Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1457: : Marry me

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Even at the birthday feast of the Emperor of Heaven three years ago, several large family tribes began to propose the establishment of a prince. They turned out to recommend the three princes and the youngest nine princes born from the siblings.

The eighth prince actually supported very few people. The dignified mother-in-law fell colorful glaze on the spot, and the banquet finally ended.

Speaking of the nineth prince, she has to talk about her mother's identity. The nineth prince is the youngest this year. In heaven, he is actually only a teenager, and when he is seen, he is only over a hundred years old.

The ninth prince is named Tianlan, and his mother has no title. She is still a concubine, but her mother is now almost extinct fish princess in the six realms of the Three Realms.

The fish clan is not from the four dragon king families in the East China Sea, South China Sea, West China Sea and North China Sea.

They are ancient families many years earlier than the Dragon King family, but the ancient gods have gone to another interface long before, and few people stayed.

I don't know how, the fish clan only left a dozen people in the end, some of them were also included in the East Sea Dragon King.

The little princess of the fish family has a deep blue fish tail that sings, dances, and sings to the moon because of the beautiful appearance of the moon.

After being discovered by the army in the sea, he was arrested and intended to be filial to the Dragon King of the East Sea. After all, the four Dragon King families were headed by the East Sea.

But where did the Dragon King have such courage, just wanted to send the beauty up to please the Emperor.

So when the Heavenly Emperor feasted on the emperor, Dong Hailong gave the little beauty with great care.

At first sight, the emperor was overjoyed, and she was lucky to have princess Yu clan that night. It is said that from that day on, she stayed in the mermaid's boudoir for three months.

This mermaid princess doesn't remember what happened to her family. It seems that the fish clan had a catastrophe. She lost her memory, so she became silly.

However, because he is obedient, can sing, dance, and sing poetry to the moon, he has greatly satisfied the protection desire of Heavenly Emperor.

She also married her name, Jiaer, Jiaer homophonic Jiaer, as expected, the little girl became pregnant and gave birth to nine princes.

The nine princes have different talents, the three-year-old divine power can destroy the black iron sword, and the five-year-old will have five elements of magic, and can fight with the gods in the sky.

When he was ten years old, he already had the mind of an adult, but because of his stubborn temper and frequent misfortune, he became the most beloved little son of the emperor.

When I recommended the prince before, why would anyone mention the nine princes?

Because the ninth prince and mother have no family support and no support, they are the best choice, because there is no need to worry about the threat of the mother family to the future of the Emperor.

It is also because the nine princes are the most outstanding among the princes. He really looks no worse than white dyeing. It belongs to the kind that completely inherits the beauty of his mother and the bravery of his father.

Emperor Tian has said more than once that the Nine Prince is most like when he was young.

But his love also brought a lot of disasters to the mother and son. Among the emperor's concubines, almost no one did not hate the birth mother of the Ninth Prince.

The little mermaid princess was originally confined as a concubine, but was constantly destroyed by the palace fight, and was degraded layer by layer, and finally stopped at a small concubine.

The concubine is the lowest-level existence of the Emperor's woman. There is no title, no rights, and even many occasions are not eligible to attend.

The status is only as high as that of the maiden Lanxiang, which is why Tianhou has never started against the nine princes.

Even the eighth prince knew that if the mother of the ninth prince became a concubine, it would become the biggest threat to him and his mother.

Human world

Qiao Xue, who disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng. Coincidentally, Qin Wanyu and several friends were in the bar that day.

So Qin Wanyu saw Qiao Xue in the mirror when he went to the bathroom.

He was shocked, "You..."

"Qin Wanyu, I need you to marry me." Qiao Xue's eyes no longer have the tenderness of the past, only sinister and spicy.

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