Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1454: : Massacre

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Without waiting for Pluto to speak, the old lady continued, "The old body thought that although it was not a good person, but it was not an indiscriminate killing of innocents, the visit to the underworld today was not for a challenge. Should Pluto know why the old body came?"

"This seat probably knows." Pluto is still very calm.

"The old body heard that Pluto had always been compassionate to all beings in the underworld. Naturally, they didn't want them to have rebirth, so the soul would dissipate in this world? So, let's go straight to the theme, where will our lord hide? You need to give the old body a coordinate ."

"Mother-in-law is not afraid to make one casually in this seat?"

"Haha, how could it be? Not to mention that Pluto has always been a joke, even if you made it up, you will still have to kill it if you lose your old body, why not? Do you say it?"

Pluto himself also guessed that Devil World is so excited to move the crowd, it must be to find someone.

But at this point, it really deviated from what he expected.

Because A Sheng is so powerful, it is nothing more than a mortal body, so at most let the cut moon sleep for a hundred years.

One hundred years is a long and long time for mortals, but for the old monsters of the fairy and the demon world, it is just a flick of the finger.

The moon-cutting disappeared for a hundred years, and it wouldn’t be much. Even his men might think he was just going out to eat a meal.

Didn't expect them to come so fast? Is it possible that something anxious happened in the Devil Realm, only to find the moon?

Thinking of this, Pluto deliberately tried, "Senior Senior, there is something unknown in this seat. Although His Royal Highness is the master, but his character has always been very arrogant, where can I honestly enjoy the moon and drink at home every day? For tens of thousands of years He sometimes disappears for thousands of years without a trace, nor sees you so excited to come to the crowd. Now... It’s only a few days, you are crazy, why is this impossible, and what matters in your Demon Realm ?I can't handle it myself, so I have to come out?"

"Your boy is here to test your old body. For whatever reason, we must find His Royal Highness. If you don't say Pluto, we can also find...but... if you don't say it, you will have to work hard for your dead souls, Suffering with you."

"Since my mother-in-law insists on this, why not... do you?"

At this time, Meng Meng nervously kowtowed to her urging mother-in-law, "Master, please, don't mutilate these innocent souls. Although I don't know what is going on between you and Lord Pluto, weren't that messy Kill innocent people, Master, please let these innocent souls go, Tu'er... Tu'er is willing to die."

Meng Po is kind-hearted. She has lost her mind in these years, but now she can’t bear to see the master come to slaughter the underworld.

She is right in saying that these dead souls are innocent after all, why bother?

He urged her mother-in-law to go to the ground arrogantly and violently, "You are dead? You gave yourself a high glance. What are you? What kind of fish and shrimp do you have? , I’m afraid you’re already a bone, and I’ve been blessed by me, and I’m not going to help me. I still want to persuade me to stop? Then I might as well take you first today..."

After that, the arrogance in the hands of her mother-in-law was quickly rotated directly towards Meng’s head. At the critical moment, Pluto supported a ghost umbrella and flew into the air alone.

He was wearing a black gold python robe and holding a black ghost umbrella, which was extremely cool... This scene can make the ghosts of the underworld scream?

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