Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1455: : Suspicious

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On one side is a ghoul sprite who fights against one of the nine magical protections of the demon world.

On one side is Pluto's urging mother-in-law in the underworld to resist one of the nine magical laws of the demon world.

Both of them are not easy. If you are fighting alone, there may be some chances of victory. After all, Bairan and Pluto are people who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they have also participated in the war of gods and demons.

But now, they are not prepared at all, very passive.

The enemies are fierce, murderous, and even ... brought so many things specifically to deal with them.

At this moment, the Three Realms and the Six Dao are quiet and terrible. Everyone may be waiting for Heaven to send reinforcements.

But the Emperor Tian refused to give orders. Those who knew the inside story knew that the Emperor was angry with them and still angry with them.

After all, trapping the moon is also white dye, Ming Yan, and the two private acts. For this reason, Pluto also suffered a beating.

And the people they rescued were also people whom Tiandi didn't like very much. Hua Sheng knew that her existence was a threat to heaven.

So, how could Tiandi be willing to let Bairan and Mingyan rescue her?

Now, the Devil Realm has come to find fault, is it not because of that rescue operation that angered those who cut the moon?

So, why does Emperor Tian do such a scumbag?

However, this time it was really a large-scale killing, and even the eight princes of heaven could not stand it anymore, he begged his father alone.

"Father Emperor, Uncle Bairan, and Uncle Mingyan are all very optimistic. Do you consider helping?"

"Yaoer, do you think the father emperor should save them?"

"No, the son-in-law knows that the father and emperor are still angry with them, but... they are yours after all, and they belong to you. If they really just stand by and watch, it’s hard to say that it’s not good to hear? Think about the three realms in the future. What do sentient beings think of you? How will we talk about our royal family in private?"

"This is not important, the father emperor is actually not dead, but... the father emperor also wants to know, in the face of such a strong enemy, how much ability of the fox and the ghost king can save themselves? If they have this ability Not even, even the men who slash the moon can't fight, then... Once the slash the moon to fight again, in a war of gods and demons, the two of them have no vital role for us, do you think?"

Jiang is still old and spicy. The Emperor Eight finally understood.

The father emperor is not to save people, but it is not yet time, intending to take care of them.

If the father emperor said, even a few men did not get it, then... the two generals who once made the devil have some scruples, can only say that the blows in the past are too powerful.

In this way, there is nothing to say.

"Yaoer, you are quite concerned about this matter. Do you have any personal relations with them? Are you afraid of them?" Heavenly Emperor asked, staring at his son in turn.

The eighth prince quickly explained with his hands, "No, the son-in-law just feels that if the father and the emperor don't care, I'm afraid that others will criticize our royal family, and then the reputation of our royal family will be bad. As for... Yes, my son has always been weak, and for thousands of years, he really hasn’t had a personal relationship with anyone."

The answer was perfect, and Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

Tian Yao was relieved when she walked out of the temple. "It was just dangerous."

"Yeah, Heavenly Emperor has always been worried about the establishment of the princes by your brothers. I am afraid that you will form a party and run private. Now that you have talked a lot, you will definitely invite him to doubt..."

"It's okay, if this thing can't be solved in this temple, it's also arrogant to give up the prince, yes, how is the human world? Is there any movement in Huasheng? Why is the heroine of Huasheng not being disturbed by such a big fight in the Devil Realm? ?" Tian Yao raised her lips and asked with a smile.

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