Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1421: : What do you like

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Bairan raised her eyebrows and asked with dissatisfaction, "What did you just say? Uncle? Call me?"

"Otherwise? Is it your eldest brother? How old are you?" Feng Xi said of course.

Bairan only felt that a glass heart was suddenly stepped on, and his face became stinky.

"You dead girl can't talk too much. I'm so young and beautiful. I'm so beautiful. You call me old man? Don't you lose your conscience to say this?"

"Ascension said, Ascension originally asked me to call you grandma... but I think I would be very bad."

"Grandma..." Bai Ran felt that the whole person was bad.

When I went out today, I had a good look. It must not be a lucky day, otherwise it would not be so uncomfortable.

"Uncle Bai, you suddenly visited my house, is there something wrong?"

"You girl, I really want to strangle you. Never mind..."

The white-stained man sat down across from the wind, and without hesitation, picked up the fried chicken leg on the plate and ate it.

"You strangled me, would you like to ask whether Sheng agrees?"

"That girl can't protect herself, and she still cares about you?"

"Okay, let's not be busy with guns and mouths, let's say, what's the matter?" Feng Xi knew that Bai Ran was looking for A Sheng every time he appeared. There must be a reason for her to appear in her house now.

As expected, "It's something, come and hold."

Bairan reached into her arms and took out a red wedding note on the table.


"Invitation." Bai Ran said frankly.

"Are you going to get married?" Feng Xi was shocked, and quickly reached out to pick up the red invitation, curiosity broke.

Bai Ranqi's forehead, "Oh, these prodigal children, I have to make you angry with Alzheimer's dementia sooner or later. You have just said that I am tens of thousands of years old. What am I getting married? ."

"Not married? Is that... a child?"

"I'm going to **** you, believe it or not?" Bai Ran is really alive to be angry with this girl.

It's just as good as a person's ability, even worse than that of A Sheng's dead girl.

"Hahaha, no more trouble, I see it myself."

Feng Xi opened the red wedding post with a smile, and read the words clearly, "Is it housewarming?"

"Yes, the joy of moving, you will remember to visit when the time comes."

"Old man, I'm a are a can I get there?" Feng Xi couldn't help crying or laughing.

"This is easy to handle, you let A Sheng take you together, I will open a special channel for you. This time I feast on the gods of the four seas, just to be happy, allowing you to bring your family or something."

"What gift should I give..." The wind suddenly got a headache.

This fox is moving, such a big happy event, what should I give?

"You look at it, I'm not picky." The white dyed hippie smiled at the wind.

"Don't, the more you say this, the harder I will do. So, you pick yourself...Look at our Feng family, what are you looking at and taking away."

Feng Xi knew that his family would not have anything Bai Ran liked.

As for her low-level instruments, Bairenren would not want it.

I just didn't expect that Bai Ran actually said one, "Feng Xi, this is what you said, then I'm welcome."

"I depend, there are don't blackmail me, I'm poor."

Seeing Bairan saying this, the wind is upset, and I don't know what he wants?

"Hey, hey... Actually, it's very simple... All I want"

After listening to the wind, he was pale and scared...

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