Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1390: : Demon Royal History

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"you know?"

Hua Sheng's face was surprised, she was obviously the celestial tactic that was urged by her inner spiritual power, but Hades actually looked through it?

This is terrible, right? As if there were no secrets in front of him.

"Tianjin tactics, hahaha... Little girl you are so cute when you actually use the celestial tactics to calculate this seat..." The woman in red also laughed and arrogant, and the arrogant attitude, Let Hua Sheng want to say that she pressed on the ground and stepped to death.

Ming Yan glanced at Hua Sheng, "Tianjin tactic is the fortune-teller's highest mindset. I haven't seen you use it before. Presumably, you learned it in the Book Collection Pavilion in Liuyun Kingdom after traveling thousands of years ago."

"Good eyesight, exactly."

Hua Sheng did not know the gods before, but after returning from the Seventy-two Illusion, he found his predecessor thousands of years ago.

Solved some of the things left at that time, and also incidentally molested the predecessor of the river.

However, these are not the key points. The key point is that Huasheng got the Tianshen formula in the library of the Tianshi mansion.

In fact, the celestial tactics there are remnants, and there is no complete copy at all.

What is strange is that Hua Sheng sees the remnant, and it will be the whole article, which has to be said to be talented.

Or more profoundly, it would have been before, and now I think of it completely.

Tenjin tactic is no longer something that mortals can learn. It is only found in the Profound Realm, and it is one of the advanced secret methods of those who cultivate immortals.

For the fortune-teller, if the **** of heaven's tactics will be met in one's life, it will be overwhelming, and it can be said that no one has shaken her status.

Hua Sheng learned the celestial tactics silently, but never used it once. Today, he really cannot understand the origin of the female spider in front of him.

So in order not to expose herself, she urged spiritual power in her heart and used Tenjin formula.

There are eighty-eight sentences for the celestial tactics, and each sentence is a secret word from the ancient times.

So if you want to check the origin of a person, you only need to work together with the **** of heaven to find out the eighteen generations of ancestors.

Before God Realm also circulated such a sentence-Nine Heavens God decided, Ten Thousands of Honghuang appeared.

That is to say, if a person with the power of the gods urges the gods’ tactics, then within the Eight Wastelands and Six Hexies, all the identities that you want to check are not found, even how many times in your previous life and how many times you were reincarnated, Can be found.

It is because this **** is very perverted, so it has been banned by the emperor of the nineth heaven.

"Why can't I find out, who is she?" Hua Sheng sneered. This time it was really a hit. This is the first time I have encountered such an opponent. I don't even know the name, I don't even know the identity. Not to mention defeating others.

Pluto did not speak, glancing at the woman in red.

"If this seat is correct, you should be one of the nine demon spirit guards in the demon world. You will use a huge spider web, which can command tens of millions of spiders, and can withstand the nine days of the flame. Then I guess... You must be from the devil world."

"Good eyesight, His Royal Highness, let's go on..." The woman in red smiled brilliantly, and seemed to be a little happy with Pluto's words.

When he heard Devil Realm, Hua Sheng's heart sank...

Demon Realm? People who cut the moon? The man of the demon king? Is she here to get revenge? Do you want to save the moon?

For a time, Huasheng had too many problems and too many concerns.

Didn't the people of Devil Realm say that they never appeared in the Three Realms and Six Dao?

Doesn't it mean that after the war between the gods and demons, the demon world is defeated, and it is no longer allowed to enter the human world to comply with the defeat regulations? How is it now...?

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