Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1414: : Tenjin Retirement

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng explained, "My fourth sister has my charm on it, that thing exorcises evil spirits, if the snake really carries evil spirits, and it is combined with the human soul, how can this monster get close to my fourth sister? So, this A snake is really just a creature, not so mysterious."

"Oh? Yeah, how did I forget this stubble." Feng Xi slapped his thighs and remembered that Huasheng's magic spell to Hualin was extremely powerful.

"How did Xiaohe come from? How did it know that your 4th sister was in danger?" The words turned and Feng Xi brought the topic back to Xiaohei again.

Hua Sheng glanced at the little black in his arms, it was still asleep.

Hua Sheng gently stroked its back.

"Xiaohei is very sensitive to **** smells. A lot of things have happened recently. I let it pay attention to Jiangcheng's movements. Xu Shi found out that there was something wrong here early, so he followed, indeed without my knowledge. Save people."

"Xiaohei is really good." Feng Xi thumbs up.

"Fortunately it's Xiao Hei, otherwise I'm really..." Hua Lin was still in shock.

"Fourth sister, don't go to class when you are scared. Take leave for school today and go back early to accompany your children and rest well."

"Well, I think so too."

"How about you, Sheng?"

"You send me to Dongyang Pharmaceutical, I will go to see Xie Dongyang."

"Okay, then I will drive you."

The snake problem was resolved, and the three women returned to the city. There was not much to say about the people behind the snake, but she vaguely felt that these things should be related to the underworld.

Whether it is the breeze that disappeared, or the woman who suddenly appeared to be Huaqing.

These seem to be the wrong beginning...

The entrance of the demon world is loose, and the history of the demon world has broken into the world, which is not a trivial matter.

I don't know if the seal-cutting moon under her anxiety will bring another catastrophe in the war of gods and demons?

Hua Sheng was worried, she hugged Xiaohei's body, and looked at the distance outside the window erraticly.

at the same time

South Tianmen Exit

"Your Highness Jin An."

The Tianbingtian of Nantianmen will bow down towards a young man in a golden robe.

"Come on."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Are there any recent changes?"

"We strengthened our inspections in the name of the Emperor of Heaven, and another fine guard has gone all out to hunt down the demon girl."

"Oh? Di Lingzhu, haven't caught it yet?" The man called out the breast name of the devil female spider easily.

"Yes, the woman is very cunning, and indeed has tens of thousands of years of skill. This task is a little difficult." When he said this, the captain of the fine guard of Nantianmen was ashamed, so he lowered his head.

The young man smiled and opened a folding fan, "Don't blame you, she was not so good at dealing with it. If she didn't have the skills, how could she be selected as a master of history? Well, I'm not alone here to chat with you, Go around alone."

"Is His Eighth Lord going to the Fox Clan? I heard that it was the birthday of the Lord of the Fox Clan Bairan, the gods from all directions, regardless of heaven, demon or underworld, began to prepare a birthday gift to congratulate."

The man smiled and said nothing, and the folding fan was all in one, but it had disappeared in front of him, leaving only a shallow golden light.

"Your Royal Highness is indeed the most emperor-like person, indeed the son of the empress dowager. On the other hand, a few concubines are not so good. You said, will His Royal Highness be the heir to the emperor?"

The young man just now was no one else, it was the Lord of Heaven, the eighth son of Heaven Emperor-His Royal Highness.

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