Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1422: : Help me find someone

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Uncle Bai, you are all old, don't you want the old cow to eat the tender grass? Okay. I have a man I like. Although you look good, it's not my food. Also, you are a fox, I am People, children born in the future, what if the head is a fox?"

White dye: ...

"No, just in case the fox head is more terrible, in short, I definitely can't promise you."

White dye: ...

"You don't need to mention this again in the future, I will not tell Asheng, otherwise Asheng's temper will definitely give you two slaps, even if you are relatives, you won't get used to you, Asheng is right I’m the best and won’t agree with me.”

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet, would you interrupt me to say that these messes are all right?" Bairan was speechless.

"Ah..." The wind suddenly froze.

"I mean, what I think is that there is a woman named Feng Qingcheng on your ancestor. I hope she can also come to join our fox tribe."

"Feng Qingcheng?"

"Well, remember to tell her, I don't care what method you use."

After talking, Bairan smiled and disappeared into the windy home.

The task left by Bairan can hardly ruin the wind, because Feng Qing City is the ancestor of the Feng family, but it has to be traced back a long, long time ago.

There is no record in the family genealogy, and we can only rely on some clues and clues left by the original ancestors of the Fanfeng family.

But Feng Xi had heard of this woman because she heard it from Grandpa.

So, she decided to ask Grandpa this time.

"Why are you looking for Fengqing City?"

"Grandpa, I really don't hide it. It's my friend. Can you contact me?"

"Enough choking, this ancestor had already cultivated immortals to go to practice long ago, and now he doesn't know where the people are?" Feng Wuming was also unable to shake his head with his hands and sighed.

"What can I do? Then I think about other ways."

After seeing Grandpa from the underworld, Feng Xi can only ask Hua Sheng. Hua Sheng is a goddess, but the goddess of the Jiutian family has a long-lasting divine power, so if you use divination, maybe there will be a whereabouts?

When the wind went ten miles and the spring breeze, people Huasheng and Jiangliu were in harmony.

The two played a guzheng and a flute. They were very comfortable. She pushed open the door and rushed in, immediately destroying the great atmosphere.

"Cough..." Jiang Liu lowered his flute helplessly and coughed a few times.

"A Sheng, rescue the rivers and lakes."

"Do you borrow money?"

"No, borrow, I want to borrow from you." The wind looked at Huasheng pitifully.

She was amused to her, "What kind of moth are you doing?"

"Oh, long story short, have you received the invitation from Mr. Bai?"

Hua Sheng didn't speak, but pointed to the red wedding note on the table, he knew that Bai Ran must have been there, and he was very familiar with patting Jiang Liu's shoulder and telling Jiang Liu to go, and he was shameless. Jiangliu asked for tens of thousands of roast chickens. As the name suggests, foxes like to eat roast chicken.

Jiangliu is also an honest person, he directly called the purchasing department and asked to go to a century-old brand deli to buy it.

"Huh? It's because of this that Uncle Bai gave me a problem and asked me to help find my ancestor upwind, but I asked my grandfather, and my grandfather couldn't find the ancestor. Where can I find it? So Ah Sheng, please give me some ideas."

"Feng Qingcheng?"

"Well, yes, Feng Qingcheng, can you help me divination where she is now?"

"Is there a birthday character?"


"Is there her old thing?"


"Is there any bearing on her graveyard?"

"Neither..." Feng Xi shrinked his neck a little guilty.

Hua Sheng was also very hurt after listening, thinking about the sentence for a long time, "then... I may have a solution."

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