Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1415: : Looking for descendants

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I don’t know if His Royal Highness the Eighth Emperor will be the heir of the emperor, but I know... The seal of the entrance to the demon world has been loosened, and even the demon world history can come out to harm the world, not to mention other demons. I don’t know if it’s fast god. Battle of the Devil..."

Even the head of Jingwei in Nantianmen began to worry, and it was obvious how bad the situation was.

It is said that the fairy can't go down casually, it is because the low level is not good, because it is not qualified.

High-ranking ones, such as Bairan, had to run back and forth a few times a day. Nowadays, the incomparably noble His Highness also visited suddenly, making Pluto a little surprised. To be honest, he was not familiar with His Highness.

Or it should be said that Ming Yan was so ordinary with everyone except Bairan for so many years.

It’s not even a nod, because he has always been cold and ruthless, no matter how big a fairy you are, there is no face in him. At first, there are little immortal little gods to stammer and eat later After closing the door, the soup gradually moved away.

Pluto had always liked quietness, but instead he fulfilled him.

When Tian Yao arrived, Pluto just came back from the Huahai patrol on the other side, and the two walked across from each other.

"Your Highness." Pluto nodded and was seen.

If you are other gods, you will definitely need to give a big gift when you see His Highness, but you don’t have to use Mingyan. He and Bairan are very senior in the heavenly realm, and they are all the same generation as the Heavenly Emperor. The difference is not big.

"Uncle Hades, how are you doing lately?"

Pluto lifted his forehead, and his face was awkward, and the two apparently looked similar. If you were to talk about face value, did your Eighth Royal Highness not look like Pluto? But this uncle really called Ming Yan's brain pain.

But yes, Ming Yan is many years older than His Highness, and has lived many years longer.

They are all of the same generation as his father and his father. Calling his uncle is also a good face.

Now, within these three realms and six Dao, there are not many people who can make His Royal Highness Tian Yao call an uncle. Apart from him and Bairan, a few old monsters in the heavens and the heavens can be honored by the royal family.

"Thank you, Your Highness, since this seat has been in charge of Underworld, it has always been good."

"Then I don't know if Uncle Hades invited my nephew to have a cup of tea?"

"Your Highness please."

With that said, the two walked side by side into the palace of Fengdu.

The messenger next to Hades quickly served tea. In fact, it doesn't matter whether tea is tea or not, because everyone knows that people of the status of His Highness suddenly visit the underworld, it must be something, otherwise they will not hang out.

But Mingyan is not a good person. If you don't say it, he will not take the initiative to ask.

The men of the two characters Tianzi sat against each other, and the breath of their bodies was hard to find between heaven and earth.

"Uncle Hades, don't hide it. I came here this time and I actually want to inquire you."

"Your Highness, please." Pluto squeezed the tea cup, his face calm as water.

"Lonely heard that Aunt Jiutian's aunt has descendants of heirs in the vein, is this true?"

After listening to Pluto, the hand holding the teacup paused, raised his head and asked him, "Where did your Highness hear this?"

Tian Yao smiled slightly, "Uncle Hades, you also know that our Jiuzhong is very boring. If you don't have a banquet, you will spend a lot of time. Naturally, you will tell some interesting things. I went to Zixian Mountain for a few days ago. Zhong listened to my colleagues there. I was immediately interested. The rumors were very mysterious, saying that the descendants of the Jiutian family were the fascinating people of the nine-day holy fire. Even you have been defeated..."

After speaking, His Highness specially observed the expression of Pluto, trying to find some useful flaws for himself.

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