Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1416: : Ten Thousand Year Memory

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Because Pluto has been an ice face for thousands of years, no matter what happens, it is rock-solid.

So he didn’t have any subtle expressions to let the Eight Lords go down and capture, "This thing is not true, why should His Highness investigate? But this seat does have contact with a woman in the past. That woman was born to be different. Art, the attribute is also fire, but it is somewhat similar to the nine-day holy flame. Later, this seat also specifically found Bairan to investigate this matter with this seat. It is a pity... that I later learned that she was just a mortal woman, not something. The Nine Heavens. The Emperor has also asked this seat, and this seat has reported truthfully. If your Highness does not believe it, you can go back and ask your father."

After listening to a hearty smile, His Highness said, "Haha, how can I not believe in Uncle? Uncle Pluto said six things in the Three Realms and never lied. This is something that all the gods know. Since this is the case, it seems that I also listened Untrue rumors. You know, Aunt Nine Heavens has a deep relationship with our royal family. It was also the main force in the first war of the gods and demons, but...the mysterious disappeared and disappeared. This matter has always been our royal family’s. Painful, if you can really find her descendants, then... Doesn't our God Realm have another bargaining chip for the Demon Realm?"

After listening to Ming Yan, he just drank tea quietly and did not answer the call.

His Highness continued, "Recently, the entrance to the Demon Realm has been loosened, saying that the imperial history of the Second Prince of the Demon Realm has come out, and it is a disaster. This incident is a headache for my father and prince. If Uncle Hades is free, you can go talk to my father. , Help him share his worries."

"His Royal Highness said that if this seat is free, it will naturally go."

"Well, since this is the case, the little nephew will not disturb, and visit Uncle Hades later."

"Okay, Your Highness, go slowly."

After the two said a few words, Tian Yao left the underworld.

Chu Underworld, the servant beside him, the man with eagle wings followed, "His Royal Highness, do you believe in the words of Hades?"

Eight Highnesses smiled, "I heard that there have been beautiful women from thousands of years in the world, what would happen if we went?"

"Okay, everything listens to your Highness."

After that, the golden light of the master and servant disappeared at the entrance.

At this moment, Hua Sheng is still dreaming. She hasn't slept so hard in a long time recently. Xu has returned to the river, feels more secure, and hasn't had any major events recently, so she went into deep sleep. .

Once Huasheng enters deep sleep, he will have strange dreams.

This time, she dreamed of a man and a woman, laughing and playing in a purple sea of ​​flowers...

"Come and chase me, Yue......"

"You can run slower... really fall." The man's voice was very gentle and familiar.

"No, I am so clever, how can I fall... You have said that I am the smartest woman in the world."

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest."

"Will we be smarter if we have children in the future?" The woman's laughter was as crisp and nice as the bell.

"of course."

"That's a few more babies. The boys are like you, the girls are like me... we make a good word, one by one, how?"

"Huh." The man nodded, and there was a spoilt color between the lines.

"Sheng'er, will you suddenly regret that you will not be with me anymore? You are a god, and I am a devil."

When he heard the word Shenger, Huasheng opened his eyes wide.

Then she saw the woman in the man's arms slowly raise her head, and her heart raised her throat in an instant.

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