

After those spiders have turned into adults, the strength is actually not so powerful, that is, the long and scary appearance is superior to the momentum.

But tonight, this woman who would use this powerful spider web, Hua Sheng did not dare to underestimate.

She even dared to say that even if the wind came tonight, she would not be able to deal with this woman. Even the difficult spider web would cause headaches in the wind.

The woman laughed and walked towards the Huasheng section.

The graceful and graceful steps she takes at every step seem to be as attractive as a girl who gets drunk in the joyous court late at night.

But Huasheng was not in a mood to appreciate her face value and pace, but only felt the feeling of this woman, carrying the danger from the region.

"Who is my master? This... I will tell you later... As for who I am... I am not in a hurry to announce it now. My purpose is clear today, and it will not cause any harm to you, but you cannot leave here."

"What do you mean?" Hua Sheng stared at the woman vigilantly.

Not waiting for the woman to speak, Hua Sheng suddenly reacted and his face fell, "You are deliberately delaying my time? Don't want me to save the wind? It seems that your calculations are very precise, one by one. But you really Do you think you have delayed me? How many layers can you resist my nine-day torch?"

Hua Sheng was furious and had entered combat preparations.

It is impossible to save the wind, and it is even more impossible to delay the time.

Therefore, she does not think that she is not an opponent of this female spider, even if she is not an ordinary spider spirit, or a spider queen, Huasheng will not give up the opportunity to save her friends because of this.

Both Bairan and Pluto have said that Huasheng is very likely, or rather, it must be the last line of the Jiu Tianxuan Maiden left in the Three Realms and Six Dao, although he does not know the relationship between them, Huasheng can inherit The nine-day holy fire is enough to show that it is not a sideline or branch of the nine-day mysterious lady.

It must be an heir to the heirs, so it is possible to get such a strong inheritance.

Although, no one has heard of when Jiu Tian Xuan Maiden had love and man, but the existence of Hua Sheng proves that she is indeed a person of Jiu Tian family, what race is Jiu Tian family? That was the ancient god, the true god.

Therefore, Huasheng is a veritable goddess, a descendant of the ancient gods that can make the three realms of the fairy devil tremble.

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