Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1392: : Don't give in to each other

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The woman in red didn't answer, just laughed and said nothing...

The more she didn't answer, the more she let Hua Sheng lose her mind. She said a few words to Pluto by means of sound transmission.

Hua Sheng: In order to hold me back, this woman used many methods to stop me from saving the wind. I feel that the wind is dangerous, and I invite Lord Pluto to rescue him. Feng Xi is my only best friend in the world, and I certainly can't see her in trouble. You can rest assured that on my side, one person can cope with the dilemma, no matter whether she is God Realm or Devil Realm, she will not help me. "

Although Huasheng could not crack this layer of cobwebs, but she was also confident that the woman could not kill her.

And listening to what the woman meant, they only knew that the missing moon was missing and the whereabouts were unknown.

But I don’t know how the cut moon disappeared? Where is it missing? Who is missing?

So it's just a temptation... but even so, if you have an injustice and a debt, you don't dare to find trouble.

So Huasheng couldn't figure it out, but it really couldn't figure out how to do it.

After listening to Master Pluto, he only responded silently, "The wind has overwhelmed the white."

After this sentence was finished, Hua Sheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and cast his gratitude.

If Bairan shot, no one would dare to move the wind, and now it was safe, and he did not care and did not go to rescue in time.

But now...

The woman didn’t seem to be so good to wait for Pluto to speak, and the woman said again, "Ming Yan, you are also a talented person... why work with the hypocrite above the nine days? Why don’t you come to my demon world, what do you want, for you? What... The old body doesn’t look much bigger than you. It’s better to walk with the old body... The old body takes you to the Devil’s Escape. Maybe it’s your destiny, and you can have a son and a half. What do you think?"

This obvious play is also drunk. This woman's shame is real, and Hua Sheng's eyes are even more disgusting.

But these words don't make Pluto angry, and he's not that calm.

"Thanks for the kindness of Lord Makai Yushi...I still prefer Underworld, so I don’t want to be a guest... But there is a sentence in this seat that still needs to be shaped. After the war between gods and demons, we all have our own rules and boundaries. . Now you are violating the rules of the world privately. If you do not want to intensify the contradiction, please leave at an early date and stop causing trouble."

Pluto's words are also very obvious, let her hurry to roll, after all, violated the **** demon treaty.

The woman in red didn't wait to speak, she saw Tianlei rolling in...

In an instant, a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were above his head, and that momentum was not lost to the battle where the Heavenly Emperor sent people to bring the Pluto to drink tea.

"Bold demon anti-thief, did not abide by the treaty of gods and deities, and broke into the world privately? Hugh we don't blame us." The leader of the Tiangong guard team, with a pair of sledgehammers in each hand, is also clanging and powerful when speaking. .

The woman in red sarcastically said, "I really can't think that tens of thousands of years have passed. Are you still so disgusting? Dealing with the old man, even dispatching 100,000 heavenly soldiers, haha, I really laughed, and it seems that today's old emperor is too Something unsatisfactory."

"Offend Tianjun, one death penalty, take your life..."

After that, the two sky thunders fell at the same time, and Jian Yu also stabbed in an instant, aiming closely at the woman in red.

Pluto was afraid of accidentally hurting Huasheng, and a ghost umbrella was directly supported on Huasheng's head.

Instantly shortened the distance between the two...

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