Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1424: : A love word

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Pluto is a bit embarrassing. After all, it involves childbirth. His cheeks are slightly red, and he looks sideways. He is embarrassed to look at Huasheng’s face again. “Beijing Hanbingyu is indeed a good thing, but I have never heard of anyone. Do the body. But in theory, it should be possible, because it is the happy treasure of the northern cold wasteland. It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon for tens of thousands of years. It is naturally formed and is hard to find. It has only appeared three times in these years. The first time was the world. The second time is tens of thousands of years ago, it is said that the nine-day mysterious lady has a piece, which was carved into a cold jade bed. The last time... it was more than three thousand years ago, when it was said that the gods and gods were traveling on the wilderness of the three thousand world , Inadvertently, but dedicated to Heavenly Emperor, so... if you want, you can only go to Heavenly Emperor to get it."

"The person who came to me that day was Heavenly Emperor?" Hua Sheng's face changed greatly.

"No, that is the eighth prince, Tian Yao, the eighth son of the emperor, and the empress."

It seems that when Tian Yao went to Huasheng, Pluto was informed, so he was calm.

"Then..." Hua Sheng stopped talking, he said nothing.

"He must have asked you, the whereabouts of the can also tell them, but...I feel that they won't let you go in the end, although Bairan and I haven't covered you, but can't escape. , Your energy is getting stronger and stronger, and sooner or later, it will become a person who cannot be tolerated in the eyes of God.

"Why should I kill me, what am I doing wrong?" Hua Sheng smiled bitterly.

"Because you are strong." Ming Yan looked at Hua Sheng, one by one.

Hua Sheng rubbed his lips coldly, "What's the use of being powerful? You should have a deep understanding of the heights, the invincibility is lonely. This is not groundless. What if you are powerful enough to occupy the universe? What's the point? I actually think mortals are pretty good, crying and laughing, having seven emotions and six desires, having all kinds of troubles, having thoughts, and thinking. If one day my thoughts are gone, I would rather be a grain Dust, floating between these three realms and six paths, is free and does not want to dominate everything."

"Your mentality is good, but not everyone is as thorough as you are. Since everything in this world has flourished, there are evils that are right, yin and yang, good and bad, and men and women. . Everything is complementary, A Sheng, you can’t change it."

"I didn’t want to change, so I became an ordinary person and stayed well with Jiangliu. I have lost too much. I lost my grandma and lost Chuntao. Now I only have Jiangliu. He is my life. Is also my only and final thought."

After listening to Ming Yan, he felt a little moved in an instant.

He is very envious of the river. He can have Huasheng spare everything for him. For the river, he can ignore everything.

No wonder so many years, men and women contaminated with love can not escape a love word, he now finally understand.

Because, in his heart, he is also willing to dedicate selflessly to Huasheng.

After Huasheng heard about the whereabouts of Feng Qingcheng, he went back and told Feng Xi.

After Pluto left Huasheng, he was a little worried.

"Adult, do you have any concerns?"

There is no one else in the Underworld. He talks a lot and talks. The King of Pluto didn't say a word, and he didn't answer at all.

After sitting for a while, he disappeared into the underworld.

Heaven, the Emperor's Imperial Study Room

"Ming Yan, you mean, do you want my Beihan Bingyu?"

Pluto nodded, calm and calm.

"What do you want this thing to do? You don't need it again." Heavenly Emperor wondered. For thousands of years, it was unexpected for Ming Yan to ask him for something for the first time.

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