Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1425: : Love is unspeakable

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Pluto nodded.

"What do you want it to do?" Heavenly Emperor is also curious. This Mingyan has always been desireless and demandless. Why is it so good to suddenly ask for Beihanbingyu?

Having said that, Beihan Bingyu is the emperor's treasure, how can he easily go there?

Pluto has always relaxed and spoken, and his words are weighed. Why is it that this time he is so rash?

"As for the reason, Shu Weichen is inconvenient to say."

Yes, this Mingyan is also powerful, even if Guan Tiandi wants to be a treasure, even if he doesn't want to say why.

If it was someone else, he had been driven out by the Heavenly Emperor and beaten with a whip, but Mingyan was not an ordinary fairy.

Although the position is under the Emperor of Heaven, his qualifications are already very few of the Three Realms and Six Daoist Gods who have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

For Celestial Realm, the existence of Ming Yan is a heart-pill, and it will really fight against Devil Realm in the future, which is also a general.

And the night **** family of Mingyan has long been extinct in ancient wars, and now there is only such a single seedling, that is to say, he has no other skills, and only his heirs will have in the future, so Have to let Tian Jungao take a look.

"Ming Yan, you know that I have always been kind to you, so even if you want Beihanbingyu, I don't want to give you. Just..."

The emperor hesitated and seemed to sell the lawsuit.

Ming Yan was not in a hurry, nor did he take the initiative to ask, but instead let Heavenly Emperor himself not hold back, and continued, "I have sent Beihan Bingyu to my child Tian Yao. Although it has not been announced, many gods know this. If you really want it, you can only take it from Tian Yao. If he doesn’t give it to me, I can’t do anything. You know I always love him.”

As expected, Emperor Tian pushed it to the eighth prince in one sentence, which was also expected by Ming Yan.

He rubbed his hands in his hands, "That little minister is now looking for the eighth prince.

After Ming Yan's front and back feet, and the back and forth feet came out of the screen, the golden silk tulle in that body flashed so that no one could open his eyes.

"Your Majesty, Pluto is just for the North Hanbing Jade?"


"So what does he want that thing, he can't use it?"

"I heard that Ming Yan loves a mortal woman, who was beautiful and beautiful, but because of the fate of fate, she is now a lone soul with only soul and no body. Ming Yan wants Beihan Bingyu, presumably the woman Han Yu is all right."

"Is there such a thing?" The Queen Mother also expressed shock.

After all, it is known that Ming Yan was born in the Night God family. The people of the Night God family are weak and ruthless. For tens of thousands of years, heaven and earth have never seen which woman he has been tempted by. Also asked Heaven Emperor to come to the treasure?

This... is always the biggest news in the realm of heaven, it is really unimaginable.

Temple of the Eighth Prince

When Pluto came in, Tian Yao was playing the piano, which was very interesting.

"Your Highness."

"Uncle Hades, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

Tian Yao got up and came to meet with a smile.

"It's true not to hide, looking for His Highness Eight is actually asking for something."

"Beihan Bingyu, right, I have asked someone to prepare it for his uncle."

Tian Yao volleyed a finger, a fist-sized ice jade fell from the sky and fell into his palm.

Hades knew long ago that Tian Yao had found Huasheng, and also knew that Beihan Bingyu was in Tianyao's hands, but this matter still had to be known to Heavenly Emperor. Things can be used as a foundation for the future.

Of course, Pluto didn't expect Huasheng to want Beihanbingyu so much. This is the key.

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