Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1391: : Bad comer

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Pluto continued unhurriedly at this time, "This seat has been fortunate to have seen the copy of the Devil's Offering more than 10,000 years ago. There are some records in it, but because no one has verified it, I don't know the true and false. It is recorded in the engraved book that there are nine demon spirit guards in the demon world, each of which has a wide range of supernatural powers, and is one of the guardians of the heirs of the demon world. Those nine are said to be three days of demons, three earth demons, and three ghost demons. And you, you are not wrong , It should be the black devil spider from the three earth demons, I heard that it is a spider with 50,000 years of cultivation, and is a very rare spider species, with a highly toxic body, the name should be called-Di Lingzhu."

What is the Devil's Offering? In fact, it is similar to the current historical records, but only records the past of the devil world.

At that time, Demon Realm had not been so stiff with Sanjie Liudao, so many stories could still be spread.

Whether it is a **** in the sky or an evil spirit in the underworld, in fact, they are also very interested in the things of the demon world, and gossip knows no boundaries.

Only later, after the war between gods and demons, the whereabouts of the devil's sacrifice had been unknown.

Pluto, like Bairan, is a **** who has been cultivated for thousands of years, so it is not surprising to see the devil sacrifice.

It's just that the Devil King's Offering recorded nothing. He never mentioned that, except for white dyeing, no one can talk from the mouth of Ming Yan, this is for sure.

So now Pluto's words not only shocked Hua Sheng, but also the women in red.

"I didn't think that after so long, there are people who remember the devil's sacrifice... Oh, I can't think of the identity of the old witch who the Lord of the Underworld will know... It's a big surprise, it's a real waste of my life."

The red woman approached Huasheng and Pluto with a smile.

There was no fear or precaution at all, and she seemed to be in a good mood. She continued to laugh, "Not only that, but you also know the name of your old breast, it is also an accident... Rarely our Second Highness will mention you. Thing."

"Are you here to avenge? If you avenge, come to this seat, Hua Sheng knows nothing..."

"Revenge? So, your Highness is really in your hands?"

The woman raised her eyebrows with a clear provocation.

Huasheng glanced sideways and Pluto glanced at each other, not knowing how to answer.

At the beginning, she only thought that in order to stay close to the Jiang Liu, she could only make Cut Moon fall asleep.

And it was her own hands that sank him personally, under the water of an ice cave in the seventy-two fantasy.

Just thinking about it within a hundred years, a picture is quiet.

But where else would you think that the disappearance of the cut moon has made the demon world start to move...

Even, the woman in red in front of her broke the rules of the gods and the demon, broke the rules and came to the world. What is the dangerous beginning?

"Cut the moon is not in our hands." Pluto's words are not false, indeed they did not imprison the moon.

The woman also smiled, "That's also true. With your three-legged cat's strength, it's impossible to capture my second lord."

"So, where is your second highness, we don't know."

Pluto wants to push this black pot, so that people in the devil world will not harass Hua Sheng.

But where is the devil, so fool?

"Since Master Pluto is an outsider, it's still not good to intervene... I only ask the girl Hua Sheng, not you... I came down to the world in order to get back my beloved love, and the whereabouts of His Highness are now unknown...others don't know , Won’t you know that Huasheng girl?"

"So what are you doing with me?" Hua Sheng stared at the eyes and was still very hostile to this woman.

She missed her heart and was afraid that something might happen to the wind, but this woman was uncomfortable and delayed her time.

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